So I installed and have been playing QuakeLive. Here's the Review part. It's fun. It's Quake. Fast, pretty, twitchy, fun. Quake. Good fun.

所以我安装并一直在玩QuakeLive 。 这是评论部分。 很有趣。 是雷神之锤。 快速,漂亮,抽搐,有趣。 地震好开心。

Here's the Rant part. I'm having trouble understanding is why this is interesting in any way?

这是Rant部分。 我无法理解的是为什么这是任何方式有意思吗?

Folks on the 'tubes are saying, "OMG, this is a Browser-based game?"


To say, browser-based game, to me, implies effortless installation. More importantly, it also implies a reason to be in the browser. See the screenshot below? That's the MSI installer I ran as Admin.

可以说,基于浏览器的游戏对我来说意味着轻松安装。 更重要的是,这也暗示了进入浏览器原因。 看到下面的截图了吗? 那是我以管理员身份运行的MSI安装程序

See this screenshot? That's IE requesting permission to run this plugin. There's a separate MSI if you want to run it in Firefox. I download and installed both installers separately.

看到这个截图了吗? 即IE请求运行此插件的权限。 如果要在Firefox中运行它,则有一个单独的MSI。 我分别下载并安装了两个安装程序。

Here's a sample error message:


** GLW_CreateWindow: could not register window class Please report the the problem you encountered on the Quake Live forums. You must reload the web page to make this display go away.

** GLW_CreateWindow:无法注册窗口类请报告您在Quake Live论坛上遇到的问题。 您必须重新加载网页才能使该显示消失。

A web (or web-enabled) app that doesn't phone home with errors? Hm. Doesn't seem like a web app to me.

网络(或启用网络的)应用程序无法通过电话返回家吗? 嗯在我看来,这似乎不是一个Web应用程序。

See this screenshot? That's my %appdata% folder with 266 MEGS downloaded. It gets downloaded in the background while you "train." Why do you think they train you for 10 minutes in a single level? It's because they are downloading the other 1/4 gig of content.

看到这个截图了吗? 那是我的%appdata%文件夹,下载了266个MEGS 。 当您“训练”时,它会在后台下载。 您为什么认为他们在一个级别上训练您10分钟? 这是因为他们正在下载其他1/4演出的内容。

I'm sorry, but this is a re-imagining of Quake III Arena, compiled as a DLL and running inside my browser. It's the same PAK file concept and format that you (possibly) remember from ten years ago. Yes, 1999.

抱歉,这是对Quake III Arena的重新构想,它被编译为DLL并且在我的浏览器中运行。 您可能会记得十年前的PAK文件概念和格式 是的, 1999年。

Yes, there's social aspects, background content delivery, easy multi-player matching, but why is this a DLL living inside the browser's memory space and not an EXE that jumps out of the browser? Do I want something that I think of as a browser plugin downloading 256megs+ of content for me? Why is no one pointing out that the emperor frag-fest has no clothes?

是的,有一些社交方面的内容,背景内容交付,轻松的多人匹配,但是为什么这是一个DLL驻留在浏览器的内存空间中,而不是一个跳出浏览器的EXE? 我是否想要我认为可以作为浏览器插件的东西,为我下载256兆以上的内容? 为什么没有人指出皇帝节庆盛宴没有衣服?

Apparently this is interesting to the young people today because the ones playing Quake Live because they weren't alive when Quake was released originally.

显然这对今天的年轻人来说很有趣,因为那些玩Quake Live的人是因为当Quake最初发行时他们还没有活着。

I would rather that a game company like ID spend more time really innovating in the gaming engine space (and I know they are), rather than repackaging the same game in different ways for a decade.*


Quake Live is NOT an interesting game. There are more interesting ways to distribute games that have been working nicely for me since 2003. GuildWars is another GREAT example. It was a <1meg EXE to bootstrap and streamed the levels you needed. There's no reason for QuakeLive to be shoe-horned into a browser plugin.

Quake Live不是一款有趣的游戏。 自2003年以来,还有更多有趣的发行游戏的方式对我很有效。 激战是另一个伟大的例子。 它是一个<1meg EXE来引导和流式传输您需要的级别。 没有理由将QuakeLive塞入浏览器插件中。

Now I'm off to delete 256 megs of Quake III from %AppData%\LocalLow\id Software\quakelive\home\baseq3.

现在,我要从%AppData%\ LocalLow \ id Software \ quakelive \ home \ baseq3中删除256兆的Quake III。

End of rant. Move along.

结束语。 向前走。

*Quake and its four sequels, Quake II, Quake III Arena, Quake 4, and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

*《雷神之锤》及其四个续集,《雷神之锤II》 ,《雷神之锤III》竞技场,《雷神之锤4 》和《敌人领土:雷神之战》



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