Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to yet another installment of This Week in Spring! We’re already midway through March 2020, and I can’t believe how crazy things have gotten! You’re no doubt experiencing something equally as odd too. The pandemic has truly changed this world in a way nothing else has in recent memory. It’s crazy to think about the course this virus has taken and the journey we’ve all taken along with it.

I live in San Francisco, and we’re currently under lockdown. It’s technically a crime now to leave your home for anything but essential needs like food, medicine, or walking the dog. That’s OK. That just leaves more time for us to learn and socialize, albeit online and from the confines of our own homes. We’re very lucky, you know? How wild. Most of us who work on software should be able to work from home. There are some glaring exceptions, of course, as detailed in this epic megathread, but basically, software can be done online. It requires some of us to revise our workflows, but it can be done.

We’re privileged. It’s important to not forget that good fortune, that good luck, especially now, when the pandemic is hitting so many people in our communities who aren’t so privileged. Consider giving to your local shelters. Even if the COVID19 virus doesn’t get someone, the changes to the economy in response to the COVID19 virus might.

For those of us who are otherwise healthy and happy, but perhaps craving some knowledge, I hope you’ve already registered for the free, epic, online-only, virtual, interactive, 24+ hour-long #SpringLive event starting this Thursday. If you’re in the Americas, EMEA or APJ, you’ll be sure to find content streaming at a time when you can watch it.

And in the meantime, there is a TON of new stuff to get to, so… let’s!

It’s here, it’s finally here! Java 14! Finally, some good news!. I love this release.
I even detailed some of its amazing new syntaxes and features in a dedicated Spring Tips video called “Spring Tips: Java 14 (or: Can Your Java Do This?)” that looks at some ways to use Java 14 and Spring together.
You can use Java 14 with Spring Boot 2.3.0.M3, which is available now.
The only thing is, I didn’t have a great way to show using Java 14 records with Spring Data. I wish I had this experimental support: odrotbohm/spring-record-support: A Spring extension to make JDK 14’s records work OOTB with Spring libraries. This is currently being developed by Spring team legend Oliver Drotbohm. Enjoy!
In last week’s A Bootiful Podcast, I interview John Hawley on OSS at VMWare, Security, and more
By the way, I hope you’ve all registered for the upcoming Spring Live that’ll take place on both Thursday and Friday this week. It’s a virtual, 24-hour long, interactive conference for you, Spring fans!
Learn about how to fire-and-forget communication between microservices in this epic post by Ben Wilcock
Spring Integration 5.3 Milestone 3 Available
Spring Data Neumann M4 released
Spring Cloud Data Flow 2.4.2 GA Released
There are some nice tips on how to improve replication flows in your Apache Kafka deployments
SDtimes has a nice roundup of some of the new features in Java 14
Daily Code Buffer - YouTube
Want to use Spring Data with Java 14’s experimental record support? Try out this new (experimental) support!
Are you registered and ready for the upcoming Spring Live event? It’s happening on March 19th, the Spring equinox, it’s a free, 24+ hour-long, interactive community-driven event, and we have a ton of exciting stuff on the agenda! Do NOT miss this!
Spring Data CosmosDB 2.2.2 is now available!
This isn’t Spring-specific, per se, but it’s a nice look at how to do remote work and leadership during the coronavirus pandemic - useful!
Did you know that for every #SpringLive attendee, VMware Tanzu will make a donation to the @funds4disaster (COVID-19 Response Fund)? Register today and join us this Thursday:
I really liked this video on how to build a Coronavirus tracker with Spring Boot - great watch and great information
A great talk over on InfoQ on going from 0-100 in 60 Minutes with Spring Data JPA
Spring Tools 4: Bootiful Spring Tooling for Desktop and Cloud
Multiline String literals with Java Text Blocks - Vlad Mihalcea
Handling Passwords with Spring Boot and Spring Security
RabbitMQ » Blog Archive » This Month in RabbitMQ, February 2020 Recap - Messaging that just works
Port of the Laravel Intermediate Task List tutorial to Spring Boot with Thymeleaf - Wim Deblauwe

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