CodeForces 748D Santa Claus and a Palindrome

  • 题目描述

    Santa Claus likes palindromes very much. There was his birthday recently. k of his friends came to him to congratulate him, and each of them presented to him a string si having the same length n. We denote the beauty of the i-th string by ai. It can happen that ai is negative — that means that Santa doesn’t find this string beautiful at all.

    Santa Claus is crazy about palindromes. He is thinking about the following question: what is the maximum possible total beauty of a palindrome which can be obtained by concatenating some (possibly all) of the strings he has? Each present can be used at most once. Note that all strings have the same length n.

    Recall that a palindrome is a string that doesn’t change after one reverses it.

    Since the empty string is a palindrome too, the answer can’t be negative. Even if all ai’s are negative, Santa can obtain the empty string.


  • 输入


    7 3
    abb 2
    aaa -3
    bba -1
    zyz -4
    abb 5
    aaa 7
    xyx 4




    3 1
    a 1
    a 2
    a 3




    2 5
    abcde 10000
    abcde 10000


  • 样例解释:

    In the first example Santa can obtain abbaaaxyxaaabba by concatenating strings 5, 2, 7, 6 and 3 (in this order).

  • 思路:



    2-1.当该回文字符串只剩下一个,那么它只能插入字符串的中间。但是我们不知道是否取当前字符串是最优(可能还有其它只剩下一个的回文字符串,比当前回文字符串的beauty度大),所以我们需要保存当前字符串的beauty度rem。将rem和其他只剩下一个的字符串的beauty度比较,取有最大beauty度的字符串插入生成的字符串中间,即rem = max(rem,beauty[i]。


    取第一、第二大的两个串,他们的beauty度分别为a, b:

    1° 若a > 0 && b > 0:那么将这两个字符串插入两边是最优解。

    2° 若a + b < 0 && a > 0: 那么只能取a,是插入中间的情况,和2-1相同。

    3° 若a + b > 0 && b < 0:那么有两种情况:a,b都取并插入两边,或者只取a插入中间。(注意:最多只能有一个回文串插入生成的串的中间,所以如果取a插入中间那么rem就没法插入了。但是若取a,b插入两边,rem还是能插入中间的。所以这两种情况那种情况是更优情况我们现在还无法判断)。

    我们可以先将a, b插入两边,并记录b的值(b的值相当于比只插入a少掉的beauty值)。最后只要比较所有存储的b的值中的最小值sub(b是负数,相当于b的绝对值最大)和rem的值,若rem > |sub|(即 -|sub| + rem > 0)说明保留这个sub,加上rem的值是合算的(相当于取和sub所在的那一对回文字符串放在两边,再取rem放在中间会使生成串的beauty值增加),我们就将最后的答案加上rem;若rem < |sub|说明保留这个sub再加上rem值不合算(相当不应该配对然后中间放rem,而应将和sub配对的那个字符串放在中间),我们就将答案减去sub(相当于加上|sub|)。



    本题的另一个难点在于构造数据结构。由于一个字符串和一个beauty值(int)对应,所以可以用map,并且我们每次要查看当前串的最大beauty值可以用优先队列。所以可以用map<string, priority_queue<int> >。

  • Answer:

    using namespace std;
    const int N = 1e5+7;
    int n;
    string revstr(string s){string ans = "";for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++){ans.insert(ans.begin(), s[i]);}return ans;
    bool isrev(string s){for(int i = 0; i < n/2; i++){if(s[i] != s[n - i - 1])   return false;}return true;
    struct s1{string str;int beauty;inline bool operator >(const s1& s2)const{return this->beauty >;}
    map<string , priority_queue<int> > s;
    int main(void){int k, ans = 0;int rem = 0, sub = 0;cin >> k >> n;int cnt = 0;for(int i = 0; i < k; i++){string t;int b;cin >> t >> b;s[t].push(b);}for(map<string, priority_queue<int> >::iterator it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); ++it){string now = it -> first;string rev = revstr(now);while(!s[now].empty()){if(!isrev(now)){if(s.find(rev) != s.end() && !s[rev].empty()){int a = s[now].top(); s[now].pop();int b = s[rev].top(); s[rev].pop();if(a + b > 0){// cout << "now: " << now << " " << a << endl;// cout << "rev: " << rev << " " << b << endl;ans += (a+b);// cout << "ans: " << ans << endl;}}else{s[now].pop();}}else if(isrev(now)){int a = s[now].top();s[now].pop();if(!s[rev].empty()){int b = s[rev].top(); s[rev].pop();if(a > 0 && b >= 0){ans += (a+b);cnt += 2;}else if(a + b > 0 && b < 0){ans += (a+b);sub = min(sub, b);}else if(a + b <= 0 && a > 0){rem = max(rem, a);}else break;}else{if(a > 0){rem = max(rem, a);}else{break;}}}}}if(rem > -sub){ans += rem;}else    ans -= sub;cout << ans << endl;return 0;

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