Jailbreak success.

  • Give me a count(报数)! Tier 3(3层) south, clear!

  • Man missing on tier 2, cell 245!

  • Dufresne! Get your ass out here, boy! You’re holding up(耽误) the show!

  • Don’t make me come down there(别让我去那找你), or I’ll thump(狠打) your skull(脑袋) for you!

  • Damn it, Dufresne, you’re putting me behind(托我后腿)! I got a schedule to keep. You’d better be sick or dead in there. I shit you not(我没开玩笑)! You hear me?

  • I want every man on that cell block questioned! Start with that friend of his!

  • What do you mean “he just wasn’t here”? Don’t say that to me, Haig. Don’t say that to me again.

  • But sir, he wasn’t.

  • I can see that, Haig! Think I’m blind? Is that what you’re saying? Am I blind, Haig?

  • What about you. You blind? Tell me what this is.

  • Last night’s count.

  • He was in his cell at lights out. Stands to reason(似乎是合理的) he’d still be here in the morning! I want him found. Not tomorrow, not after breakfast. Now!

  • I see you two all the time. You’re thick as thieves(狼狈为奸), you are. He must have said something.

  • No, sir, Warden. Not a word.

  • Lord, it’s a miracle(奇迹)! Man up and vanish like a fart in the wind. Nothing left but some damn rocks on a windowsill(窗台).

  • And that cupcake(纸杯蛋糕,这里指迷人的女人) on the wall. Let’s ask her. Maybe she knows. What say in there, fuzzy-bitches? Feel like talking?

  • Oh. Guess not. Why should she be any different?

  • This is a conspiracy(阴谋). That’s what this is. One big, damn conspiracy! And everyone is in on it(参与)! Including her!

  • In 1966, Andy Dufresne escaped from Shawshank Prison.

  • All they found of him was a muddy(淤泥的) set of prison clothes, a bar of soap, and an old rock hammer damn near worn down(磨损的) to the nub.

  • Oh, Andy loved geology. I imagine it appealed to his meticulous nature(一丝不苟的本性). An ice age here, million years of mountain building there.

  • I remember thinking it would take a man 600 years to tunnel through the wall with it. Oh, Andy did it in less than 20.

  • Like I said, in prison a man will do most anything to keep his mind occupied.

  • Geology is the study of pressure and time. That’s all it takes, really. Pressure and time. That and a big goddamn poster.

  • Turns out Andy’s favorite hobby was toting(携带) his wall out into the exercise yard, a handful(一点) at a time.

  • I guess after Tommy was killed, Andy decided he’d been here just about long enough.

  • Andy did like he was told. Buffed those shoes to a high mirror shine.

  • The guards simply didn’t notice. Neither did I.

  • I mean, seriously, how often do you really look at a man’s shoes?

  1. For it kept raining for days, their traveling plan was put behind.(由于这几天持续下雨,他们的旅游计划只好延后了。)
  2. His heels always wear down on the outside first. (他的鞋跟总是先从外侧磨损。)
  3. My cell phone is out of juice, can I use yours? (我的手机没电了, 我可以用你的吗 ?)

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