一. 代码格式化

代码格式化工具SourceFormatX 破解版下载:


二. html模板(template.html)

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" 
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../extjs/resources/css/ext-all.css">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../extjs/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../extjs/ext-all-debug.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="applayout.js"></script>
    <!-- 本地化的脚本引用在这里 -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
        Ext.onReady(myNameSpace.app.init, myNameSpace.app);
    <title>Application Layout Tutorial</title>

javascript 模板 (template.js)

  * Application Layout
  * by Jozef Sakalos, aka Saki
  * http://extjs.com/learn/Tutorial:Application_Layout_for_Beginners_(Chinese)
中文用户请注意:applayout.js 这个文件应该在编辑生成文件的同时强行定义为UTF-8编码才可以通过. 
// 填充图片的本地引用
Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = '../extjs/resources/images/default/s.gif';
// 创建命名空间
// 创建应用程序
myNameSpace.app = function() {
    // 元素还没创建,未能访问
    // 私有变量
    // 私有函数
    // 公共空间
    return {
        // 公共的属性,如,要转换的字符串
        // 公共方法
        init: function() {
}(); // 程序底部
// 文件底部


* 改进了Unicode兼容性.
* 'Enable visual style for toolbars' option ('Preferences'->'Tools').
* '匹配标签'/'选择标签' 命令 ('Search' menu).
* Allows drag and drop for the Document Selector tabs. 允许拖拉文档标签
* Automatically adjusts the number of rows on the Document Selector.
* 还原最近的光标,标记,编码方式  选项 ('Preferences'->'General').
* Automatically adds file extension if the file type has only one extension.
* 'Rename' command ('File'->'Others').
* 'Current project' option in the Find in Files dialog box.
* 'An additional file name (allows * and ?)' option ('Preferences'->'Settings &
syntax'->'More'). * Supports secondary function pattern option.
* 'Toggle Folding' command ('View'->'Code Folding').
* 'Add Dir' button on the 'Preferences'->'Project'.
* Supports 'Sort' button on the Window List.
* Supports 'Copy Name' button on the Window List.
* Function Pattern dialog box supports 'Partial display' option.
* 'Previous' button instead of Up/Down on the Find dialog box.
* $(AppDir) argument macro added.
* Supports font option for the Document Selector.
* Supports auto save as *.tmp file for unnamed buffers.
* 'Up'/'Down' button on the Window List supports multiple selections.
* Duplicate Line command supports multi-line selection.
* 'Open Selection' command supports multi-line selection.
* Native support for tilt wheel on Vista.
* Supports horizontal scroll by SHIFT + mouse wheel.
* -wd command line option for specifying directory to save the workspace.
* 'Transparent' command ('Window'->'Others').
* 'Remove from Project' command ('Project'->'Manage Project').
* Supports 'Up'/'Down' button on the 'Preferences'->'Settings & syntax' dialog box.
* 'Copy URL' command ('Edit'->'Clipboard' menu).
* 'User tool group' option on the 'Preferences'->'Project' dialog box.
* 'Move Up/Down' command ('Edit'->'Others').
* 'Change File Encoding'/'File Encoding Multiple' commands ('Document'->'File Encoding').
* Displays current project name on the title bar.
* 'Next/Prev Project' command ('Project'->'Manage Project').
* Allows CHMOD on multiple files.
' 'Allow Drag & Drop' option ('Edit'->'Others').
* New toolbar buttons: Find Next/Prev Word, Toggle Folding, Sum, Last Visited, Character Count.
<bug fix>
* FTP status of 100% could cause program crash.
* Some sftp servers could cause program freeze.
* Regular expression in Find in Files dialog box could cause program crash.
* 'Save wrapped lines with CR/LF' option could corrupt file.
* Replace All could incorrectly hide folded lines.
* 'Subdirectory' FTP setting did not work correctly on VMS servers.
* '$' regular expression did not work correctly.
* Search Document command could omit some words.
* Improved Vista UAC compatibility.
* 'Sum' command could not handle minus value.
* Fixes display error when selecting by word.
* Fixes a screen update bug with auto completion in word wrap mode.
* Extending column selection with 'Shift + click' didn't work.
* 'Decrease Indent' command did not work correctly with column selections.
* 'Create File' did not work on disconnected FTP server.
* Suppresses auto completion in C/C++ preprocessor directives.
* Keystroke recording could not handle the Insert key.
* Highlighted matching braces could not be restored when changing focus.
* Replace dialog box with regex did not work upward.
* Suppresses combo box auto completion when pasting.
* 'Use EditPlus in Internet Explorer' didn't work as expected in Vista.
* Reset button on the 'Preferences'->'Toolbar' did not work correctly.
* Fixes a bug with the Korean input method editor.

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