Kevin Durant recently rocked the Nike Zoom KD 5 “OKC / Away” colorway on the courts as we announced the official release date for the sneaker. He has now put on the Home pair of the Nike Zoom KD 5 and it features a clean colorway showcasing the new design that is very reminiscent of the LeBron / Hyperfuse lines. The sneaker sports a white base featuring blue accents on the sole, sock liner, and laces along with orange accents on the swoosh. You can be sure these will be a sell out the day that they hit retailers so take a look at them on KD’s feet in the gallery above.

Durant led Team Greatness to a 98-97 victory, closing out the activities at the festival. With sports from basketball to football (soccer) to action sports and more, the festival was a fitting finale to China’s summer of sports and drew about 200,000 young athletes from across Greater China.

As the final day of the Nike+ Festival of Sport 2012 wrapped up on August 26, gold medalist, three-time scoring champion and the All Star Game MVP Kevin Durant arrived in Shanghai to ignite the finale. Taking part in some of the games, we realized that KD’s athleticism is not limited to basketball. Check out the information below to get a recap of the events.

Durant arrived at Shanghai Stadium and quickly joined in the action, trying his hand at a number of activities including archery, boxing, long jump and an NFL Experience area. During his visit to the festival, Durant spoke about his personal connection to Nike’s “Find Your Greatness” campaign this summer.

“Greatness is about perseverance,” he said. “I just want to keep training hard and improving and continue on my road to becoming a better basketball player.”

The highlight of the festival’s final day was the Nike Zoom KD IV game. Durant, Rudy Gay, Amar’e Stoudemire and Paul George dazzled the crowds alongside Chen Jianghua from the Chinese Men’s National Basketball Team; Miao Lijun and Chen Nan from the Chinese Women’s National Basketball Team; world #1 ranked Chinese Women’s Beach Volleyball team Zhang Xi and Xue Chen; American football Star LaDainian Tomlinson; and Nike Skateboard athletes Eric Koston, Stefan Janoski, Theotis Beasley and Omar Salazar. The back-and-forth game produced some amazing shooting from Durant, who scored off two half-court jumpers in the span of 30 seconds.

Durant’s Nike Greater China Tour 2012 will continue to Xi’An and Hong Kong and wraps up August 31.(Nike Lebron 10)


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