







In recent years,with the rapid improvement of computer performance, artificial intelligence technology once again becomes a high priority areas. In the rapid economic development, the people's purchasing power to improve the rapid increase in the number of cars, the automotive automation management technology is particularly important, especially the vehicle license plate recognition technology. The generation and gradual improvement of vehicle license plate recognition system is of great practical significance to optimize the traffic situation and maintain social order.

This paper is devoted to the design of a more rapid and accurate vehicle license plate recognition system. The software part of the system is programmed according to the MATLAB platform, and makes full use of MATLAB's powerful library and toolbox to apply most of the energy to the research and selection of algorithms. The overall design of this paper is divided into three main modules, including the positioning and extraction of license plates, license plate character segmentation and license plate character recognition. The license plate characterization module includes the preprocessing of the image and the segmentation of the characters. The license plate character recognition module adopts the most typical template matching algorithm. The method needs to set up a template Standard character template library, and then split the characters and the template library to match, find the best characters, and finally output the required information, the method is running efficiently, very suitable for use in this article.

KEY WORDS:Vehicle license plate recognition, gray scale transformation, binarization, Otsu algorithm, template matching


1 绪论--------------------------------------------------------------3




2 车牌识别系统模块设计及流程概述------------------------------------5

2.1 总体方案------------------------------------------------------5

2.2 软件程序平台的选取--------------------------------------------6

3 车牌识别系统算法及程序设计----------------------------------------6

3.1 车牌区域的定位提取分割---------------------------------------6

3.2 牌照区域的字符分割-------------------------------------------7

3.3 字符的匹配识别及输出----------------------------------------10


5 结论-------------------------------------------------------------13

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