
Exercise 1.30. The sum procedure above generates a linear recursion. The procedure can be rewritten so
that the sum is performed iteratively. Show how to do this by filling in the missing expressions in the
following definition:


(defun sum (term a next b)(if (> a b)0(+ (funcall term a)(sum term (funcall next a) next b))))


(defun sum (term a next b)(defun iter (a result)(if <??><??>(iter <??> <??>)))(iter <??> <??>))


(defun sum-iter (term a next b)(defun iter (a result)(if (> a b)result(iter (funcall next a) (+ result (funcall term a)))))(iter a 0))



(defun product (term a next b)(if (> a b)1(* (funcall term a)(product term (funcall next a) next b))))(defun product-iter (term a next b)(defun iter (a result)(if (> a b)result(iter (funcall next a ) (* result (funcall term a)))))(iter a 1))
(product-iter #'(lambda (x) x) 1 #'(lambda (x) (+ x 1)) 3)




2 × 4 / (3 * 3)
4 × 6 / (5 * 5)
6 × 8 / (7 * 7)

对于第n行,分母是 (2n+1)的平方, 分子是 2n × 2(n+1), 所以term应该是:

(defun pi-term (x)(/ (* (* 2 x) (* 2 (+ 1 x)))(* (+ 1 (* 2 x))(+ 1 (* 2 x)))))(* 4 (product #'pi-term 1 #'(lambda (x) (+ x 1)) 3))
(* 4 (product-iter #'pi-term 1 #'(lambda (x) (+ x 1)) 3))



combiner 对元素使用什么样的操作

null-value 元素使用完毕的值,所以,实现这样一个方法:(accumulate combiner null-value term a next b)

(defun accumulate (combiner null-value term a next b)(if (> a b)null-value(funcall combiner(funcall term a)(accumulate combiner null-value term (funcall next a) next b))))
(defun accumulate-iter (combiner null-value term a next b)(defun iter (a result)(if (> a b)(print result)(iter (funcall next a)(funcall combineraresult))))(iter a null-value))


(defun acc-sum (term a next b)(accumulate #'+ 0 term a next b))(defun acc-sum-iter (term a next b)(accumulate-iter #'+ 0 term a next b))(defun acc-product (term a next b)(accumulate #'* 1 term a next b))(defun acc-product-iter (term a next b)(accumulate-iter #'* 1 term a next b))


(defun next (x) (+ x 1))
(acc-sum #'(lambda (x) x) 1 #'next 10)
(acc-sum-iter #'(lambda (x) x) 1 #'next 10)
(acc-product #'(lambda (x) x) 1 #'next 4)
(acc-product-iter #'(lambda (x) x) 1 #'next 4)

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