本文章由cartzhang编写,转载请注明出处。 所有权利保留。


Unity 使用过程中关卡加载和卸载是大多数三维引擎都要提供的基本功能。



[Obsolete("Use SceneManager.LoadScene")]public static void LoadLevel(string name);[Obsolete("Use SceneManager.LoadScene")]public static void LoadLevel(int index);[Obsolete("Use SceneManager.LoadScene")]public static void LoadLevelAdditive(string name);[Obsolete("Use SceneManager.LoadScene")]public static void LoadLevelAdditive(int index);//// 摘要://     /////     Unloads all GameObject associated with the given scene. Note that assets are//     currently not unloaded, in order to free up asset memory call Resources.UnloadAllUnusedAssets.//     /////// 参数://   index://     Index of the scene in the PlayerSettings to unload.////   scenePath://     Name of the scene to Unload.//// 返回结果://     /////     Return true if the scene is unloaded.//     ///[Obsolete("Use SceneManager.UnloadScene")]public static bool UnloadLevel(string scenePath);//// 摘要://     /////     Unloads all GameObject associated with the given scene. Note that assets are//     currently not unloaded, in order to free up asset memory call Resources.UnloadAllUnusedAssets.//     /////// 参数://   index://     Index of the scene in the PlayerSettings to unload.////   scenePath://     Name of the scene to Unload.//// 返回结果://     /////     Return true if the scene is unloaded.//     ///[Obsolete("Use SceneManager.UnloadScene")]public static bool UnloadLevel(int index);



自从Unity5.3版本,Unity 的关卡切换就添加了新的SceneManager的类来处理。

#region 程序集 UnityEngine, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
// H:\Unity\UnityProject\ShiftLevels\Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEngine.dll
#endregionusing UnityEngine.Internal;namespace UnityEngine.SceneManagement
{//// 摘要://     /////     Scene management at run-time.//     ///public class SceneManager{public SceneManager();public static int sceneCount { get; }//public static int sceneCountInBuildSettings { get; }public static Scene GetActiveScene();public static Scene[] GetAllScenes();// 参数://   index://     Index of the scene to get. Index must be greater than or equal to 0 and less//     than SceneManager.sceneCount.public static Scene GetSceneAt(int index);// 返回结果://     /////     The scene if found or an invalid scene if not.//     ///public static Scene GetSceneByName(string name);//     Searches all scenes added to the SceneManager for a scene that has the given//     asset path.//     /////// 参数://   scenePath://     Path of the scene. Should be relative to the project folder. Like: "AssetsMyScenesMyScene.unity".public static Scene GetSceneByPath(string scenePath);[ExcludeFromDocs]public static void LoadScene(int sceneBuildIndex);[ExcludeFromDocs]public static void LoadScene(string sceneName);// 参数://   sceneName://     Name of the scene to load.////   sceneBuildIndex://     Index of the scene in the Build Settings to load.////   mode://     Allows you to specify whether or not to load the scene additively. See SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode//     for more information about the options.public static void LoadScene(int sceneBuildIndex, [DefaultValue("LoadSceneMode.Single")] LoadSceneMode mode);// 参数://   sceneName://     Name of the scene to load.////   sceneBuildIndex://     Index of the scene in the Build Settings to load.////   mode://     Allows you to specify whether or not to load the scene additively. See SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode//     for more information about the options.public static void LoadScene(string sceneName, [DefaultValue("LoadSceneMode.Single")] LoadSceneMode mode);[ExcludeFromDocs]public static AsyncOperation LoadSceneAsync(int sceneBuildIndex);[ExcludeFromDocs]public static AsyncOperation LoadSceneAsync(string sceneName);// 参数://   sceneName://     Name of the scene to load.////   sceneBuildIndex://     Index of the scene in the Build Settings to load.////   mode://     If LoadSceneMode.Single then all current scenes will be unloaded before loading.public static AsyncOperation LoadSceneAsync(int sceneBuildIndex, [DefaultValue("LoadSceneMode.Single")] LoadSceneMode mode);// 参数://   sceneName://     Name of the scene to load.////   sceneBuildIndex://     Index of the scene in the Build Settings to load.////   mode://     If LoadSceneMode.Single then all current scenes will be unloaded before loading.public static AsyncOperation LoadSceneAsync(string sceneName, [DefaultValue("LoadSceneMode.Single")] LoadSceneMode mode);//// 参数://   sourceScene://     The scene that will be merged into the destination scene.////   destinationScene://     Existing scene to merge the source scene into.public static void MergeScenes(Scene sourceScene, Scene destinationScene);//// 摘要://     /////     Move a GameObject from its current scene to a new scene. /// It is required that//     the GameObject is at the root of its current scene.//     /////// 参数://   go://     GameObject to move.////   scene://     Scene to move into.public static void MoveGameObjectToScene(GameObject go, Scene scene);//// 返回结果://     /////     Returns false if the scene is not loaded yet.//     ///public static bool SetActiveScene(Scene scene);//     ///public static bool UnloadScene(string sceneName);//// 摘要://     /////     Unloads all GameObjects associated with the given scene. Note that assets are//     currently not unloaded, in order to free up asset memory call Resources.UnloadAllUnusedAssets.//     /////// 参数://   sceneBuildIndex://     Index of the scene in the Build Settings to unload.////   sceneName://     Name of the scene to unload.//// 返回结果://     /////     Returns true if the scene is unloaded.//     ///public static bool UnloadScene(int sceneBuildIndex);}




Author: cartzhang
Date: 2016-04-01
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;[System.Serializable]
public class LevelOrder
{[Header("每组关卡名称")]public string[] LevelNames;
}public class ChangLevelsHasMain : MonoBehaviour
{[Header("所有关卡列表")]public LevelOrder[] levelOrder;private static int index;private int totalLevels = 0;private int levelOrderLength;void Start (){for (int i = 0; i < levelOrder.Length; i++){totalLevels += levelOrder[i].LevelNames.Length;}if (totalLevels != SceneManager.sceneCountInBuildSettings){}levelOrderLength = levelOrder.Length;}// Update is called once per framevoid Update (){if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)){bool isOk = LoadNextLevels();if (isOk){InvokeRepeating("UnloadLastLevel", 2.0f, 5);}}}bool LoadNextLevels(){bool bResult = true;//index = index % levelOrderLength;if (index < 0 || index >= levelOrderLength){bResult = false;return bResult;}int LoadTimes = levelOrder[index].LevelNames.Length;for (int i = 0; i < LoadTimes; i++){SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(levelOrder[index].LevelNames[i], LoadSceneMode.Additive);}return bResult;}void UnloadLastLevel(){if (index == 0){index++;CancelInvoke("UnloadLastLevel");return;}// 上一組的關卡int TmpLast = (index - 1) >= 0 ? (index - 1) : levelOrderLength - 1;int LoadTimes = levelOrder[index].LevelNames.Length;for (int i = 0; i < LoadTimes; i++){Scene Tmp = SceneManager.GetSceneByName(levelOrder[index].LevelNames[i]);if (!Tmp.isLoaded){return;}}// 下一關卡全部加載完畢後,卸載之前關卡for (int i = 0; i < levelOrder[TmpLast].LevelNames.Length; i++){SceneManager.UnloadScene(levelOrder[TmpLast].LevelNames[i]);}index++;CancelInvoke("UnloadLastLevel");}


怎么设置的呢?首先需要在Build setting中中把所有要处理的关卡放进来。要不就会在加载过程中报错。












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