

1、a-/an- :no;without;lack;加强意义

①asocial 不好社交的:a(no) +social(社交的)→asocial 不好社交的

Are you asocial or do you just enjoy living in the Antarctic?

②acentric 无中心的:a(without)+centric中心的→acentric 无中心的

At first, the thesis describes the fluid and acentric narrative mode.

首先, 文章阐述的是流动性、去中心的叙事方式.

③aright 正确地:a(表加强意义)+right(正确的)→aright正确地

When I pray, I must seek to know God aright.

2、a- :in;on;at;by;with;to

①asleep 在熟睡中:a(in)+sleep(睡觉)→asleep 在熟睡中

He soon fell asleep with weariness.

②abed 在床上:a(on)+bed(床上)→abed 在床上

I always think of many things abed .

③aside 在一边:a(at)+side旁边→aside在…旁边即在一边

We turned aside from the main road.

④abreast 肩并肩地:a(by)+breast胸部→abreast胸部于胸部相邻引申为肩并肩地

The four of them walked abreast.

3、ab- :from;away from

①absorb 吸收:ab(from)+sorb(吸附、吸收)→absorb(sorb from从…吸附即吸收)

Dry sand absorbs water.

②abnormal 不正常的:ab(away from)+normal正常的→abnormal(away                from normal即远离正常→不正常)

We were very surprised at his abnormal behavior.

4、ac- :at;to,或表示加强意义

①accustom 使习惯:ac(to)+custom(风俗、习惯)→accustom(使…慢慢成为习惯→使习惯)

He soon gets accustom to dormitory life and make two or three friends.

②account 计算,算帐:ac(to)+count(数数、计算)→account(to count the number of sth数…的数量即计算、算账)

He figured up the balance in their checking account.

③accredit 信任:ac(表强调,加强意义)+credit(相信、信任)→accredit


We accredit the invention of the electric light bulb to Edison.

accredit …to 把…归功于某人

5、ad- :to;toward;forward

①admixture 混杂:ad(to)+mix(动词:混合+ure名词后缀→mixture名词:混合、混杂)→admixture(to mix sth混合某物→混杂)

Our club was composed principally of students, with an admixture of young clerks.

②adjoin临近:ad(toward)+join(链接、联结)→adjoin(to join sth together to make them closer→临近)

The two houses adjoin.

③adventure 冒险:ad(forward表倾向性行为)+venture(冒险)→adventure(去冒险)

But Jules was not eager for classroom learning, he hungered for adventure.

6、af- :at;to,或表示加强意义

①affix 附加,贴上:af(to)+fix(固定、使牢固)→affix(to fix one thing on another→附加、贴上)

Please affix your name to my homework.

②affirm 肯定,确实:af(表加强意义)+firm(确定的)→affirm肯定、确实

Scientists cannot affirm the existence of life on other planets.

③affright 震惊,恐惧:af(表加强意义)+fright(恐怖、惊吓)→affright(震惊、恐惧)

"Who are you?" he again asked in affright.

7、ag- :at;to,或表示加强意义

①aggrandize 增大:ag(表加强意义)+grand(宏大的;宏伟的) +ize(动词词根)→aggrandize(增大)

Indeed, it should be pointed out that although women status were greatly improved, we can not aggrandize the improvement.

②aggravate 加重:ag(表加强意义)+grav(=heavy重)+ate(动词词根)→aggravate加重

This will aggravate the current scarcity of natural resources caused by environmental degradation.

③aggrieve 使悲痛:ag(表加强意义)+grieve(悲伤)→aggrieve(使悲痛)

I hope I didn't aggrieve her feeling.

8、amphi- :两、双

①amphicar 水陆两用车:amphi(两、双)+car(车)→amphicar水陆两用车

A German - made amphicar is making quite a splash in New Bern, North Carolina.

②amphibian 水陆两栖的:amphi(两、双)+bi(两)+an(表名词和形容词,"……地方,……人或动物等")→amphibian水陆两栖的


Some famous amphitheaters were built by the Romans.

  1. ante- :before

①antetype 先型,原型:ante(before)+type(类型)→antetype(原型)

Reporter asked the writer who is the antetype of the character in his article.

②anteroom 前室,接待室:ante(before)+room(房间)→anteroom(接待室)

Leaving the elevator on the tenth floor,they stepped into the windowless anteroom.

③antedate 比实际早的日期;先于、早于:ante(before)+date(日期)→antedate(before the date of …在…日期之前→先于、早于)

  1. anti- :against对抗、反对

①antifreeze 防冻:anti(against)+freeze(冰冻)→antifreeze(make sth against freeze使…抗冻→防冻)

Fill the cooling system with antifreeze as a protection against frost.

②antiwar 反战的:anti(对抗、反对)+war(战争)→antiwar(反对战争→反战的)

John and Yoko played key roles in the anti - war movement in the 1970 s.

③antiageing 防衰老的:anti(对抗、反对)+ageing(变老、老化)→antiageing防衰老的

How much faith should we put in anti-ageing products?

  1. ap- :加强或引申意义

①appoint 指定,任命:ap(表引申)+point(表明、指向)→appoint(指定、任命)

"Why didn't you appoint Ron twelve months ago?"—"Good question."

②appraise 评价:ap(表引申)+praise(赞扬、赞美)→appraise(评价)

An employer should appraise the ability of his men.

  1. ap-/apo- :离开

①apogee 远地点(远离地球之处)、最高点、最远点


The Alliance for Progress reached its apogee during the first half of the decade.

②apostasy 脱党,叛教:


Apostasy often has its roots in moral failure.

  1. ar- :at;to,或表示加强及引伸意义

①arrear 在后,拖延:ar(at)+rear(后面、背部)→arrear(at the back of sth在某物的背后→在后、拖延)

I'm in arrears with the housework.  我的家务事还拖著呢。

②arrange 安排,布置:ar(表加强)+range(排列、排序,把…分类)→arrange安排、布置

You must arrange these books in alphabetical order.

  1. arch- :1)big;chief. 2)ancient

①archbishop 大主教:arch(big、chief)+bishop(主教)→archbishop(大主教)

He was consecrated archbishop last year.他于去年就任大主教之圣职。

②archaeology 考古学:arch(ancient古老的)+e+ology(表示学科)→archaeology(study some ancient things研究古代的东西→考古学)

CSCA is the research center focused on Chinese archaeology.

15、as :to;forward

①assort 分类:as(to)+sort(分类、筛选、选出)→assort(to sort sth out把某物选出来→分门别类)

My daughter will not assort with her peers.


be assort with …   与…相符、与…一致

②assure 使确信,担保:as(to)+sure(确信、确保)→assure(to make sure sth使某事确信、确保→使确信、担保)

They tried to assure him of their willingness to work.

③associate 联合,结合:as(to)+sociate(联系)→associate(to sociate something with another one把一件事情和另一件事情联系在一起→联合,结合)

The press feels the need to associate itself with the green movement.


16、at- :at;to,或表示加强及引伸意义

①attest 证明:at(to)+test(测验、考验)→attest(to test sth测验某物→证明)

The child's good health attests to his mother's care.

②attract 吸引:at(to)+tract(拉)→attract(to tract sth or sb→吸引)

The flower show attracted large crowds this year.

17、auto- :self;personally

①autograph 亲笔:auto(self)+graph(写)→autograph(write sth by oneself自己写… →亲笔)

I've got lots of famous footballers' autographs.

②autoalarm 自动报警器:auto(self)+alarm(警报、报警)→autoalarm(自动报警器)

In fire autoalarm control system the fire detector is the key part for the detecting of fire signals.

③autobiography 自传:auto(personally)+biography(传记、个人简介)→autobiography(自传)

Iacocca's autobiography is a best-seller.

18、be- :make or cause to be;加以...,饰以...,用...(做某事);在;加强及引申意义

①befit 适宜:be(make)+fit(适合)→befit(make sth fit …使某物适合…→适宜)

Such actions do not befit you.

②bepowder 在...上撒粉:(be加以…,饰以...+powder花粉→bepowder给某物加以/饰以花粉→在...上撒粉)

If both orders are opposed the block defect frost may be erased when the bottom is bepowdered.

③becloud 遮蔽:[be用...(做某事)+cloud云→becloud用云遮盖某物即遮蔽]

Remorse took hold of the disciples because they had allowed the prevailing unbelief to leaven their opinions and becloud their understanding.

④beside 在...旁:(be在+side旁边→beside在…旁边)

I set a chair beside him and sat down.

⑤bespatter 溅污:be(表加强意义)+spatter溅,洒落→bespatter 溅污

All speeches made to bespatter me in the trial will be punished.

19、bene- :well;good

①benevolent 乐善好施的:bene[(well;good)+vol(wish,will,表示"意志,意愿")+ent→benevolent好的意志/意愿→乐善好施的]

The original designers of the human body were benevolent beings.

②benediction 祝福:bene[(well;good)+dict(say/assert,表示"说话,断言,写")+ion名词后缀→benediction说好话→祝福]

I say the benediction to my father's birthday.

③benefaction 恩惠,善行:bene[(well;good)+fact(do,make 表示"做,制作")+ion名词后缀→benefaction做好事→恩惠、善行]

I will repay your benefaction one day.

20、bi- :two

①bicycle 自行车:bi(two)+cycle(自行车)→bicycle(自行车)

Can you ride a bicycle?

②bilateral 双方:bi(two)+lateral(侧向; 外侧 )→bilateral有两个外侧的即双方

Nothing emerged from the bilateral talks. 双边会谈没有结果。

③bicolor 双色的:bi(two)+color(颜色)→bicolor有两种颜色的即双色的

a bicolor postage stamp双色邮票

21、by- :旁、侧、非正式、副

①byroad 小路,僻径:by(旁、侧)+road(路)→byroad(大路旁边的路即小路)

Xiaoming likes to go back home on the byroad.

②bywork 业余工作:by(非正式、副)+work(工作)→bywork(非正式的工作即业余工作)

To releave the economic burden in the family his wife finds a bywork.

③byname 别名,绰号:by(非正式、副)+name(名字)→byname(非正式的名字、副名即别名)

His classmates would like to call his byname rather than his real name after this case.

22、circu- :around

①circumnavigate 环球航行:circu(around)+navigate(航行)→circumnavigate(navigate around the world环绕着世界航行即环球航行)

Magellan was the first person to circumnavigate the globe.

②circumspect 考虑周到的:circu[(around)+spect(look/see,表示"看")→circumspect环顾四周即考虑周到的]

He was very circumspect in his financial affairs.

③circumpolar 在两极周围的:circu(around)+polar(极地的,两极的)→circumpolar(around the polar环绕两级的即在两级周围的)

It's commonly considered a single circumpolar species.

23、co- :together

①co-action 共同行动:co(together)+action(行动)→co-action(do sth. together一起做某事即一起行动、共同行动)

It was co-action of government,society and people for China’s recovery from economic crisis.)

②cooperate 合作:co(together)+operate(操作;经营、管理)→cooperate(operate sth. together共同管理某事即合作)

I am so happy to cooperate with you.

③coeducation 男女同校:co(together)+education(教育)→coeducation(男女在一起接受教育即男女同校)

Coeducation is very common in North America.

24、col- :together

①collaboration 协作,勾结:col(together)+labor(劳动、工作)+ation(名词后缀)→collaboration(do labor together一起劳动/工作即协作)

He wrote the book in collaboration with his colleagues.

②collingual 用同一种语言的:col(together)+lingual(语言的)→collingual(use one language together即用同一种语言的)

United Nations and United Kindom are two collingual countries.

③collocate 并置,并列:col(together)+locate(查找…的地点;确定…的位置 )→collocate(locate two things together使两个事物坐落在一起即并置、并列)

These two words don't collocate.  这两个词搭配不当。

25、com- :together;加强或引伸意义

①compatriot 同胞、同国人:com(together)+patriot(爱国者,爱国主义者)→compatriot(在一起的爱国者即同胞)

He believes that he and his compatriot student are the future leaders.

②commove 使动乱:com(表加强意义)+move(移动)→commove使动乱

His vibrant voice commove the air.  他响亮的声音振动了空气。

③commemorate 纪念:com(表引申意义)+memor(memory,表示"记忆")+ate(v.后缀)→commemorate(记住某人或某事即纪念)

A monument was built to commemorate the victory.

26、con- :together;加强或引伸意义

①concolorous 同色的:con(together)+color(颜色)+ous(adj.后缀)→concolorous颜色一样的即同色的

It is monotonous to paint the rooms with concolorous painting.

②confirm 使坚定:con(表示加强)+firm(表示"坚定")→confirm(使坚定)

His letter confirmed everything.

27、contra- :against

①contradiction 矛盾:contra(against)+dict(say/assert,表示"说话,断言,写")+ion(1. 表示"某种物,用品;人等"; 2. 表名词,"动作或状态等")→contradiction与…对着干即矛盾

The contradictions are becoming increasingly acute.矛盾日益尖锐.

②controversial 可能引起争议的:contra(against)+oversial→controversial 可能引起争议的

More controversially, he claims that these higher profits cover the cost of finding fresh talent.


③contraclockwise 逆时针方向的:contra(against)+clock(钟)+wise[(1、用于名词后构成副词)表示“关于”,“在…方面”;(用于名词后构成副词)表示“像…一样”,“如同”]→contraclockwise向时钟相反的方向转动即逆时针方向的

Turn the key contraclockwise/in an contraclockwise direction.逆时针方向转动钥匙

28、cor- :together;加强或引伸意义

①correlation 相互关系:cor(together)+relation(关系)→correlation(relate two things together两件事关联在一起即相互关系)

Are you familiar with their correlation ?

②correct 改正,纠正:cor(表加强意义)+rect(straight/right,表示"正,直")→correct(make sth. rect使某物正确即改正、纠正)

Your answer to the question is correct.

③corrugate 使起皱纹:cor(表引申意义)+rugate(皱的,有折痕的)→corrugate(make sth. rugate使某物有折痕即使起皱纹)

His brow corrugated with the effort of thinking.他皱着眉头用心地思考。

29、counter- :opposite

①counterrevolutionary 反动的:counter(opposite)+revolutionary(革命的)→counterrevolutionary和革命相反的即反动的

The Central Committee of the Party headed by Comrade Mao Tse-tung fought these counterrevolutionary elements resolutely.

②countercurrent 逆流:counter(opposite)+current(电流、水流、趋势)→countercurrent(和趋势相反的即逆流)

Black tea extracts are normally produced by a hot or boiling water extraction process, usually a countercurrent process.

③counterattack 反攻,反击:counter(opposite)+attack(攻击)→counterattack(attack against sth.攻击某物即反攻、反击)

We have launched a counterattack against them.

30、de- :down from; 向下、降低、减少;使成...,作成...,或仅作加强意义;not;除去、取消、毁

①deplane 下飞机:de(down from)+plane(飞机)→deplane(down from plane从飞机上下来即下飞机)

Let people that have tight connections deplane first.


②depress 压低,压下;使沮丧:de(向下)+press(按、压)→depress(向下按即压低、压下;引申为是某人心情低下即使沮丧)

He was depressed by his defeat.

③depopulation 人口减少:de(减少)+population(人口)→depopulation(人口减少)

The village is suffering from depopulation.

④devalue 贬值:de(降低)+value(价值)→devalue(价值降低即贬值)

If these measures are insufficient, a country may devalue its currency.

⑤delimit 划定界限:de(表示加强意义)+limit(限制)→delimit(to limit sth限制某事即划定界限)

The first chapter delimits her area of research.

⑥denude 使裸露:de(使成...)+nude(裸露的)→denude(使...裸露)

Mining would pollute the lake and denude the forest.


⑦depicture 描绘,描述:de(作成...)+picture(描绘、画)→depicture(作成画即描绘、描述)

CTA can depicture the three dimensional anatomy structure and supply useful information.


⑧denationalize 非国有化:de(not)+national(国家的,国有的)+ize(动词后缀,使...化,使...具有某种性质→denationalize(not nationalize即非国有化)

denationalize and subject (a territory) to the supervision of an agency of a European community of nations

⑨desalt 除去盐份:de(除去)+salt(盐)→desalt(除去盐分)

How to let the scar of the operation desalted?

⑩deforest 砍伐森林:de(毁)+forest(森林)→deforest(毁灭森林即砍伐森林)

I intend that humans cease to deforest and reforest those regions that have been deforested.

⑪decontrol 取消管制:de(取消)+control(控制)→decontrol(取消控制即取消管制)

He established a national energy policy that included conservation, price decontrol, and new technology.


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  4. numpy ndarray.tostring()(在数组中构造包含原始数据字节的Python字节)(tobytes()函数的兼容性别名)
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  1. 使用HTMLcss创建二级导航栏
  2. 工作那些事(二十八)项目管理模式:项目型、职能型、矩阵型
  3. web实现全景图的交互展示
  4. C++/MFC 串口通讯——光源控制器控制
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