
You go to open the Wallet app on your iPhone so that you can delete a card or pass you’ve meant to get rid of, only the button to remove the card is nowhere to be found. Apple made this a bit tricky, but it’s easy once you figure it out.

您可以在iPhone上打开电子钱包应用程序,以便删除想要删除的卡片或通行证,但找不到删除卡片的按钮。 苹果公司使这一点有些棘手,但是一旦弄清楚,它就很容易了。

There are a few different ways you can open up the Wallet app: From the lock screen (if you have that method enabled), from Control Center, or from the home screen. It turns out, though, that only one of those ways lets you remove cards and passes.

您可以通过几种不同的方式打开电子钱包应用:从锁定屏幕(如果启用了该方法),控制中心或主屏幕。 但是事实证明,只有其中一种方法可以让您删除卡和通行证。

Long story short, to remove a card or pass from the Wallet app, you have to open the app from the home screen. Opening Wallet from the lock screen or Control Center won’t allow you to remove cards for security reasons.

长话短说,要从电子钱包应用中删除卡或通行证,您必须在主屏幕上打开该应用。 出于安全原因,从锁定屏幕或控制中心打开电子钱包不允许您删除卡。

There are a couple of ways to remove cards and passes from Wallet.


删除个人钱包卡或通行证 (Remove Individual Wallet Cards or Passes)

To start, find the Wallet app on your home screen and tap on it to open the app.


Select the card that you want to remove.


Tap on the small ellipsis button down in the bottom-right corner of the screen.


Tap on “Remove Pass” at the bottom.


A pop-up will appear confirming this action. Tap “Remove” to finalize it.

将会出现一个弹出窗口,以确认此操作。 点击“删除”完成。

You’d perform the same steps for removing a credit or debit card from Wallet as well; only you’d tap on “Remove Card” instead of “Remove Pass.”

您也将执行相同的步骤从电子钱包中删除信用卡或借记卡; 只有您点击“删除卡”而不是“删除通行证”。

批量删除电子钱包通行证 (Bulk-Delete Wallet Passes)

If you want to remove more than one Wallet pass, you can still use the above method, but there’s a quicker way for deleting multiple cards quickly and easily. This will only work with passes, though (not credit or debit cards).

如果您要删除多个电子钱包通行证,仍然可以使用上述方法,但是有一种更快,更轻松地删除多张卡的方法。 不过,这仅适用于通行证(不适用于信用卡或借记卡)。

Open up the Wallet app and scroll all the way down to the bottom. Tap on the “Edit Passes” button.

打开电子钱包应用,然后一直滚动到底部。 点击“编辑通行证”按钮。

Tap on the round red button next to the pass you want to remove.


Tap on “Delete” to remove it.


Of course, you can also use this method if you want to remove an individual pass, but it’s the way to go if you have more than one pass that you want to delete from the app.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/370261/how-to-remove-cards-and-passes-from-the-wallet-app-on-iphone/



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