
什么是3D打印? (What is 3D printing?)

3D printing is a new way of manufacturing solid objects based on the principle of discrete-stacking.
With the evolution of the trend, 3D printing has become a way to promote
随着趋势的发展,3D打印已成为促进smart manufacturing智能制造flexible manufacturing柔性制造green manufacturing绿色制造的
From the past used to manufacture models, and now gradually realize the direct manufacturing of products, 3D printing manufacturing technology is developing towards the integration of “design-material-manufacturing”. According to research, the size of the world 3D printing market in 2017 was 3.86 billion US dollars. In 2018, the scale of China's 3D printing market was as high as 7.75 billion US dollars, which has more than doubled in two years. From behind the scenes to the forefront of the industry, the development of the 3D printing industry has moved from the concept introduction period to the rapid development period, all thanks to: "application." Members of the World 3D Printing Association have said:
从过去的用于制造模型的模型,到现在逐渐实现产品的直接制造的3D打印制造技术,正朝着“设计材料制造”的集成发展。 根据研究,2017年世界3D打印市场规模为38.6亿美元。 2018年,中国3D打印市场规模高达77.5亿美元,两年增长了一倍以上。 从幕后到行业的最前沿,3D打印行业的发展已从概念引入期过渡到了快速发展期,这全归功于:“应用”。 世界3D打印协会成员表示:

When 3D printing technology goes out of the lab,当3D打印技术退出实验室时,Its development motivation lies in its application其发展动力在于其应用
Today, I will focus on the diversified applications of 3D printing.

3D打印在医疗行业中的应用 (3D printing applications in the medical industry)

The medical industry has always been the mainstream application area of ​​3D printing technology. According to market research reports, the global dental 3D printing market reached US$903 million in 2016, and will reach US$3.441 billion in 2025, with a compound annual growth rate of 16.5%.
医疗行业一直是3D打印技术的主流应用领域。 根据市场研究报告,2016年全球牙科3D打印市场规模达到9.03亿美元,到2025年将达到34.41亿美元,复合年增长率为16.5%。
3D printing technology has the characteristics of high flexibility, unlimited quantity and cost saving, which can meet the needs of individualized and precise medical treatment in medical field. Especially in the field of oral medicine, 3D printing has a subversive effect on oral materials, processing methods, physician skills, surgical forms and other aspects. 3D printing technology enables digital stomatology to achieve a leap from virtual simulation to real-world simulation, and is an important means to achieve precise medical care. At present, the application of 3D printing in the field of oral medicine can be roughly divided into three levels:
3D打印技术具有灵活性高,数量不受限制,节省成本的特点,可以满足医疗领域个性化,精准医疗的需求。 特别是在口腔医学领域,3D打印对口腔材料,加工方法,医师技能,手术形式和其他方面具有颠覆性作用。 3D打印技术使数字口腔医学能够实现从虚拟仿真到真实世界仿真的飞跃,并且是实现精确医疗护理的重要手段。 目前,3D打印在口腔医学领域的应用大致可以分为三个层次:

  1. Applicable in general and commercial, with medical models, surgical guides and dentures as the representative, mature and less risky.适用于一般和商业,以医学模型,手术指南和假牙为代表,成熟且风险较低。
  2. Applied in clinical research, represented by three types of medical device implants, the need for clinical, process and other aspects of data accumulation and improvement.在临床研究中应用,以三种类型的医疗器械植入物为代表,需要对临床,过程等方面的数据进行积累和改进。
  3. Application in laboratory research, represented by tissue organs, represents the future development direction.以组织器官为代表的在实验室研究中的应用代表了未来的发展方向。

消费电子行业中的3D打印应用 (3D printing applications in the consumer electronics industry)

Since the development of 3D printing, it has been able to bring enough transformation and development momentum to the traditional manufacturing industry. In particular, there have been some excellent applications in consumer electronics, and its potential is even more exciting!
自从3D打印技术发展以来,它已经能够为传统制造业带来足够的转型和发展动力。 特别是在消费电子产品中有一些出色的应用,其潜力更加令人激动!
The electronic consumer industry has the characteristics of short product life cycle and fast replacement, which requires continuous development and investment characteristics. 3D printing can meet the needs of small and medium-volume, fast-production and high-complexity products in the electronic consumer industry. With 3D printing technology, you can improve the design level, shorten the product development cycle, and reduce the design cost. With the development of 3D printing technology and materials, and the increasing personalization requirements, 3D printing will be used more for direct manufacturing. The consumer electronics industry is of great significance. Looking into the future, 3D printing technology can be said to be a new direction for the transformation and upgrading of the traditional electronic consumer industry, which will greatly simplify the cumbersome division of labor in the industrial era, and the continuous release of personalized demand, human society will eventually usher in the era of mass customization.
电子消费行业具有产品生命周期短和更换速度快的特点,这需要不断发展和投资的特点。 3D打印可以满足电子消费行业中中小批量,快速生产和高复杂度产品的需求。 借助3D打印技术,您可以提高设计水平,缩短产品开发周期并降低设计成本。 随着3D打印技术和材料的发展以及个性化要求的提高,3D打印将更多地用于直接制造。 消费电子行业具有重要意义。 展望未来,3D打印技术可以说是传统电子消费行业转型升级的新方向,它将大大简化工业时代繁琐的劳动分工,并不断释放个性化需求,人类社会最终将迎来大规模定制的时代。

在文化创造力领域的应用 (Application in the field of cultural creativity)

3D printing is used in a wide range of cultural and creative applications, including personalized customization and manufacturing, as well as the production and manufacture of modern art such as jewellery, as well as the reproduction of ancient art, such as high-end art such as artifacts. Derivatives. The significance of applying 3D printing to the cultural and creative industries is very significant.
3D打印可用于多种文化和创意应用,包括个性化定制和制造,以及珠宝等现代艺术的生产和制造,以及诸如高端艺术之类的古代艺术的复制。作为文物。 衍生产品。 将3D打印应用于文化和创意产业的意义非常重大。

在模具行业的应用 (Application in the mold industry)

CNC machining is the most common technique used in the manufacture of molds. Although it provides highly reliable results, it is also very expensive and time consuming. So many mold manufacturers are also looking for more effective alternatives, 3D printing technology is a good alternative.
CNC加工是模具制造中最常用的技术。 尽管它提供了高度可靠的结果,但它也非常昂贵且耗时。 因此许多模具制造商也在寻找更有效的替代品,3D打印技术是一个很好的替代品。
The 3D printing model covers several advantages, including:

  1. The mold production cycle is shortened;模具生产周期缩短;
  2. reduced manufacturing costs;降低制造成本;
  3. Improvements in mold design add more functionality to the end product;模具设计的改进为最终产品增加了更多功能;
  4. The optimization tool is more ergonomic and improves the minimum performance;优化工具更符合人体工程学,并改善了最低性能;
  5. Customized molds help to customize the final product.定制模具有助于定制最终产品。

It has been widely used in automotive, aerospace, and healthcare and medical care, and many companies have integrated 3D printing into their supply chain, including mold manufacturing.

汽车领域的3D打印技术 (3D printing technology in the automotive field)

Among the many applications of 3D printing technology, the automotive industry is one of the earliest applications of 3D printing technology. As early as the development of 3D printing technology, some European and American countries began to apply 3D printing technology to the automotive research and development process. Currently, the application of 3D printing technology in the automotive industry runs through the entire life cycle of the vehicle, including R&D, production and use.
在3D打印技术的众多应用中,汽车行业是3D打印技术的最早应用之一。 早于3D打印技术的发展,一些欧美国家就开始将3D打印技术应用于汽车的研发过程。 当前,3D打印技术在汽车工业中的应用贯穿汽车的整个生命周期,包括研发,生产和使用。
In terms of application range, the current application of 3D printing technology in the automotive field mainly focuses on the experimental model and functional prototype manufacturing in the research and development process, and there are relatively few production and use links. In the future, 3D printing technology will continue to be widely used in prototype manufacturing in the automotive field.
从应用范围来看,目前3D打印技术在汽车领域的应用主要集中在研发过程中的实验模型和功能样机制造上,生产和使用环节相对较少。 将来,3D打印技术将继续在汽车领域的原型制造中广泛使用。

The above, just some of the applications of 3D printing technology, which has been the focus of the times, is gradually becoming an important model for manufacturing production and an important technology to lead the era of intelligent manufacturing. With the gradual deepening of 3D printing applications, companies with a high degree of industry mission are urgently needed as pioneers.
以上只是3D打印技术的一些应用,它一直是时代的焦点,正在逐渐成为制造生产的重要模型和引领智能制造时代的重要技术。 随着3D打印应用程序的逐步深入,迫切需要具有高度行业使命的公司作为先驱。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/455318/



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