
Mayuree Moonhirun/Shutterstock.comMayuree Moonhirun / Shutterstock.com

Windows remembers every Wi-Fi password you’ve ever used. That’s how it reconnects to those networks. Here’s how you can view the saved password of any network you’ve ever connected to on your Windows PC.

Windows会记住您曾经使用过的每个Wi-Fi密码。 这就是它重新连接到那些网络的方式。 这是您如何查看Windows PC上已连接的任何网络的已保存密码的方法。

下载NirSoft的WirelessKeyView (Download NirSoft’s WirelessKeyView)

You can view saved passwords with built-in command-line tools in Windows, but we recommend NirSoft’s free WirelessKeyView application. It’s a lightweight tool you don’t even have to install to use—just download it, open the ZIP file, and then double-click the included EXE file (if you have file extensions hidden, open the “WirelessKeyView” application file). You’ll then see a list of saved network names and their passwords stored in Windows.

您可以使用Windows中的内置命令行工具查看保存的密码,但是我们建议使用NirSoft的免费WirelessKeyView应用程序。 它是一个甚至不需要安装即可使用的轻型工具,只需下载它,打开ZIP文件,然后双击包含的EXE文件(如果您隐藏了文件扩展名,则打开“ WirelessKeyView”应用程序文件)即可。 然后,您将看到Windows中保存的网络名称及其密码的列表。

Update: Some antivirus programs may say WirelessKeyView is malware. That’s a false positive, if so—we’ve never had issues with NirSoft’s free utilities. Unlike many modern Windows programs, they don’t even contain adware.

更新 :一些防病毒程序可能说WirelessKeyView是恶意软件。 如果是这样的话,那是一个错误的肯定—我们从未遇到过NirSoft的免费实用程序存在问题。 与许多现代Windows程序不同,它们甚至不包含广告软件。

The “Network Name” column shows the name of the Wi-Fi network—in other words, its SSID. To find the password associated with a network, look under the “Key (Ascii)” column for that network name. This is the password you type to connect to that network.

“网络名称”列显示Wi-Fi网络的名称,即其SSID 。 要查找与网络关联的密码,请在“密钥(Ascii)”列下查找该网络名称。 这是您键入以连接到该网络的密码。

To back up this information, you can select File > Save All Items. You’ll get a text file containing this information, so you can take it with you to a new PC or store it for later.

要备份此信息,可以选择“文件”>“保存所有项目”。 您将获得一个包含此信息的文本文件,因此可以随身携带到新PC上或存储以备后用。

使用命令行 (Use the Command Line)

Windows 10’s standard Control Panel only lets you see the password of the Wi-Fi network you’re currently connected to. If you don’t want to download third-party software, you’ll have to use command line tools to discover this information.

Windows 10的标准控制面板仅使您可以查看当前连接的Wi-Fi网络的密码 。 如果您不想下载第三方软件,则必须使用命令行工具来发现此信息。

To find a password on Windows without third-party software, open a Command Prompt or PowerShell window. To do this, right-click the Start button or press Windows+X, and then click “PowerShell.”

要在没有第三方软件的Windows上查找密码,请打开“命令提示符”或“ PowerShell”窗口。 为此,请右键单击“开始”按钮或按Windows + X,然后单击“ PowerShell”。

Run the following command to see the list of saved network profiles on your system:


netsh wlan show profiles

Look for the name of the network you need the password for, and then run the following command, replacing “NETWORK” with the name of that network:

查找您需要密码的网络名称,然后运行以下命令,将“ NETWORK”替换为该网络的名称:

netsh wlan show profile name="NETWORK" key=clear

Look under “Security Settings” in the output. The “Key Content” field displays the Wi-Fi network password in plaintext.

查看输出中的“安全设置”。 “密钥内容”字段以纯文本形式显示Wi-Fi网络密码。

Repeat this process for each Wi-Fi network you want to find the password for.


If you don’t have it saved in Windows, there are many other ways you can find a forgotten Wi-Fi password, including on another device (like a Mac), in a router’s web interface, or even printed on the router itself.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/426257/how-to-see-all-your-pcs-saved-wi-fi-passwords/


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