原文网址: http://myanmartravel.org/shan-state/kakku.html


Ruined Stupas - Kakku

The pagoda area of Kakku (also known as Kekku) lies just 40 kilometers south of Taunggyi. Kakku, a religious center of Pa-O people, itself covers an area of one square kilometer and contains more than 2,500 stupas, which represent the Buddha's footprint. Most of these pagoda are thought to date back to the 16th century although many more had been added over the centuries. Nobody knows the exact origin of this forest of pagodas, but one story is that a wild boar helped a married couple to find gold relics of the Budhha in the ground. As a token of their gratitude for this treasure, the couple built the first stupa here. Later the words "wet"(pig) and "ku" (help) were corrupted into the present name Kakku. For a long time this temple area was unknown to the outside world. Some people in Taunggyi heard that there were ancient pagodas deep in the forest. But nobody saw them until a German journalist was led by Pa-O rebels to these stupas, who are now at peace with the government so it is open to the public since then.
         戛古,面积40平方千米位于东枝南部,是一个一个塔林。戛古是布欧民族的宗教中心,包括一平方千米和2500多座舍利塔,舍利塔代表佛陀的足迹。大部分的佛塔已经有好几个世纪的历史了,最远的可以追溯到16世纪 。没有人知道塔林建立的准确时间,但是有一个故事讲述一只野猪帮助一个对夫妇在地下挖到佛陀的黄金遗物。为了表示他们的感激,他们在这里修建了第一座佛塔。后来"wet(可能是布欧语言‘猪’的发音pig)"和“ku('帮助'的发音help)”组成了一个现在的名字戛古(Kakku).很长时间这个地方是不为外界所知的。一些东枝的人听说这里树林的深处有古代的塔林。但是没有看到直到一个德国记者被布欧民族反叛者带领到这里,现在和平政府把它开放公众。

Today some of the old, more dilapidated stupas are being renovated though this is rarely to their advantage. Nevertheless, the sight of these thousands of stupas, tightly packed together and often decorated with legendary, filigree figures, is hugely impressive.


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