

  1. 复制含有随机指针节点的链表
  2. 两个链表相交的一系列问题

1. 复制含有随机指针节点的链表

  1. 题目概述

  2. 思路:创建一个HashMap结构,key放当前Node,value放需要复制的Node。

  3. 代码实现

import java.util.HashMap;public class Code_CopyListWithRandom {public static class Node {public int value;public Node next;public Node rand;public Node(int data) {this.value = data;}}public static Node copyListWithRand1(Node head) {HashMap<Node, Node> map = new HashMap<Node, Node>();Node cur = head;while (cur != null) {map.put(cur, new Node(cur.value));cur = cur.next;}cur = head;while (cur != null) {map.get(cur).next = map.get(cur.next);map.get(cur).rand = map.get(cur.rand);cur = cur.next;}return map.get(head);}public static Node copyListWithRand2(Node head) {if (head == null) {return null;}Node cur = head;Node next = null;// copy node and link to every nodewhile (cur != null) {next = cur.next;cur.next = new Node(cur.value);cur.next.next = next;cur = next;}cur = head;Node curCopy = null;// set copy node randwhile (cur != null) {next = cur.next.next;curCopy = cur.next;curCopy.rand = cur.rand != null ? cur.rand.next : null;cur = next;}Node res = head.next;cur = head;// splitwhile (cur != null) {next = cur.next.next;curCopy = cur.next;cur.next = next;curCopy.next = next != null ? next.next : null;cur = next;}return res;}public static void printRandLinkedList(Node head) {Node cur = head;System.out.print("order: ");while (cur != null) {System.out.print(cur.value + " ");cur = cur.next;}System.out.println();cur = head;System.out.print("rand:  ");while (cur != null) {System.out.print(cur.rand == null ? "- " : cur.rand.value + " ");cur = cur.next;}System.out.println();}public static void main(String[] args) {Node head = null;Node res1 = null;Node res2 = null;printRandLinkedList(head);res1 = copyListWithRand1(head);printRandLinkedList(res1);res2 = copyListWithRand2(head);printRandLinkedList(res2);printRandLinkedList(head);System.out.println("=========================");head = new Node(1);head.next = new Node(2);head.next.next = new Node(3);head.next.next.next = new Node(4);head.next.next.next.next = new Node(5);head.next.next.next.next.next = new Node(6);head.rand = head.next.next.next.next.next; // 1 -> 6head.next.rand = head.next.next.next.next.next; // 2 -> 6head.next.next.rand = head.next.next.next.next; // 3 -> 5head.next.next.next.rand = head.next.next; // 4 -> 3head.next.next.next.next.rand = null; // 5 -> nullhead.next.next.next.next.next.rand = head.next.next.next; // 6 -> 4printRandLinkedList(head);res1 = copyListWithRand1(head);printRandLinkedList(res1);res2 = copyListWithRand2(head);printRandLinkedList(res2);printRandLinkedList(head);System.out.println("=========================");}}

2. 两个链表相交的一系列问题

1. 题目描述

2. 思路
  1. 得到入环节点:

    1. 如果节点个数为0,1,2,那么不能形成环,返回null。
    2. 设置两个节点node1,node2,node1为慢节点,一次走一步,node2为快节点,一次走两步
    3. 遍历链表,如果可以相交即为有环
    4. 将node2重新置为head节点,一次走一步,重新从头节点出发,遇到node1即为入环节点
    5. 可以自行测试
  2. 无环链表相交问题

    1. 如果head1或head2一方为null,则不会相交,返回null
    2. 创建cur1和cur2节点,n变量。其中,cur1指向head1节点,cur2指向head2节点,n记录两个链表的长度。
    3. 判断cur1和cur2是否相同,即最后一个节点如果不相同,则不会相交。
    4. 遍历head1,每走一步n++,遍历head2,每走一步n–。最后得到的n值即为两个链表的长度差。
    5. 复用cur1和cur2,当n>0时,说明head1比较长,将cur1指向head1,否则head2比较长,将cur1,指向head2。cur2指向短的链表head1或head2。将n取绝对值。
    6. cur1先走n步,跟cur2一样长时,两者一起走,当两者值一样时即为无环链表相交点。返回cur1即可。
  3. 有环链表相交问题

    1. 创建两个变量cur1,cur2.

    2. 如果两个入环节点相同,则将head1赋给cur1,head2赋给cur2.创建一个变量n记录head1和head2的长度。

    3. 遍历head1,每走一步n++,遍历head2,每走一步n–。最后得到的n值即为两个链表的长度差。

    4. 复用cur1和cur2,当n>0时,说明head1比较长,将cur1指向head1,否则head2比较长,将cur1,指向head2。cur2指向短的链表head1或head2。将n取绝对值。

    5. cur1先走n步,跟cur2一样长时,两者一起走,当两者值一样时即为无环链表相交点。返回cur1即可。

    6. 如果两个入环节点不同,则可能相交也可能不相交。

    7. 使cur1 = loop1.next,遍历环结构,如果途中遇到loop2,即为相交,否则不相交。

3. 代码实现

public class Code_FindFirstIntersectNode {public static class Node {public int value;public Node next;public Node(int data) {this.value = data;}}public static Node getIntersectNode(Node head1, Node head2) {if (head1 == null || head2 == null) {return null;}Node loop1 = getLoopNode(head1);Node loop2 = getLoopNode(head2);if (loop1 == null && loop2 == null) {return noLoop(head1, head2);}if (loop1 != null && loop2 != null) {return bothLoop(head1, loop1, head2, loop2);}return null;}//得到入环节点public static Node getLoopNode(Node head) {if (head == null || head.next == null || head.next.next == null) {return null;}Node n1 = head.next; // n1 -> slowNode n2 = head.next.next; // n2 -> fastwhile (n1 != n2) {if (n2.next == null || n2.next.next == null) {return null;}n2 = n2.next.next;n1 = n1.next;}n2 = head; // n2 -> walk again from headwhile (n1 != n2) {n1 = n1.next;n2 = n2.next;}return n1;}//无环链表相交问题public static Node noLoop(Node head1, Node head2) {if (head1 == null || head2 == null) {return null;}Node cur1 = head1;Node cur2 = head2;int n = 0;while (cur1.next != null) {n++;cur1 = cur1.next;}while (cur2.next != null) {n--;cur2 = cur2.next;}if (cur1 != cur2) {return null;}cur1 = n > 0 ? head1 : head2;cur2 = cur1 == head1 ? head2 : head1;n = Math.abs(n);while (n != 0) {n--;cur1 = cur1.next;}while (cur1 != cur2) {cur1 = cur1.next;cur2 = cur2.next;}return cur1;}//    两个有环链表相交问题public static Node bothLoop(Node head1, Node loop1, Node head2, Node loop2) {Node cur1 = null;Node cur2 = null;if (loop1 == loop2) {cur1 = head1;cur2 = head2;int n = 0;while (cur1 != loop1) {n++;cur1 = cur1.next;}while (cur2 != loop2) {n--;cur2 = cur2.next;}cur1 = n > 0 ? head1 : head2;cur2 = cur1 == head1 ? head2 : head1;n = Math.abs(n);while (n != 0) {n--;cur1 = cur1.next;}while (cur1 != cur2) {cur1 = cur1.next;cur2 = cur2.next;}return cur1;} else {cur1 = loop1.next;while (cur1 != loop1) {if (cur1 == loop2) {return loop1;}cur1 = cur1.next;}return null;}}public static void main(String[] args) {// 1->2->3->4->5->6->7->nullNode head1 = new Node(1);head1.next = new Node(2);head1.next.next = new Node(3);head1.next.next.next = new Node(4);head1.next.next.next.next = new Node(5);head1.next.next.next.next.next = new Node(6);head1.next.next.next.next.next.next = new Node(7);// 0->9->8->6->7->nullNode head2 = new Node(0);head2.next = new Node(9);head2.next.next = new Node(8);head2.next.next.next = head1.next.next.next.next.next; // 8->6System.out.println(getIntersectNode(head1, head2).value);// 1->2->3->4->5->6->7->4...head1 = new Node(1);head1.next = new Node(2);head1.next.next = new Node(3);head1.next.next.next = new Node(4);head1.next.next.next.next = new Node(5);head1.next.next.next.next.next = new Node(6);head1.next.next.next.next.next.next = new Node(7);head1.next.next.next.next.next.next = head1.next.next.next; // 7->4// 0->9->8->2...head2 = new Node(0);head2.next = new Node(9);head2.next.next = new Node(8);head2.next.next.next = head1.next; // 8->2System.out.println(getIntersectNode(head1, head2).value);// 0->9->8->6->4->5->6..head2 = new Node(0);head2.next = new Node(9);head2.next.next = new Node(8);head2.next.next.next = head1.next.next.next.next.next; // 8->6System.out.println(getIntersectNode(head1, head2).value);}}


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