企业性能管理(BPM)是商业智能(BI)一个主要分支。Microsoft Office 企业记分卡管理服务器是微软以Office System和SQL Server BI技术平台为核心,开发出的最新商业智能应用解决方案。她使商业用户可以使用仪表板,KPI,记分卡,快捷的比较管理企业性能。Microsoft Office 企业记分卡管理服务器是结合SharePoint Portal Server, SQL Reporting Services和Office Web Components技术的成功范例。

Business Intelligence for the Performance-Driven Enterprise

To achieve optimal performance, a company’s actions need to be aligned with its strategic goals. Without the tools that help articulate the strategy and cascade it throughout the organization there can be a disconnect between the strategy defined at the executive level and daily activities executed by employees. To deliver on goals and objectives, organizations need a solution that guides and improves decision-making from the strategic direction of the CEO and executive management through to middle management and front-line employees.

Microsoft’s comprehensive business intelligence solutions provide widespread delivery of intelligence through Microsoft Office. These enterprise-grade and flexible solutions help align actions with business strategy while supplying:

  • Visibility into business trends and performance metrics.
  • Improved responsiveness to business problems or opportunities.
  • Performance tracking against objectives.
  • Robust reporting and analytics using structured and unstructured contextual data.
  • Anytime, anywhere access to business data.

What Is Microsoft Office Business Scorecard Manager?

Business Scorecard Manager is a comprehensive scorecard and dashboard application that provides employees with deep contextual insight into business drivers. Information is delivered in a collaborative environment for effective business management and action in the performance-driven organization.

A Microsoft Office product, Business Scorecard Manager empowers employees to build, manage, and use their own scorecards, reports, and visual resources using familiar tools. With these tools, employees can analyze relationships between key performance indicators (KPIs) and tangible business objectives.

Articulate, Monitor, Analyze, Collaborate, and Act

A Web-based solution, Business Scorecard Manager provides organizations with a cost-effective stage on which to articulate goals, priorities and strategies, monitor business activity through performance metrics, identify and analyze issues, and collaborate and act on business intelligence.

  • Articulate: Clearly define a business strategy using scorecards, identify and map KPIs, and leverage existing business intelligence hidden within other systems.
  • Monitor: Easily monitor business performance and KPIs with detailed views of performance and accountability, custom scorecard views, and personalized notification of status changes.
  • Analyze: Gain insight into business drivers and perform group analysis using detailed, contextual business analysis from reports, charts, and spreadsheets, as well as unstructured contextual data.
  • Collaborate and act: Share strategies, enable collaborative group analysis, assign and monitor tasks, and put insight into action to improve business performance and execute on strategic plans.

The Benefits of Business Scorecard Manager

Business Scorecard Manger provides the tools and platform for a practical, low risk, and complete business performance management (BPM) scorecard strategy for high impact and fast results. To align actions with business strategy, Business Scorecard Manager helps enable employees, processes, and systems to understand business drivers, shape solutions, and execute shared plans.

  • Define and improve business performance: Understand the organization’s drivers, challenges, and opportunities with scorecards and KPIs.
  • Improve decision-making: Use a collaborative environment to analyze data in context, formulate strategies, and execute on strategic plans.
  • Make scorecarding a part of all business activities: Empower end users to build, manage, and consume scorecards using familiar, easy-to-use applications such as Office and Microsoft SharePoint® technologies.
  • Save time and money: Leverage existing skills, technology, and investments to realize low-risk cost and time savings.

Delivering Business Performance Information to Critical Roles in the Organization

Business intelligence has a profound impact on successful business performance because it gives organizations the necessary strategic and operational insights. Business Scorecard Manager can help deliver these benefits to business-critical groups in your organization, including:

  • Finance: Facilitate compliance with changing regulations and distribute compliance data within and outside an organization with speed and efficiency.
  • Human resources: Develop a workforce that is capable of realizing corporate objectives while improving employee satisfaction and retention.
  • Marketing: Meet performance goals with more effective campaign management by tracking marketing impact against corporate objectives.
  • Operations: Improve business activity monitoring to optimize operational efficiency.
  • Research and development: Monitor project status and risks with robust portfolio management capabilities.
  • Sales: Improve CRM efforts with better insight into the sales pipeline, customer satisfaction and retention, and the overall health of accounts.
  • All groups: Align actions with strategy using real-time insight into business changes.

Meeting the Needs of a Broad Range of Industries

Business Scorecard Manager has the power and flexibility to address critical business issues across a wide range of industries, including:

  • Communications: Improve customer service and increase customer retention.
  • Financial services: Reduce transaction costs and respond more quickly to new opportunities.
  • Healthcare: Enhance patient safety and improve the efficiency of healthcare delivery.
  • Government: Improve the flow of information between agencies and constituents.
  • Manufacturing: Optimize alignment of manufacturing processes and strategic objectives.
  • Retail: Track changing market trends and consumer preferences in real time.

Key Features

Business Scorecard Manager offers a flexible development environment with extensive out-of-the-box functionality for defining and creating scorecards. Its features make it easy to visualize strategy, drill down into reports to see lower levels of scorecard details, or customize using Web Services.

  • Deep contextual insight: Combine Business Scorecard Manager’s rich drill-down capabilities, personalized scorecards, reports, and analysis tools with unstructured data such as documents, spreadsheets, and Web sites to put business data in the context of KPIs.
  • Collaborative group analysis: Use Business Scorecard Manager with SharePoint technologies, the Microsoft collaboration platform (instant messaging, Live Meeting), and Microsoft Office including Outlook to easily collaborate across teams and lines of business.
  • End-user empowerment: Using familiar and easy-to-use tools such as Office and SharePoint technologies, employees can manage their own performance metrics for better results and higher commitment.
  • Scalable platform: Extend and customize it with Web services and SharePoint technologies. Use it with line-of-business applications and data sources using Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000 / 2005 business intelligence. Extend it to BPM applications, such as budget planning and forecasting.

System Requirements

Business Scorecard Manager is based on the following Microsoft products and technologies:

  • Microsoft Windows Server® 2003
  • SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2000 with latest service pack
  • SharePoint Portal Server 2003 or Windows SharePoint Services
  • Microsoft Office Web Components 2003

Why Microsoft?

Business Scorecard Manager is part of Microsoft’s comprehensive business intelligence offering that supports the entire organization. It is a full-featured product suite that works seamlessly with Microsoft Office, and provides easy-to-use information directly where individuals work, collaborate, and make decisions. Microsoft business intelligence scales to the most mission-critical enterprise needs and has the best economics to make enterprise-wide deployment affordable.


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