
  • Word Preparation
    • well-lit: 光线好的
    • look around: 四处看
    • utility:物业费,物业账单
    • gas:燃气
    • garbage collection:垃圾回收
  • Grammar
    • 现在完成进行时 (present perfect continuous tense)

Word Preparation

well-lit: 光线好的

in a good light

It’s hard to see what is inside the store because it’s not well-lit.

I want to live somewhere that is well-lit and neat.

look around: 四处看

You can look around the apartment before you make a decision.

She looked around for a few minutes and then left.


a public service such as gas, water, or electricity that is used by everyone

All utilities, such as gas, water, and electricity, are included in the fee.

The only utility we have to pay for is gas.


a substance in a form like air that is used as a fuel for heating and cooking

Don’t leave the gas on because it’s dangerous.

We have to pay for gas, but it’s not that expensive.

garbage collection:垃圾回收

Garbage collection is a big problem in most places.

Do we have to pay a fee for garbage collection?


现在完成进行时 (present perfect continuous tense)

主语 (Subject) + 助动词 (helping verb: have/has) + been + V-ing + 其他成分

  • It has been raining for 3 days.
  • We have been waiting for you for half an hour.
  • I have been learning English since 2013.
  • China has been making paper for two thousand years.

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