sched_get_priority_max, sched_get_priority_min -让静态优先级范围



int sched_get_priority_max(intpolicy);

int sched_get_priority_min(intpolicy);


sched_get_priority_max() returns the maximum priority value that can be used with the scheduling algorithm identified bypolicy.sched_get_priority_min() returns the minimum priority value that can be used with the scheduling algorithm identified bypolicy. Supportedpolicyvalues areSCHED_FIFO,SCHED_RR,SCHED_OTHER, andSCHED_BATCH. Further details about these policies can be found insched_setscheduler(2).

Processes with numerically higher priority values are scheduled before processes with numerically lower priority values. Thus, the value returned bysched_get_priority_max() will be greater than the value returned by sched_get_priority_min().

Linux allows the static priority value range 1 to 99 for SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR and the priority 0 for SCHED_OTHER and SCHED_BATCH. Scheduling priority ranges for the various policies are not alterable.

The range of scheduling priorities may vary on other POSIX systems, thus it is a good idea for portable applications to use a virtual priority range and map it to the interval given by sched_get_priority_max() and sched_get_priority_min(). POSIX.1-2001 requires a spread of at least 32 between the maximum and the minimum values forSCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR.

POSIX systems on which sched_get_priority_max() and sched_get_priority_min() are available define _POSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING in .


On success,sched_get_priority_max() andsched_get_priority_min() return the maximum/minimum priority value for the named scheduling policy. On error, -1 is returned, anderrnois set appropriately.









Programming for the real world - POSIX.4by Bill O. Gallmeister, O’Reilly & Associates, Inc., ISBN 1-56592-074-0

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