
by Kenneth Colón


如何以小规模预算启动和扩展您的技术产品 (How to Launch and Scale Your Tech Product on a Shoestring Budget)

Just because you don’t have $10M lying around to quit your job, hire an all-star team and launch a product with all the bells and whistles you could ever desire does not mean your product or startup idea is destined to fail. In fact, you’re probably better off this way. Some of the biggest, most successful startups today began as bootstrapped side projects.

仅仅因为您没有1000万美元可以辞职,聘请全明星团队并推出您可能想要的所有花哨的产品,这并不意味着您的产品或创业理念注定会失败。 实际上,通过这种方式您可能会更好。 今天,一些最大,最成功的初创公司开始于自举自足的副项目。

I currently serve as CEO/Co-Founder of Izzy Care, a low-cost membership for unlimited, personalized primary care, mental health therapy, and nutrition & wellness coaching. It’s been featured in top healthcare publications like MedCity News, Healthcare Weekly, and Becker’s Hospital Review.

我目前担任Izzy Care的首席执行官/联合创始人, Izzy Care是低成本会员,提供无限,个性化的初级保健,心理健康疗法以及营养与健康指导。 在《医疗城市新闻》 ,《 医疗周刊》和《 贝克尔医院评论 等顶级医疗出版物中,都有此功能

In this article, I want to offer a few tips to help you find your own path towards launching a successful tech product on a minimal budget, based off of my own learnings over the past few years. So let’s get started.

在本文中,我想提供一些技巧,以帮助您找到自己的道路,以我过去几年的经验为基础,以最小的预算推出成功的技术产品。 因此,让我们开始吧。

确保您正在解决一个真正的问题 (Make sure you’re solving a real problem)

I imagine this seems obvious to a lot of people, and has been said countless times by people much, much smarter than I am. But, there’s a reason it’s been said so many times. I cannot stress it’s importance enough. You need to become obsessed with the problem, not potential solutions.

我想这对很多人来说似乎是显而易见的,而且人们无数次地说过,这比我聪明得多。 但是,有很多次被提及是有原因的。 我不能强调它的重要性。 您需要沉迷于问题,而不是潜在的解决方案。

But how do you find a real problem that needs solving?


I’d suggest you start with your personal experience. What problems have you, or a loved one, faced? What drives you? For me, it’s my passion for mental health. I’ve struggled with depression, and unfortunately, so have many of my loved ones. This helps push me forward when being an entrepreneur isn’t so fun, and gives me unique insight into the problem that I wouldn’t otherwise have.

我建议您从个人经历开始。 您或亲人遇到了什么问题? 是什么驱使您? 对我来说,这是我对心理健康的热情。 我一直在与抑郁症作斗争,不幸的是,我的许多亲人也是如此。 当成为一名企业家时,这会帮助我前进,使我前进,并让我对原本不会遇到的问题有独到的见解。

Focus on creating a solution to solve that problem.


You’ll also want to talk to your customers - friends, family, anyone that faces the problem you’re trying to solve. Find out the intricacies of the problems they face (their “pain points”), what they’re currently using to solve those problems, and why the problem still sucks.

您还需要与客户交谈-朋友,家人,遇到您要解决的问题的任何人。 找出他们所面临问题的复杂性(他们的“痛点”),他们目前用于解决这些问题的原因以及问题仍然很严重的原因。

掌握必要的技能 (Acquire the necessary skills)

I often find that many would-be entrepreneurs are scared to take the jump into starting their own project or venture because they feel they lack the necessary skills to be successful. The good news is, you don’t need a college degree in CS or IxD, nor a masters in data science, to be a tech entrepreneur.

我经常发现,许多想成为企业家的人害怕进入自己的项目或创业,因为他们感到缺乏必要的技能来取得成功。 好消息是,您不需要成为CS或IxD的大学学位,也不需要数据科学的硕士学位即可成为技术企业家。

With so many resources available today, if you don’t know how to do something, you can learn it. Udemy, Coursera, YouTube, freeCodeCamp - these are all platforms where you can learn design, data science, and development.

当今拥有如此多的资源,如果您不知道如何做某事,则可以学习。 Udemy,Coursera,YouTube,freeCodeCamp-这些都是您可以学习设计,数据科学和开发的平台。

For design, I personally recommend the Interaction Design Certificate program on Coursera by UC San Diego. For data science (more specifically, machine learning), I recommend SuperDataScience and their courses/certificates on Udemy.

对于设计,我个人推荐圣地亚哥大学加州分校的Coursera上的“交互设计证书”程序。 对于数据科学(更具体地说,是机器学习),我推荐SuperDataScience及其有关Udemy的课程/证书。

Note: With software development in particular, you’ll need to commit serious amounts of time and effort to learning and mastering your craft. Two hours of half-hearted practice every other weekend won’t cut it.

注意:特别是在软件开发中,您需要花费大量的时间和精力来学习和掌握您的手艺。 每隔一个周末进行两个小时的全心全意的练习不会减少费用。

Furthermore, you don’t have to master it all. This is where finding a team comes in. You can attend local meetups, hackathons, or connect with others online in forums and freelancing sites (a freelancing site is how I met my co-founder).

此外,您不必全部掌握。 这是找到团队的地方。您可以参加本地聚会,黑客马拉松,或在论坛和自由职业者网站上在线与其他人联系(自由职业者网站是我遇到我的联合创始人的方式)。

Connect with someone you know at school or work. Ideally, your team member will be someone with skill sets that complement your own, as well as someone who shares some of your passions. For me and my co-founder, that shared passion is health/medicine. Again, ideally, this will be someone you have (or are willing to develop) a close, trusting relationship with.

与您在学校或工作中认识的人联系。 理想情况下,您的团队成员将是具备与您自己相辅相成的技能的人,以及与您共享某些激情的人。 对我和我的联合创始人而言,共同的热情是健康/医学。 同样,理想情况下,这将是您拥有(或愿意发展)亲密,信任关系的人。

从设计开始 (Start with design)

Design is easy, cheap and fast to iterate on - no coding necessary, and you can start doing it yourself right away with just a pen and paper. Use what you know about the problem you’re trying to solve, and what you’ve gathered from your potential customers. You’ll want to design something specifically for your customers - “handcraft” the experience, as Brian Chesky, co-founder of Airbnb will say.

设计简单,便宜且迭代快速-无需编码,您可以只用笔和纸立即开始进行设计。 使用您对要解决的问题的了解以及从潜在客户那里收集的信息。 正如Airbnb的联合创始人Brian Chesky所说,您将需要专门为客户设计一些东西-“手工”体验。

Sketch some ideas for what your product could look like in a notebook. Bring it back to your potential customers, get their input and feedback. Continue to iterate and improve. Eventually when you get more serious with your designs and move into prototyping, figure out what an actual website or mobile app will look and feel like. You can move up to easy to use, easy to learn classic design tools like Sketch (for mocking up your app) and InVision (for connecting the different screens of your app to make a clickable prototype).

为您的产品在笔记本中的外观勾勒一些想法。 将其带回您的潜在客户,获取他们的意见和反馈。 继续迭代和改进。 最终,当您对设计更加认真并转入原型时,请弄清楚实际网站或移动应用的外观和感觉。 您可以升级到易于使用,易于学习的经典设计工具,例如Sketch(用于模拟应用程序)和InVision(用于连接应用程序的不同屏幕以制作可点击的原型)。

发挥您的创造力 (Flex your creative muscles)

If you’re going to design a solution that will really delight your customers, you’ll need to get creative. Use the 7-star experience framework, as explained by Brian Chesky on Reid Hoffman’s Master’s of Scale podcast. Chesky uses the example of his company, Airbnb, asking “what would a three-star Airbnb experience look like?”. Then take it a step further, “what’s an incredible, five-star experience look like?”. Now, what would a seven-star experience look like? or even a ten-star experience?

如果您要设计一个真正令客户满意的解决方案,则需要发挥创造力。 使用7星级体验框架,如Brian Chesky在Reid Hoffman的Master of Scale播客中所解释的那样。 切斯基以他的公司Airbnb为例,问“三星级的Airbnb体验会是什么样?” 然后再往前走,“令人难以置信的五星级体验会是什么样?”。 现在,七星级的体验会是什么样? 甚至十星级的体验?

You can ask yourself these questions really about experience in any industry or facet of life - a seven-star doctor visit, a seven-star retail experience, even a seven-star commute to/from work or school. Use this framework to explore the possibilities of how you can solve your customer’s pain points and truly delight them. You may not be able to pull off the full extent of a ten-star experience, but you can work backwards from there to find something you can pull off that will have your customers raving about your product.

您实际上可以问自己有关任何行业或生活经历的这些问题-七星级的医生就诊,七星级的零售经验,甚至七星级的上下班通勤。 使用此框架探索解决客户痛点并真正使他们高兴的可能性。 您可能无法完全享受十星级的体验,但是您可以从那里倒退,找到可以使客户对您的产品产生狂热的东西。

There are plenty of other exercises you can do for your creativity.


One of my favorites is listing ten ideas for a certain topic, like ten ways you (hypothetically) could improve your commute - knowing exactly how long your commute will take ahead of time, having breakfast freshly prepared for you and ready to go, etc. Then, once you have your ten, you force yourself to come up with another five more, then another five, and another five. You may find this method has you churning out ideas you never would have thought of otherwise. You can also try removing constraints - like what if your company reimbursed any form of travel to and from work. How would that change your list of ideas?

我的最爱之一是列出某个主题的十个想法,例如您(假设)可以改善通勤的十种方法-确切地知道通勤将提前多长时间,为您准备新鲜的早餐并准备出发等等。然后,一旦有了十个,就强迫自己再提出五个,然后再提出五个,再提出五个。 您可能会发现这种方法可以激发您从未想到的想法。 您还可以尝试消除限制-例如,如果您的公司报销了任何形式的上下班旅行。 那将如何改变您的想法清单?

Sometimes, merely changing your setting can be enough to get ideas swirling in your mind. Personally, I like to take the occasional walk somewhere out in nature. Back near my old apartment, there was this hiking trail that barely anyone used. It was the perfect place for me to go to be alone with my thoughts, unencumbered by constant notifications and distractions.

有时,仅更改设置就足以使想法浮现。 就个人而言,我喜欢偶尔在自然界中散步。 回到我的旧公寓附近,这条远足径几乎没有人使用过。 对于我来说,这是一个理想的地方,让我一个人静静地呆着,不受不断的通知和干扰的影响。

同时使用数据和用户反馈 (Use both data and user feedback)

Something to keep in mind when iterating on product at any stage is that you’ll want to use both hard, quantitative data (funnels, bounce rates, churn) and qualitative user feedback. Each will shed light on the other. Use just data, or just user feedback, and you’ll only be seeing part of the picture.

在任何阶段进行产品迭代时,要记住的一点是,您要使用坚硬的定量数据(漏斗,跳出率,客户流失率),又要使用定性的用户反馈。 彼此将相互照亮。 仅使用数据或仅使用用户反馈,您只会看到部分图片。

为产品自筹资金 (Self-funding your product)

These skills you’ve taught yourself? You can now use them to make some initial capital to support yourself and your project. Sell your services on dedicated freelancing platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, Guru, and countless others… even sites like LinkedIn and Craigslist. Friends and even total strangers may want help in launching their own products, and now, you have the knowledge to help them.

您自学了这些技能? 现在,您可以使用它们来筹集一些初期资金,以支持您自己和您的项目。 在专用的自由职业平台上出售您的服务,例如Upwork,Freelancer,Guru以及其他无数平台,甚至包括LinkedIn和Craigslist之类的网站。 朋友,甚至是完全陌生的人可能在发布自己的产品时都需要帮助,现在,您已具备帮助他们的知识。

Another option is trading - whether its stocks or cryptocurrency, swing trading or options trading. But be aware of the risk, and make sure you know what you’re doing, or else you can stand to lose a lot more than you’ve ever made. I personally don’t do much trading, and I haven’t had the most success with the little bit that I have done. I’d rather hold value long-term in projects/companies I believe in, but I know dozens of people who swear by trading and have the results to back it up.

另一种选择是交易-无论是股票还是加密货币,摇摆交易或期权交易。 但是要意识到这一风险,并确保您知道自己在做什么,否则您将蒙受的损失比以往任何时候都多。 我个人并没有做太多的交易,而且我所做的一点点都没有取得最大的成功。 我宁愿在我所相信的项目/公司中长期持有价值,但我知道数十个人通过交易发誓并有支持其结果的人。

在产品完成之前就开始销售 (Start selling, even before your product is finished)

Imagine a conversation with a potential angel investor: “I need $100,000 to finish product development and run ads to see if there is demand” vs. “I have 1,000 pre-orders for my product, and need an investment of $100,000 to fulfill these orders, learn from these early customers, and start scaling.”

想象一下与一位潜在的天使投资者的对话:“我需要100,000美元才能完成产品开发并投放广告以查看是否有需求” vs.“我有1000个我的产品预购订单,并且需要10万美元的投资才能完成这些订单,向这些早期客户学习,然后开始扩展。”

Which of these conversations do you think will go better?


Say you’re building a mobile app and accompanying subscription service. Even if your app isn’t ready, get a simple landing page up using a service like Carrd. This way, you can assemble a list of customers eager for the launch of your product. You can even offer some of these customers early access as beta testers, and guarantee them access to your fully launched product/service at a reduced rate.

假设您正在构建移动应用程序和随附的订阅服务。 即使您的应用尚未准备就绪,也可以使用Carrd之类的服务来获取一个简单的登录页面。 这样,您就可以汇总一个渴望推出产品的客户列表。 您甚至可以为其中一些客户提供Beta测试人员的早期访问权,并保证他们以降低的价格访问您全面推出的产品/服务。

定价注意事项 (A note on pricing)

If you’re on a shoestring budget, you need to ensure your pricing allows you to be self-sustaining from day one, or at the very least, not losing you tons of money on each new user.


It’s a delicate balance between low pricing to entice new users and pricing high enough to be sustainable, even profitable. Look to the market, competitor pricing, and talk to your customers. It’ll take some trial and error, so don’t be afraid to experiment.

在吸引新用户的低价格与足以维持甚至获利的高价格之间达成微妙的平衡。 着眼于市场,竞争对手的价格,并与您的客户交谈。 这需要反复试验,所以不要害怕尝试。

By experiment, I mean running the numbers yourself, seeing how much running your servers will cost, paying any necessary third parties, etc. NOT selling your product to a bunch of customers at a range of different prices ($10 to Customer A, $100 to Customer B). That’s one sure-fire way to piss off a lot of people.

通过实验,我的意思是自己运行数字,查看服务器运行成本,支付必要的第三方费用等。 不要以不同的价格将产品卖给一群客户(向客户A收取10美元,向客户A收取100美元,客户B)。 这是让很多人生气的肯定方法。

标度和单位经济学 (Scaling and Unit Economics)

Your focus at all times should be on scaling through word-of-mouth. If you nail your customer experience, and your users love your product, you can be sure they’ll tell their friends and family about it. This is by far the most powerful factor for growth. Think about Facebook or Airbnb. You probably heard about them first from a friend, long before you ever saw any ads.

您始终应将注意力放在通过口碑传播上。 如果您钉牢您的客户体验,并且您的用户喜欢您的产品,则可以确保他们会告诉他们的朋友和家人。 到目前为止,这是增长的最有力因素。 考虑一下Facebook或Airbnb。 您可能很早就从一个朋友那里听说过它们,而您还没有看到任何广告。

If you’re not yet at the point where your customers are raving about you, or at the very least are satisfied enough with your product to tell their friends and family, keep iterating using data and user interviews/feedback.


If your unit economics are solid, that is, you’re making enough money on each individual purchase of your product to still profit whilst covering the cost of acquiring new users, you can consider accelerating your of your word-of-mouth growth with the two options below.


付费营销渠道 (Paid Marketing Channels)

The first is paid marketing channels, like Google and Facebook. Each platform carries with it different benefits, and better reaches different demographics. For us, Facebook makes a lot of sense, as we’re reaching mothers who make the majority of spending decisions for their families.

首先是付费营销渠道,例如Google和Facebook。 每个平台都具有不同的优势,并且可以更好地覆盖不同的受众特征。 对于我们来说,Facebook具有很大的意义,因为我们正在接触那些为家庭做出大部分消费决定的母亲。

Only look into this option if you’re making enough on each purchase to sustain it, or you have a few hundred or thousand dollars to invest.


Digital marketing is something you can learn yourself online. Google even offers free online courses and certificates for Google AdWords and YouTube advertising. You can then sell your services with freelancing, and help others scale the growth of their products.

您可以在线学习数字营销。 Google甚至为Google AdWords和YouTube广告提供免费的在线课程和证书。 然后,您可以通过自由职业权出售服务,并帮助其他人扩展其产品的增长。

激励性推荐 (Incentivized Referrals)

The second is paid word-of-mouth, or incentivized referrals. This works best when your product is already generating some natural word-of-mouth referrals. Examples of this might include referral discounts for a customer that refers their friend to the product, or a set dollar amount (or in a blockchain context, token bounty) for each sign-up a user drives to the platform. Your product already has people telling their friends. Fuel this fire with an added financial incentive.

第二种是付费口碑,或激励性推荐。 当您的产品已经产生了自然的口碑推荐时,这种方法最有效。 这样的例子可能包括为客户推荐朋友的推荐折扣,该客户将其朋友推荐给该产品,或者针对每次用户注册到平台时设置固定金额(或在区块链环境中为令牌赏金)。 您的产品已经有人告诉他们的朋友。 额外的财务激励助长了这场大火。

Do note, however, that this can easily backfire if not handled correctly (or even if you handle it well). If and when you decide to stop paying users for referrals/sign-ups, they may be less likely to endorse your product, now seeing it as “free advertising” instead of telling a friend about an awesome product.

请注意,但是,如果处理不正确(甚至处理得当),这很容易适得其反。 如果并且当您决定停止为推荐/注册支付用户费用时,他们可能不太会认可您的产品,现在将其视为“免费广告”,而不是告诉朋友一个很棒的产品。

关于社区建设的最后说明 (A final note on community building)

As you begin to grow your user base, you’ll want to start paying attention to community building. The purpose of this is to cultivate a loyal fan base for your product, fans whom you keep up-to-date with all the latest on your project, and fans who will want to be the first to try your next product update. There are a few ways to do this.

随着用户群的增加,您将要开始关注社区建设。 这样做的目的是为您的产品培养忠实的粉丝群,使您随时了解项目最新动态的粉丝,以及想成为第一个尝试下一次产品更新的粉丝。 有几种方法可以做到这一点。

内容行销 (Content Marketing)

First is content marketing on sites like LinkedIn and Medium. These sites, in many instances, have strong, supportive communities who you can reach with your content and bring into your own product community.

首先是在LinkedIn和Medium等网站上的内容营销。 在许多情况下,这些站点具有强大的支持社区,您可以与他们联系来接触自己的内容并将其纳入自己的产品社区。

This can be by way of regular written updates about you and your product. Telling your own personal story or the stories of your users (with their permission), or content that your existing or potential users may find helpful or interesting (like say a Medium article on how to launch a tech startup with a shoestring budget). You can cross-post your content on LinkedIn and Medium, as well as your own personal blog or other channels.

这可以通过有关您和您产品的定期书面更新来进行。 讲述自己的个人故事或用户的故事(在他们的许可下),或告诉您现有或潜在用户可能有帮助或有趣的内容(例如,中度文章,介绍如何以预算有限的方式启动技术创业公司)。 您可以在LinkedIn和Medium以及您自己的个人博客或其他频道上交叉发布您的内容。

电邮清单 (Email Lists)

Updates on your product and team, as well as helpful and interesting content, can also be sent out through traditional email lists, with services like MailChimp. Just be sure to not spam your mail list or sign up people for your mail list without their permission.

您还可以通过传统的电子邮件列表,使用MailChimp之类的服务,来发送有关产品和团队的更新以及有用和有趣的内容。 只需确保不要向您的邮件列表发送垃圾邮件,或在未经他人许可的情况下为您的邮件列表注册人。

聚会 (Meetups)

One great way to connect with your community is through Meetup groups. When creating a Meetup event, you can cross-post your event on Eventbrite to expand your reach. This is an easy way to get to know your users, build trust, and even connect with potential collaborators.

与您的社区建立联系的一种好方法是通过Meetup组。 创建聚会活动时,您可以在Eventbrite上交叉发布活动以扩大影响范围。 这是一种了解您的用户,建立信任甚至与潜在合作者联系的简便方法。

电报 (Telegram)

The last one I’ll mention is Telegram, since it’s quite popular, especially among the blockchain/cryptocurrency community. Telegram is great for keeping groups up-to-date on the latest news, and fostering conversation between your team and the members of your community. At least in theory.

我要提到的最后一个是Telegram,因为它非常流行,尤其是在区块链/加密货币社区中。 Telegram非常适合使群组保持最新消息,并促进团队与社区成员之间的对话。 至少在理论上。

I personally find Telegram to be flooded with people trying to sell me their ICO marketing services (spamming other Telegram groups about your project for some ludicrous rate), or wanting to be an “ICO advisor”, whatever that means, for “just 2BTC a month, and 20% of all your tokens”. Thanks, but no thanks. ?

我个人发现,Telegram充斥着试图向我出售其ICO营销服务的人(以可笑的价格向其他Telegram组发送有关您的项目的垃圾邮件),或者想要成为“ ICO顾问”,无论这意味着“仅2BTC a一个月,占您所有令牌的20%”。 谢谢,但是不,谢谢。 ?

结语 (Wrapping Up)

Like I said at the start, you don’t need a multi-million dollar budget to get your product up and running. All you need are the skills/experience, which you can acquire and monetize, and the patience to fail countless times on your road to success.

就像我刚开始所说的那样,您无需花费数百万美元的预算即可启动产品并投入运行。 您所需要的只是技能/经验,您可以获取并从中获利,以及耐心地在成功的道路上无数次失败。

But I have patience and experience. A man can do anything if he has those.” — Helmut Zemo, Captain America: Civil War

但是我有耐心和经验。 一个男人只要拥有这些东西就可以做任何事情。” — Helmut Zemo ,美国队长:内战

Focus on designing a solution specific to your customers, prototyping and iterating cheaply and quickly, selling before your product is finished, and scaling by word of mouth (with some added fuel once you have the fire burning).


And remember, anything you may not know now, you can learn! You don’t have to do it alone, either - look to your school, work, local and online communities to find someone with shared passions and a complementary skill-set.

请记住,您现在可能不知道的任何东西都可以学习! 您也不必独自一人做-看您的学校,工作,本地和在线社区,找到具有共同热情和互补技能的人。

Aside from some of the topics and resources mentioned here, there are a few books I’d definitely recommend to help in your entrepreneurial journey:


Misbehaving by Richard Thaler, and Contagious by Jonah Berger to learn more about behavioral economics, consumer adoption, and virality... and of course, The Lean Startup by Eric Ries, aka the Bible of failing fast, often, and cheaply on your road to success.

行为不端 理查德·泰勒(Richard Thaler)和乔纳·贝格(Jonah Berger)的《传染性》 ,以了解更多有关行为经济学,消费者采用和病毒式传播的知识……当然,埃里克·里斯(Eric Ries)的《精益创业》 ,又名《圣经》,它在您的道路上快速,经常且廉价地失败了成功。

I hope this helps, and wish you all the best with your ventures! If I can ever be of any help, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Connect with me on LinkedIn or shoot me an email!

希望对您有所帮助,并祝您一切顺利! 如果我可以提供任何帮助,请随时与我们联系。 在LinkedIn上与我联系或给我发送电子邮件 !

If you’re interested in unlimited, personalized primary care, mental health therapy, and nutrition & wellness coaching, you can learn more and sign up for Izzy Care today for less than the price of a single therapy session. Check us out on Product Hunt, and learn how you can participate in our $5M token airdrop.

如果您对无限的个性化初级保健,心理健康疗法以及营养与健康指导感兴趣,则可以了解更多信息,并立即以低于单个疗法价格的价格注册Izzy Care 在Product Hunt上查看我们,并了解如何参加我们的$ 5M代币空投 。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-launch-and-scale-your-tech-product-on-a-shoestring-budget-3ae0247551f1/



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