
Stu* pStu = malloc(sizeof(Stu));

Stu* pStu = (Stu*)malloc(sizeof(Stu));


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>typedef struct {int a;int b;
}Stu;Stu* getStu(int x, int y)
{Stu* pStu = (Stu*)malloc(sizeof(Stu));pStu->a = x;pStu->b = y;return pStu;
}int main()
{int x = 2, y = 3;Stu *pStu = getStu(x, y);printf("%d %d\n", pStu->a, pStu->b);free(pStu);return 0;


2 3
Program ended with exit code: 0


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