ios 弱网 数据丢失

Syncing your existing iOS device with a new computer can be a daunting task, especially when you don’t want to lose any data that’s already on the device. Making the new computer accept your iOS device can be difficult, but certainly not impossible. So let’s go ahead and see how you can sync your existing iPod Touch, iPhone, or iPad with a new computer, without losing any existing content on the device.

将现有的iOS设备与新计算机同步可能是一项艰巨的任务,尤其是当您不想丢失设备上已有的任何数据时。 使新计算机接受您的iOS设备可能很困难,但当然并非不可能。 因此,让我们继续前进,看看如何将现有的iPod Touch,iPhone或iPad与新计算机同步,而又不会丢失设备上的任何现有内容。

Please note, although you might be able to get almost all of your data back on the iOS device once you’re able to sync with the new computer, but probably not everything (play counts, etc.). We don’t intend to leave anything behind, but failure is always an option. Proceed with caution at all times. And even though you might not have an iPod to deal with, check out the previous part of this guide based on iPods, it has lots of stuff to refer from, and is linked several times in this post. Keep reading.

请注意,尽管一旦您能够与新计算机同步后,您几乎可以将所有数据恢复到iOS设备上,但可能不是全部(播放次数等)。 我们不打算留下任何东西,但是失败总是一种选择。 始终谨慎操作。 即使您可能没有iPod可以处理,也可以查看本指南的上一部分基于iPod的内容 ,它有很多内容可供参考,并且在本博文中已多次链接。 继续阅读。

As mentioned in the previous part of the guide, ‘syncing with a new computer’ essentially means making iTunes on the new computer accept your device as it is. In such a case when you connect your existing iOS device with a new computer, iTunes would usually offer you to ‘erase and replace’ all the content on the device with the data in the new computer’s iTunes library. Of course, you wouldn’t want to do that. We’ve covered this before, if you have the older computer up and running (or a backup of it), you can transfer the iTunes library from that computer to the new one, and Apple officially supports you doing so. But if you’re trying to sync your iOS device with a new computer while the old computer has given up (and if you don’t have a backup at hand), things will be a lot more complex. Last time, we showed you how to sync an iPod with a new computer without losing data, and it was a pretty easy task. For iOS, things are a little different. There’s much more content that has to be backed up before you proceed.

如本指南的上一部分所述 ,“与新计算机同步”实质上意味着使新计算机上的iTunes照原样接受您的设备。 在这种情况下,当您将现有的iOS设备与新计算机连接时,iTunes通常会为您提供“擦除并替换”设备上的所有内容为新计算机iTunes库中的数据的功能。 当然,您不想这样做。 如果您已经启动并运行了较旧的计算机(或对其进行了备份),则可以在此之前进行介绍,您可以将iTunes库从该计算机转移到新计算机上,Apple 正式支持您这样做。 但是,如果您在旧计算机已放弃的情况下尝试将iOS设备与新计算机同步(并且如果手头没有备份),事情将会变得更加复杂。 上次,我们向您展示了如何在不丢失数据的情况下将iPod与新计算机同步 ,这是一个非常简单的任务。 对于iOS,情况有所不同。 在继续操作之前,还有更多内容需要备份。

Speaking of backup, Apple has introduced a new feature for backups, and it’s called iCloud. You can set up iCloud, so that all the data on your device is constantly synced to the cloud. Once you want to sync with a new computer, you can provide it with your iCloud ID and password, and all your data will be downloaded to that computer. It’s that simple, but as long as your device is running iOS 5.

说到备份,Apple引入了一项新的备份功能,称为iCloud。 您可以设置iCloud ,以便将设备上的所有数据不断同步到云中。 想要与新计算机同步后,可以为其提供iCloud ID和密码,所有数据都将下载到该计算机上。 就是这么简单,但是只要您的设备运行的是iOS 5。

If you’ve read the post on syncing your iPod without losing data, you might remember that we used two approaches. We will use both here. The first one, transferring Apple-authorized data from the iOS device to the new computer. Second, extracting non-Apple data from the device and (erasing and) syncing it again on the device. After all this, your iOS device will (hopefully) look the same as it did earlier, the only difference would be that you’ll have a computer ready to accept and sync the iOS device.

如果您已阅读有关同步iPod而不丢失数据的文章,您可能会记得我们使用了两种方法。 我们将在此处使用两者。 第一个是将Apple授权的数据从iOS设备传输到新计算机。 第二,从设备提取非Apple数据,然后在设备上再次擦除(同步)它们。 完成所有这些操作后,您的iOS设备(希望)将与之前的外观相同,唯一的区别是您将拥有一台准备好接受和同步iOS设备的计算机。

Transferring Purchases (Apps, Books, Music, Videos)


Let’s start by transferring those items to your iTunes library which you have purchased or downloaded via iTunes store/App store using your Apple ID. To avoid any inconvenience in the coming steps, be sure to uncheck ‘Avoid iPods, iPhones, and iPads from syncing automatically’ from iTunes Preferences.

首先,将这些项目转移到使用Apple ID通过iTunes Store / App Store购买或下载的iTunes库中。 为避免在后续步骤中造成任何不便,请确保从iTunes首选项中取消选中“避免iPod,iPhone和iPad自动同步”。

Now we will try to authorize the new computer for use with the iOS device. Navigate to Store> Authorize this Computer. Enter your Apple ID and password (the one that you used for purchasing music and apps currently on your iOS device). This will take a moment. This is where we begin the process. Right-click your iOS device in the sidebar and click ‘Transfer Purchases’.

现在,我们将尝试授权将新计算机与iOS设备一起使用。 导航至“ 存储”>“对此计算机授权” 。 输入您的Apple ID和密码(您用于购买当前iOS设备上的音乐和应用的密码)。 这需要一点时间。 这是我们开始流程的地方。 在边栏中右键单击您的iOS设备,然后单击“转移购买”。

You’ll see the transfer in progress. This will transfer all the iTunes-purchased content from the device to the iTunes library, including music, apps, videos, books, etc.

您会看到正在进行的传输。 这会将所有iTunes购买的内容从设备传输到iTunes库,包括音乐,应用程序,视频,书籍等。

Once the transfer is complete, click your iOS device in the sidebar, and click the ‘Apps’ tab. At this point, ‘Sync Apps’ will be unchecked. Click to check it, and iTunes will ask you if you want to replace all apps on the iOS device with the apps in the iTunes library.

传输完成后,点击边栏中的iOS设备,然后点击“应用”标签。 此时,“同步应用程序”将处于未选中状态。 单击以检查它,iTunes会询问您是否要用iTunes资料库中的应用程序替换iOS设备上的所有应用程序。



Don’t panic! Remember we’ve just transferred all the apps from your iOS device to your iTunes library, so it’s just a matter of clicking ‘Sync Apps’. Nothing will happen (well, in my case, nothing happened, and it’s supposed to be the same for you). Why? Because iTunes knows that all the apps which are in the iTunes library are also in the iOS device, so it would be really silly to erase all those apps and then reinstall all of them. So, nothing happens. From this point onwards, you can add/remove apps from your iOS device. All your apps are safe. Also, all the media content purchased from iTunes is also safe, since it was transferred to iTunes when you clicked ‘Transfer Purchases’.

不要惊慌! 请记住,我们刚刚将所有应用程序从iOS设备转移到iTunes资料库,因此只需单击“同步应用程序”即可。 什么都不会发生(嗯,就我而言,什么也没发生,对您来说应该是一样的)。 为什么? 因为iTunes知道iTunes库中的所有应用程序也都在iOS设备中,所以删除所有这些应用程序然后重新安装它们真的很愚蠢。 因此,什么都没有发生。 从现在开始,您可以从iOS设备添加/删除应用程序。 您所有的应用程序都是安全的。 另外,从iTunes购买的所有媒体内容也是安全的,因为当您单击“转移购买”时,这些内容已转移到iTunes。

All that’s left now is to manually extract the music (that you probably ripped and copied), videos, photos, and ringtones from your iOS device to the computer, and then sync all this stuff back to the device so that it looks exactly the same as it did before, and in addition, it will be syncable with the new computer. Let’s go.

现在剩下的就是手动将iOS设备中的音乐(您可能已翻录和复制的),视频,照片和铃声手动提取到计算机,然后将所有这些东西同步回设备,以使它们看起来完全一样像以前一样,此外,它可以与新计算机同步。 我们走吧。

Recovering Media (music, videos, voice memos, ringtones) from the iOS device


The process for manually extracting music from an iOS device is the same as for iPods (as mentioned in the previous guide). Windows users can use SharePod and Mac users can try Senuti. As described earlier, SharePod can recover a variety of media (but without identifying the media type). In case of an iOS device, it can extract music, videos, playlists, voice memos, photos, and even ringtones from the iOS device, and copy all the media to your computer. Once copied, you can import all the stuff back into iTunes, let it erase this content from your iOS device, and sync it back.

从iOS设备手动提取音乐的过程与iPod的过程相同(如上一指南所述 )。 Windows用户可以使用SharePod,而Mac用户可以尝试Senuti 。 如前所述,SharePod可以恢复各种媒体(但不标识媒体类型)。 如果是iOS设备,它可以从iOS设备提取音乐,视频,播放列表,语音备忘录,照片甚至铃声,然后将所有媒体复制到您的计算机上。 复制后,您可以将所有内容导入回iTunes,让其从iOS设备上删除此内容,然后再同步回去。

Connect the iOS device to the computer, make sure iTunes is not running. Open SharePod. It will recognize the device instantly. All your media will be displayed in the SharePod window. If you wish to recover everything (and you should), press Ctrl+A, and click the Copy to Computer button. Choose how you want the extracted media to be categorized, and whether or not you want the extracted media to be automatically imported into iTunes. Once that’s done, click the Ok button to start copying the media from the iOS device to the computer.

将iOS设备连接到计算机,确保iTunes未运行。 打开SharePod。 它将立即识别设备。 您的所有媒体都将显示在SharePod窗口中。 如果您希望恢复所有内容(并且应该恢复),请按Ctrl + A,然后单击“ 复制到计算机”按钮。 选择您希望对提取的媒体进行分类的方式,以及是否希望将提取的媒体自动导入iTunes。 完成后,单击“确定”按钮开始将媒体从iOS设备复制到计算机。

Recovering Photos


If you want to extract photos from the iOS device, click the ‘Photos’ button in the SharePod sidebar. Next, select the photo albums (folders) you want to copy the photos from. You cannot select individual photos, so you’ll have to copy the entire album to your computer. Click Copy Photos to Computer, specify a location, and the photos from your iOS device will be copied to that location.

如果要从iOS设备提取照片,请单击SharePod侧栏中的“照片”按钮。 接下来,选择要从中复制照片的相册(文件夹)。 您无法选择单个照片,因此必须将整个相册复制到计算机上。 单击“ 将照片复制到计算机”,指定一个位置,然后iOS设备中的照片将被复制到该位置。

However, please note that these photos might not be the same size as the originals (that you synced in the first place), because photos are resized (and optimized) before syncing to an iOS device.


Let’s go through our checklist once again.


✔ Music


✔ Videos


✔ Photos


✔ Apps


✔ Books


✔ Podcasts


✔ The iOS device can now sync with the new computer. Awesome!

✔iOS设备现在可以与新计算机同步。 太棒了!

This guide aims to get the work done for free, but if you’re willing to spend a little for the recovery of content from your iOS device, you can check out CopyTrans and/or TouchCopy. Both are paid utilities, they can save you the hassle, and serve the same purpose. But why pay when you can DIY !

本指南旨在免费完成工作,但是如果您愿意花一些钱从iOS设备上恢复内容,则可以签出CopyTrans和/或TouchCopy 。 两者都是有偿公用事业,它们可以为您节省麻烦,并达到相同的目的。 但是,为什么可以在可以DIY时付款呢!


ios 弱网 数据丢失

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