


  • 共两轮,第一轮为分组淘汰赛,第二轮为决赛,共有十名评委,打分方式为去掉最高分和最低分的平均分为基准
  • 第一轮共两组,每组六人,为随机分组和抽签决定演讲顺序,每组取前三名进入下一轮 ;
  • 第二轮为淘汰赛,六名选手同台竞技,决出冠亚季军;
  • 每轮比赛结束后都会公布胜出选手分数及排名;


  • 开始演讲比赛:完成整届比赛的流程,每个比赛阶段需要给用户一个提示,用户按任意键后继续下一个阶段;该阶段还具有初始化比赛进程、抽签、进行比赛、显示晋级成果、保存分数的功能。
  • 查看往届记录:查看往届比赛结冠亚军信息,每次比赛都会记录到文件(格式为csv)中。
  • 清空比赛记录:将文件中往届比赛结冠亚军信息清空。
  • 退出比赛程序:退出当前程序。


1. 项目雏形


#include<ctime>using namespace std;int main(){srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));SpeechManager s1;int input;while (1){s1.Show_menu();cout << "            请输入你的选项:            " << endl;cin >> input;switch (input){case 0://退出比赛程序s1.Exit_system();break;case 1://开始演讲比赛s1.Start_speech();break;case 2://查看往届记录s1.Show_record();break;case 3://清空比赛记录s1.Clear_record();break;default:system("cls");//清屏break;}}system("pause");return 0;


2. 管理类的实现


#pragma once
#include<iostream>using namespace std;class SpeechManager


#include "speechManager.h"SpeechManager::SpeechManager(){}SpeechManager::~SpeechManager(){}

3. 实现菜单功能

首先在管理类SpeechManager类中添加成员函数 void show_Menu()

void SpeechManager::Show_menu(){cout << "                                      " << endl;cout << "            欢迎参加演讲比赛!         " << endl;cout << "            1.开始演讲比赛            " << endl;cout << "            2.查看往届记录            " << endl;cout << "            3.清空比赛记录            " << endl;cout << "            0.退出比赛程序            " << endl;cout << "                                      " << endl;


4. 实现退出功能

首先在在SpeechManager类中添加成员函数 void exitSystem()

void SpeechManager::Exit_system(){cout << "            欢迎下次使用            " << endl;system("pause");exit(0);


5. 实现比赛功能

5.1 选手类的实现


#pragma once;
#include<string>using namespace std;class Speaker{public:string Name;double Score[2];//最多有两轮成绩



        int rounds; //比赛轮次vector<int>v1; //第一轮参与选手(12位vector<int>v2;//晋级第二轮的选手(6位vector<int>third;//获得前三名的选手map<int, Speaker>speaker;//存放编号以及对应具体选手

5.3 初始化成员变量

首先在SpeechManager类中添加成员函数 void Init_speaker()

void SpeechManager::Init_speaker(){//初始化选手数据this->v1.clear();this->v2.clear();this->third.clear();this->speaker.clear();this->rounds = 1;//初始化比赛轮次

接着在SpeechManager.cpp中的SpeechManager构造函数中调用void Init_speaker()


5.4 创建选手

首先在SpeechManager类中添加成员函数 void Create_speaker()

void SpeechManager::Create_speaker(){string nameSeed = "ABCDEFGHIJKL";for (int i = 0; i < nameSeed.size(); i++){string name = "选手";name += nameSeed[i];Speaker s;s.Name = name;for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) s.Score[j] = 0;this->v1.push_back(10001 + i);this->speaker.insert(make_pair(10001 + i, s));}

接着在SpeechManager.cpp中的SpeechManager构造函数中调用void Create_speaker()


5.5 比赛功能实现

首先在SpeechManager类中添加成员函数 void Start_speech()

void SpeechManager::Start_speech(){//第一轮比赛//抽签this->Drawing();//比赛this->Completion();//显示晋级成果this->Show_score();//第二轮比赛this->rounds++;//抽签this->Drawing();//比赛this->Completion();//显示最终结果this->Show_score();//保存分数this->Record();cout << "本届比赛顺利结束" << endl; //这一条与上面的显示会闪烁过去,原因不明system("pasue");system("cls");

5.5.1 抽签功能实现

首先在SpeechManager类中添加成员函数 void Drawing()

void SpeechManager::Drawing(){if (this->rounds == 1) cout << "            第一轮比赛选手正在抽签" << endl;else cout << "            第二轮比赛选手正在抽签" << endl;cout << "-------------------------------------" << endl;cout << "            演讲顺序如下" << endl;if (this->rounds == 1){random_shuffle(v1.begin(), v1.end());for (vector<int>::iterator it = v1.begin(); it != v1.end(); it++) cout << *it << " ";cout << endl;}else{random_shuffle(v2.begin(), v2.end());for (vector<int>::iterator it = v2.begin(); it != v2.end(); it++) cout << *it << " ";cout << endl;}cout << "-------------------------------------" << endl;system("pause");cout << endl;


5.5.2 比赛功能实现

首先在SpeechManager类中添加成员函数 void Completion()

void SpeechManager::Completion(){if (this->rounds == 1) cout << "            第一轮比赛正式开始" << endl;else cout << "            第二轮比赛正式开始" << endl;multimap<double, int, greater<double>>group;//记录每组选手数据int num = 0;//6人为一组vector<int>v;if (this->rounds == 1) v = v1;else v = v2;for (vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++){num++;deque<double>d;//存放分数for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){double score = (rand() % 401 + 600) / 10.f; //600~1000d.push_back(score);}sort(d.begin(), d.end(), greater<double>());d.pop_front();//去除最高分d.pop_back();//去除最低分double sum = accumulate(d.begin(), d.end(), 0.0f);//计算总分double avg = sum / (double)d.size();//计算平均分this->speaker[*it].Score[this->rounds - 1] = avg;group.insert(make_pair(avg, *it));//6人一组if (num % 6 == 0){if (num / 6 == 1) cout << "第一小组比赛名次如下:" << endl;else cout << "第二小组比赛名次如下:" << endl;for (multimap<double, int, greater<double>>::iterator it = group.begin(); it != group.end(); it++)cout << "编号:" << it->second << " 姓名:" << this->speaker[it->second].Name<< " 成绩:" << this->speaker[it->second].Score[this->rounds - 1] << endl;//取各组前三名int count = 0;for (multimap<double, int, greater<double>>::iterator it = group.begin(); it != group.end() && count < 3; it++, count++){if (this->rounds == 1) v2.push_back((*it).second);else third.push_back((*it).second);}group.clear();cout << endl;}}if (this->rounds == 1) cout << "            第一轮比赛完毕" << endl;else cout << "            第二轮比赛完毕" << endl;system("pause");


5.5.3 显示功能实现

首先在SpeechManager类中添加成员函数 void Show_score()

void SpeechManager::Show_score(){if (this->rounds == 1) cout << "            第一轮比赛晋级选手信息如下:" << endl;else cout << "            第二轮比赛晋级选手信息如下:" << endl;vector<int>v;if (this->rounds == 1) v = v2;else v = third;for (vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++)cout << "编号:" << *it<< " 姓名:" <<this-> speaker[*it].Name<< " 成绩:" << this->speaker[*it].Score[this->rounds - 1] << endl;cout << endl;system("pause");system("cls");this->Show_menu();


5.5.4 第二轮比赛实现


5.5.5 保存功能实现

首先在SpeechManager类中添加成员函数 void Record()

void SpeechManager::Record(){ofstream ofs;ofs.open("speech.csv", ios::out | ios::app);// 用输出的方式打开文件//存入数据for (vector<int>::iterator it = third.begin(); it != third.end(); it++)ofs << *it << "," << speaker[*it].Score[1] << ",";ofs <<endl;ofs.close();cout << "记录已保存" << endl; //这一条与接下来的显示会闪烁过去,原因不明


6. 实现读取功能


        void Load_record();//读取往届记录bool File_is_empty;//判断文件是否为空map<int, vector<string>>record;//往届记录


void SpeechManager::Load_record(){ifstream ifs("speech.csv", ios::in);if (!ifs.is_open()){this->File_is_empty = true;cout << "文件不存在!" << endl;ifs.close();return;}char ch;ifs >> ch;if (ifs.eof()){cout << "文件为空!" << endl;this->File_is_empty = true;ifs.close();return;}this->File_is_empty = false;ifs.putback(ch);//把读取的单个字符放回去string data;int index = 0;while (ifs >> data){vector<string>v;int pos = -1;int start = 0;while (true){pos = data.find(",", start);if (pos == -1) break;string tmp = data.substr(start, pos - start);//第一个是起始位置,第二个是到逗号的截取长度v.push_back(tmp);start = pos + 1;}this->record.insert(make_pair(index, v));index++;}ifs.close();

接着在void Record()利用File_is_empty更新文件状态

//比赛完后文件不为空this->File_is_empty = false;

SpeechManager.cpp中的SpeechManager构造函数中调用void Record()


SpeechManager.cpp中的void Init_speaker()函数中初始化记录容器


SpeechManager.cpp中的void Start_speech()函数中重置比赛


7. 实现查看功能

首先在SpeechManager类中添加成员函数 void Show_record()

void SpeechManager::Show_record(){if (this->File_is_empty) cout << "文件不存在,或记录为空!" << endl;else{for (map<int, vector<string>>::iterator it = this->record.begin(); it != this->record.end(); it++){cout << "第" << it->first+1 << "届" <<"冠军编号:" << it->second[0] << " 得分:" << it->second[1] << " ""亚军编号:" << it->second[2] << " 得分:" << it->second[3] << " ""季军编号:" << it->second[4] << " 得分:" << it->second[5] << endl;}}system("pause");system("cls");


8. 实现清空功能

首先在SpeechManager类中添加成员函数 void Clear_record()

void SpeechManager::Clear_record()
{cout << "确认清空?" << endl<< "1. Yes" << endl<< "2. No" << endl;int select;cin >> select;if (select == 1){ofstream ofs("speech.csv", ios::trunc);ofs.close();this->Init_speaker();this->Create_speaker();this->Load_record();cout << "清除成功" << endl;}else if (select == 2) return;else cout << "输入有误!" << endl;system("pause");system("cls");


  • 至此本项目结束


1. 头文件


#pragma once;
#include<string>using namespace std;class Speaker{public:string Name;double Score[2];


#pragma once
#include<fstream>using namespace std;class SpeechManager{public:SpeechManager();void Show_menu();void Exit_system();void Init_speaker();int rounds; vector<int>v1; vector<int>v2;vector<int>third;map<int, Speaker>speaker;void Create_speaker();void Start_speech();void Drawing();void Show_score();void Record();void Completion();void Load_record();bool File_is_empty;map<int, vector<string>>record;void Show_record();void Clear_record();~SpeechManager();

2. 源文件


#include "SpeechManager.h"SpeechManager::SpeechManager(){this->Init_speaker();this->Create_speaker();this->Load_record();
}SpeechManager::~SpeechManager(){}void SpeechManager::Show_menu(){cout << "                                      " << endl;cout << "            欢迎参加演讲比赛!         " << endl;cout << "            1.开始演讲比赛            " << endl;cout << "            2.查看往届记录            " << endl;cout << "            3.清空比赛记录            " << endl;cout << "            0.退出比赛程序            " << endl;cout << "                                      " << endl;
}void SpeechManager::Exit_system(){cout << "            欢迎下次使用            " << endl;system("pause");exit(0);
}void SpeechManager::Init_speaker(){this->v1.clear();this->v2.clear();this->third.clear();this->speaker.clear();this->record.clear();this->rounds = 1;
}void SpeechManager::Create_speaker(){string nameSeed = "ABCDEFGHIJKL";for (int i = 0; i < nameSeed.size(); i++){string name = "选手";name += nameSeed[i];Speaker s;s.Name = name;for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) s.Score[j] = 0;this->v1.push_back(10001 + i);this->speaker.insert(make_pair(10001 + i, s));}
}void SpeechManager::Start_speech(){this->Drawing();this->Completion();this->Show_score();this->rounds++;this->Drawing();this->Completion();this->Show_score();this->Record();this->Init_speaker();this->Create_speaker();this->Load_record();cout << "本届比赛顺利结束" << endl;system("pasue");system("cls");
}void SpeechManager::Drawing(){if (this->rounds == 1) cout << "            第一轮比赛选手正在抽签" << endl;else cout << "            第二轮比赛选手正在抽签" << endl;cout << "-------------------------------------" << endl;cout << "            演讲顺序如下" << endl;if (this->rounds == 1){random_shuffle(v1.begin(), v1.end());for (vector<int>::iterator it = v1.begin(); it != v1.end(); it++) cout << *it << " ";cout << endl;}else{random_shuffle(v2.begin(), v2.end());for (vector<int>::iterator it = v2.begin(); it != v2.end(); it++) cout << *it << " ";cout << endl;}cout << "-------------------------------------" << endl;system("pause");cout << endl;
}void SpeechManager::Completion(){if (this->rounds == 1) cout << "            第一轮比赛正式开始" << endl;else cout << "            第二轮比赛正式开始" << endl;multimap<double, int, greater<double>>group;int num = 0;vector<int>v;if (this->rounds == 1) v = v1;else v = v2;for (vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++){num++;deque<double>d;for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){double score = (rand() % 401 + 600) / 10.f; d.push_back(score);}sort(d.begin(), d.end(), greater<double>());d.pop_front();d.pop_back();double sum = accumulate(d.begin(), d.end(), 0.0f);double avg = sum / (double)d.size();this->speaker[*it].Score[this->rounds - 1] = avg;group.insert(make_pair(avg, *it));if (num % 6 == 0){if (num / 6 == 1) cout << "第一小组比赛名次如下:" << endl;else cout << "第二小组比赛名次如下:" << endl;for (multimap<double, int, greater<double>>::iterator it = group.begin(); it != group.end(); it++)cout << "编号:" << it->second << " 姓名:" << this->speaker[it->second].Name<< " 成绩:" << this->speaker[it->second].Score[this->rounds - 1] << endl;int count = 0;for (multimap<double, int, greater<double>>::iterator it = group.begin(); it != group.end() && count < 3; it++, count++){if (this->rounds == 1) v2.push_back((*it).second);else third.push_back((*it).second);}group.clear();cout << endl;}}if (this->rounds == 1) cout << "            第一轮比赛完毕" << endl;else cout << "            第二轮比赛完毕" << endl;system("pause");
}void SpeechManager::Show_score(){if (this->rounds == 1) cout << "            第一轮比赛晋级选手信息如下:" << endl;else cout << "            第二轮比赛晋级选手信息如下:" << endl;vector<int>v;if (this->rounds == 1) v = v2;else v = third;for (vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++)cout << "编号:" << *it<< " 姓名:" <<this-> speaker[*it].Name<< " 成绩:" << this->speaker[*it].Score[this->rounds - 1] << endl;cout << endl;system("pause");system("cls");this->Show_menu();
}void SpeechManager::Record(){ofstream ofs;ofs.open("speech.csv", ios::out | ios::app);for (vector<int>::iterator it = third.begin(); it != third.end(); it++)ofs << *it << "," << speaker[*it].Score[1] << ",";ofs <<endl;ofs.close();cout << "记录已保存" << endl;this->File_is_empty = false;
}void SpeechManager::Load_record(){ifstream ifs("speech.csv", ios::in);if (!ifs.is_open()){this->File_is_empty = true;cout << "文件不存在!" << endl;ifs.close();return;}char ch;ifs >> ch;if (ifs.eof()){cout << "文件为空!" << endl;this->File_is_empty = true;ifs.close();return;}this->File_is_empty = false;ifs.putback(ch);string data;int index = 0;while (ifs >> data){vector<string>v;int pos = -1;int start = 0;while (true){pos = data.find(",", start);if (pos == -1) break;string tmp = data.substr(start, pos - start);v.push_back(tmp);start = pos + 1;}this->record.insert(make_pair(index, v));index++;}ifs.close();
}void SpeechManager::Show_record(){if (this->File_is_empty) cout << "文件不存在,或记录为空!" << endl;else{for (map<int, vector<string>>::iterator it = this->record.begin(); it != this->record.end(); it++){cout << "第" << it->first+1 << "届" <<"冠军编号:" << it->second[0] << " 得分:" << it->second[1] << " ""亚军编号:" << it->second[2] << " 得分:" << it->second[3] << " ""季军编号:" << it->second[4] << " 得分:" << it->second[5] << endl;}}system("pause");system("cls");
}void SpeechManager::Clear_record()
{cout << "确认清空?" << endl<< "1. Yes" << endl<< "2. No" << endl;int select;cin >> select;if (select == 1){ofstream ofs("speech.csv", ios::trunc);ofs.close();this->Init_speaker();this->Create_speaker();this->Load_record();cout << "清除成功" << endl;}else if (select == 2) return;else cout << "输入有误!" << endl;system("pause");system("cls");


#include<ctime>using namespace std;int main(){srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));SpeechManager s1;int input;while (1){s1.Show_menu();cout << "            请输入你的选项:            " << endl;cin >> input;switch (input){case 0:s1.Exit_system();break;case 1:s1.Start_speech();break;case 2:s1.Show_record();break;case 3:s1.Clear_record();break;default:system("cls");break;}}system("pause");return 0;


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    C++匠心之作-从0到1入门学编程[视频+课件+笔记+源码] 目录 1.演讲比赛程序需求 1.1.比赛规则 1.2.程序功能 1.3.程序效果图 2.项目创建 2.1.创建项目 2.2.添加文件 3. ...

  2. C++基于STL的演讲比赛流程管理系统

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    一.关于这个管理系统所要实现的功能 1.12名种子选手进行轮次比赛. 2.共进行两轮比赛,第一轮分两组进行演讲比赛经过评委打分决出下一轮比赛的选手,第二轮总决赛选出前三名选手(演讲顺序依抽签为准!)( ...

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