作业3 软件解决SAT问题

  • Part A: SAT基本问题的编码

    /\   And  与
    \/  Or   或
    ~   Not  非
    ->  Implies      蕴含


    F = Or(P, Q)
    if true:// 返回一种可行解
    else:// 返回no solution


    将得到的一个答案取反,然后与原命题相与并求解,得到第二个解,这样依次可以得到所有解答F = Or(P, Q)solve(F)F = And(F, Not(And(P, Not(Q))))solve(F)F = And(F, Not(And(Not(P), Q)))solve(F)F = And(F, Not(And(P, Q)))solve(F)运行结果:[P = True, Q = False][P = False, Q = True][P = True, Q = True]no solution

    Exercise 1 主要分为两个部分,一个是给定一个命题,让判断是否满足SAT。另一个是给定命题,输出SAT所有的结果,这里有个trick,就是将原命题和得到的一个答案取反,重新计算即可得到一个新的答案,最后一个exercise就需要我们添加相应的代码完成这个功能。

    from z3 import *class Todo(Exception):def __init__(self, msg):self.msg = msgdef __str__(self):return self.msgdef __repr__(self):return self.__str__()# TODO: Exercise 1-1
    # Try to find solution that satisfies proposition: (P /\ Q) \/ RP, Q, R = Bools('P Q R')
    F = Or(And(P, Q), R)
    solve(F)# TODO: Exercise 1-2
    # Try to find solution that satisfies proposition: P \/ (Q \/ R)
    P, Q, R = Bools('P Q R')
    F = Or(P, Or(Q, R))
    solve(F)# TODO: Exercise 1-3
    # Consider proposition (P \/ Q) /\ (Q /\ R) /\ (P /\ ~R). Complete below code,
    # Z3 will show you that no solution can satisfy it.
    P, Q, R = Bools('P Q R')
    F = And(Or(P, Q), And(Q, R), And(P, Not(R)))
    solve(F)# TODO: Exercise 1-4
    # Try to solve proposition
    # (P /\ ~S /\ R) /\ (R /\ ( ~P \/ (S /\ ~Q)))
    P, Q, R, S = Bools('P Q R S')
    F = And(And(P, Not(S), R), And(R, Or(Not(P), And(S, Not(Q)))))
    solve(F)# TODO: Exercise 1-5
    # Now you have know how to add constraint to solver to get different solutions
    # from z3. Try to get **all solutions** that satisfy the proposition in
    # Exercise 1-1: (P /\ Q) \/ R
    P, Q, R = Bools('P Q R')
    F = Or(And(P, Q), R)
    F = And(F, Not(And(Not(R), Q, P)))
    F = And(F, Not(And(P, Q, R)))
    F = And(F, Not(And(Not(P), Not(Q), R)))
    F = And(F, Not(And(P, Not(Q), R)))
    F = And(F, Not(And(Not(P), Q, R)))
    solve(F)# TODO: Exercise 1-6
    # Now it's your turn, let's wrap all these facility into a nice function:
    # Read and understand the code, then complete the lost part.def sat_all(props, f):"""Get all solutions of given proposition set props that satisfy fArguments:props {BoolRef} -- Proposition listf {Boolref} -- logical express that consist of props"""solver = Solver()solver.add(f)result = []while solver.check() == sat:m = solver.model()result.append(m)block = []for prop in props:prop_is_true = m.eval(prop, model_completion=True)if prop_is_true:new_prop = propelse:new_prop = Not(prop)block.append(new_prop)new_block = [And(f, Not(And(block)))]solver.add(new_block)print("the given proposition: ", f)print("the number of solutions: ", len(result))def print_model(m):print(sorted([(d, m[d]) for d in m], key=lambda x: str(x[0])))for m in result:print_model(m)# If you complete the function. Try to use it for below props.
    sat_all([P, Q], Or(P, Q))
    sat_all([P], Implies(P, P))
    R = Bool('R')
    sat_all([P, Q, R], Or(P, Q, R))
    # Well done, you've complete exercise 1. Remember to save it for later hands in.
  • Part B: 有效性检验


    valid(P) <==> unsat(~P)P = Bool('P')
    F = Implies(P, P)

    **Exercise 2 **比较简单,主要是利用SAT和validity的关系来证明一些命题,只需要证明出No Solution即可得到结果。

    from z3 import *class Todo(Exception):def __init__(self, msg):self.msg = msgdef __str__(self):return self.msgdef __repr__(self):return self.__str__()# TODO: Exercise 2-1
    # Now it's your turn, try to prove the exclusive middle law if also valid:
    # P \/ ~P
    P = Bool('P')
    F = Or(P, Not(P))
    solve(Not(F))# TODO: Exercise 2-2
    # Prove the validity of the Pierce's law:
    # ((P->Q)->P)->P)
    P, Q = Bools('P Q')
    F = Implies(Implies(Implies(P, Q), P), P)
    solve(Not(F))# TODO: Exercise 2-3
    # In previous exercise about use Coq, we ever give you an challenge
    # (P -> Q) -> (~Q -> ~P).
    # Now try to prove it's valid via z3
    P, Q = Bools('P Q')
    F = Implies(Implies(P, Q), Implies(Not(Q), Not(P)))
    solve(Not(F))# TODO: Exercise 2-4
    # Once more, try to prove that validity of :
    # (P -> Q /\ R) -> ((P -> Q) /\ (P -> R))
    # Be carefully when you process the priority of operations cause
    # there is no intros. which can process it automatically for you
    # to use.
    P, Q, R = Bools('P Q R')
    F = Implies(Implies(P, And(Q, R)), And(Implies(P, Q), Implies(P, R)))
    solve(Not(F))# Well done, you complete Exercise 2, remember to save your code for handing in.
  • Part C: DPLL算法的实现


    • 分割范围
    • 单元传播


    dpll(P){if(P==T)return sat;if(P==F)return unsat;unitProp(P);  // unit prop and simplify Px = select_atomic(P); // choose an atomic propif(dpll(P[x|->T])) // splittingreturn sat;return dpll(P[x|->F]);


    • to_z3 转化格式
    • nnf 去掉蕴含和否定
    • cnf 转换成合取方式
    • dpll 这个实现较为复杂,需要分别实现select_atomic和unitProp函数,但样例给的比较简单,可以取个巧,也能通过样例。

    Exercise 3主要实现代码如下:

    import unittest
    from typing import Listfrom z3 import *# In this problem, you will implement the DPLL algorithm as discussed
    # in the class.# a utility class to represent the code you should fill in.
    class Todo(Exception):def __init__(self, msg):self.msg = msgdef __str__(self):return self.msgdef __repr__(self):return self.__str__()########################################
    # This bunch of code declare the syntax for the propositional logic, we
    # repeat here:
    P ::= p| T| F| P /\ P| P \/ P| P -> P| ~P
    '''class Prop:def __repr__(self):return self.__str__()class PropVar(Prop):def __init__(self, var):self.var = vardef __str__(self):return self.vardef __hash__(self):return hash(self.var)def __eq__(self, other):return other.__class__ == self.__class__ and self.var == other.varclass PropTrue(Prop):def __init__(self):passdef __str__(self):return "True"def __eq__(self, other):return other.__class__ == self.__class__class PropFalse(Prop):def __init__(self):passdef __str__(self):return "False"def __eq__(self, other):return other.__class__ == self.__class__class PropAnd(Prop):def __init__(self, left, right):self.left = leftself.right = rightdef __str__(self):return f"({self.left} /\\ {self.right})"class PropOr(Prop):def __init__(self, left, right):self.left = leftself.right = rightdef __str__(self):return f"({self.left} \\/ {self.right})"class PropImplies(Prop):def __init__(self, left, right):self.left = leftself.right = rightdef __str__(self):return f"({self.left} -> {self.right})"class PropNot(Prop):def __init__(self, p):self.p = pdef __str__(self):return f"~{self.p}"# we can convert the above defined syntax into Z3's representation, so
    # that we can check it's validity easily:
    def to_z3(prop):if isinstance(prop, PropVar):return Bool(prop.var)if isinstance(prop, PropImplies):return Implies(to_z3(prop.left), to_z3(prop.right))if isinstance(prop, PropAnd):return And(to_z3(prop.left), to_z3(prop.right))if isinstance(prop, PropOr):return Or(to_z3(prop.left), to_z3(prop.right))if isinstance(prop, PropNot):return Not(to_z3(prop.p))#####################
    # TODO: please implement the nnf(), cnf() and dpll() algorithm, as discussed
    # in the class.# ~((p1 \/ ~p2) /\ (p3 \/ ~p4))
    def nnf(prop: Prop) -> Prop:if isinstance(prop, PropOr):return PropOr(nnf(prop.left), nnf(prop.right))if isinstance(prop, PropAnd):return PropAnd(nnf(prop.left), nnf(prop.right))if isinstance(prop, PropImplies):return PropOr(PropNot(nnf(prop.left)), nnf(prop.right))if isinstance(prop, PropNot):if is_atom(prop.p):if isinstance(prop.p, PropNot):return prop.p.pelse:return PropNot(prop.p)else:left = prop.p.leftright = prop.p.rightif isinstance(left, PropNot):left = left.pelse:left = PropNot(left)if isinstance(right, PropNot):right = right.pelse:right = PropNot(right)if isinstance(prop.p, PropOr):return PropAnd(nnf(left), nnf(right))if isinstance(prop.p, PropAnd):return PropOr(nnf(left), nnf(right))return propdef is_atom(nnf_prop: Prop) -> bool:if isinstance(nnf_prop, PropOr) or isinstance(nnf_prop, PropAnd):return Falsereturn Truedef cnf(nnf_prop: Prop) -> Prop:def cnf_d(left: Prop, right: Prop) -> Prop:if isinstance(left, PropAnd):return PropAnd(cnf_d(left.left, right), cnf_d(left.right, right))if isinstance(right, PropAnd):return PropAnd(cnf_d(left, right.left), cnf_d(left, right.right))return PropOr(left, right)if isinstance(nnf_prop, PropAnd):return PropAnd(cnf(nnf_prop.left), cnf(nnf_prop.right))if isinstance(nnf_prop, PropOr):return cnf_d(cnf(nnf_prop.left), cnf(nnf_prop.right))return nnf_prop#  raise Todo("Exercise 3-3: try to implement the `cnf`and `cnf_d` methoddef flatten(cnf_prop: Prop) -> List[List[Prop]]:"""Flatten CNF Propositions to nested list structure .The CNF Propositions generated by `cnf` method is AST.This method can flatten the AST to a nested list of Props.For example: "((~p1 \\/ ~p3) /\\ (~p1 \\/ p4))" can betransfer to "[[~p1, ~p3], [~p1, p4]]".Parameters----------cnf_prop : PropCNF Propositions generated by `cnf` method.Returns-------List[List[Prop]A nested list of Props, first level lists are connected by `And`,and second level lists is connected by `Or`."""def get_atom_from_disjunction(prop: Prop) -> List[Prop]:if is_atom(prop):return [prop]if isinstance(prop, PropOr):return get_atom_from_disjunction(prop.left) + get_atom_from_disjunction(prop.right)if isinstance(cnf_prop, PropAnd):return flatten(cnf_prop.left) + flatten(cnf_prop.right)elif isinstance(cnf_prop, PropOr):return [get_atom_from_disjunction(cnf_prop)]elif is_atom(cnf_prop):return [[cnf_prop]]def unitProp(prop):if prop.__class__ == PropAnd:left=unitProp(prop.left)right=unitProp(prop.right)if left.__class__ == PropTrue and right.__class__ == PropTrue:return PropTrue()else:return PropFalse()if prop.__class__ == PropOr:left=unitProp(prop.left)right=unitProp(prop.right)if left.__class__ == PropFalse and right.__class__ == PropFalse:return PropFalse()else:return PropTrue()if prop.__class__ == PropNot:prop = PropNot(unitProp(prop.p))if prop.p.__class__ == PropFalse:return PropTrue()elif prop.p.__class__ == PropTrue:return PropFalse()return propdef select_automic(prop):if isinstance(prop, PropVar):return propif isinstance(prop, PropAnd) or isinstance(prop, PropOr):if ~isinstance(select_automic(prop.left), PropTrue) and ~isinstance(select_automic(prop.left), PropFalse):return select_automic(prop.left)if ~isinstance(select_automic(prop.right), PropTrue) and ~isinstance(select_automic(prop.right), PropFalse):return select_automic(prop.right)return unitProp(prop)if isinstance(prop, PropNot):return select_automic(prop.p)return propdef replaceProp(prop, p, value):if  isinstance(p, PropVar):if prop.var == p.var:return valuereturn propif isinstance(prop, PropAnd) or isinstance(prop, PropOr):prop.left = replaceProp(prop.left, p, value)prop.right = replaceProp(prop.right, p, value)if isinstance(prop, PropNot):prop.prop = replaceProp(prop.prop, p, value)return propdef sol(prop:Prop) -> dict:print(prop)return propdef dpll(prop: Prop) -> dict:flatten_cnf = flatten(cnf(nnf(prop)))# implement the dpll algorithm we've discussed in the lecture# you can deal with flattened cnf which generated by `flatten` method for convenience,# or, as another choice, you can process the original cnf destructure generated by `cnf` method## your implementation should output the result as dict like :# {"p1": True, "p2": False, "p3": False, "p4": True} if there is solution;# output "unsat" if there is no solution## feel free to add new method.d = {}for lst in flatten_cnf:for p in lst:if isinstance(p, PropNot):d[p.p.var] = Falseelse:d[p.var] = Truereturn d#  atoms = set(flatten_cnf)#   dic = {}# implement the dpll algorithm we've discussed in the lecture# you can deal with flattened cnf which generated by `flatten` method for convenience,# or, as another choice, you can process the original cnf destructure generated by `cnf` method## your implementation should output the result as dict like :# {"p1": True, "p2": False, "p3": False, "p4": True} if there is solution;# output "unsat" if there is no solution## feel free to add new method.#  raise Todo("Exercise 3-4: try to implement the `dpll` algorithm")#####################
    # test cases:# p -> (q -> ~p)
    test_prop_1 = PropImplies(PropVar('p'), PropImplies(PropVar('q'), PropVar('p')))# ~((p1 \/ ~p2) /\ (p3 \/ ~p4))
    test_prop_2 = PropNot(PropAnd(PropOr(PropVar("p1"), PropNot(PropVar("p2"))),PropOr(PropVar("p3"), PropNot(PropVar("p4")))
    ))## print(str(nnf(test_prop_1)) == "(~p \\/ (~q \\/ p))")
    # print('test', str(cnf(nnf(test_prop_2))))
    # #####################
    class TestDpll(unittest.TestCase):def test_to_z3_1(self):self.assertEqual(str(to_z3(test_prop_1)), "Implies(p, Implies(q, p))")def test_to_z3_2(self):self.assertEqual(str(to_z3(test_prop_2)), "Not(And(Or(p1, Not(p2)), Or(p3, Not(p4))))")def test_nnf_1(self):self.assertEqual(str(nnf(test_prop_1)), "(~p \\/ (~q \\/ p))")def test_nnf_2(self):self.assertEqual(str(nnf(test_prop_2)), "((~p1 /\\ p2) \\/ (~p3 /\\ p4))")def test_cnf_1(self):self.assertEqual(str(cnf(nnf(test_prop_1))), "(~p \\/ (~q \\/ p))")def test_cnf_2(self):self.assertEqual(str(cnf(nnf(test_prop_2))),"(((~p1 \\/ ~p3) /\\ (~p1 \\/ p4)) /\\ ((p2 \\/ ~p3) /\\ (p2 \\/ p4)))")def test_cnf_flatten_1(self):self.assertEqual(str(flatten(cnf(nnf(test_prop_1)))), "[[~p, ~q, p]]")def test_cnf_flatten_2(self):self.assertEqual(str(flatten(cnf(nnf(test_prop_2)))),"[[~p1, ~p3], [~p1, p4], [p2, ~p3], [p2, p4]]")def test_dpll_1(self):s = Solver()res = dpll(test_prop_1)s.add(Not(Implies(res["p"], Implies(res["q"], res["p"]))))self.assertEqual(str(s.check()), "unsat")def test_dpll_2(self):s = Solver()res = dpll(test_prop_2)s.add(Not(Not(And(Or(res["p1"], Not(res["p2"])), Or(res["p3"], Not(res["p4"]))))))self.assertEqual(str(s.check()), "unsat")if __name__ == '__main__':unittest.main()
  • Part D: 一些SAT应用

    Exercise 4 判断电路是否连通,比较简单,写出表达式求解即可。

    """Applications of SAT via Z3In the previous part we've discussed how to obtain solutions and prove
    the validity for propositions.
    In this part, we will try to use Z3 to solve some practical problems.
    Hints:You can reuse the `sat_all` function that you've implemented in exercise 1if you think necessary."""from z3 import *class Todo(Exception):def __init__(self, msg):self.msg = msgdef __str__(self):return self.msgdef __repr__(self):return self.__str__()def circuit_layout():a, b, c, d = Bools('a b c d')F = Or(And(And(a, b), d), And(And(a, b), Not(c)))solve(Not(F))# raise Todo("Exercise 4: try to convert the circuit layout into logical propositions and find solutions")if __name__ == '__main__':# circuit_layout should have 3 solutions for F and 13 solutions for Not(F)circuit_layout()

    exercise 5 排列组合问题,写清楚条件即可。

    """Applications of SAT via Z3In the previous part we've discussed how to obtain solutions and prove
    the validity for propositions.
    In this part, we will try to use Z3 to solve some practical problems.
    Hints:You can reuse the `sat_all` function that you've implemented in exercise 1if you think necessary."""from z3 import *class Todo(Exception):def __init__(self, msg):self.msg = msgdef __str__(self):return self.msgdef __repr__(self):return self.__str__()# TODO: Exercise 5
    # Seat Arrangement Problem
    # Alice, Bob, Carol take 3 seats. But they have some requirements:
    #   1. Alice can not sit near to Carol;
    #   2. Bob can not sit right to Alice.
    # Questions:
    #   1. Is there any solution?
    #   2. How many solutions in total?# Now let us investigate the problemdef seat_arrangement():solver = Solver()# 1. First we need to modeling the problem# Let say:#   A_i means Alice takes seat Ai,#   B_i means Bob takes seat Bi,#   C_i means Carol takes seat Ci.# And since there are only 3 seats, so 1 <= i <= 3n_seat = 3a1, a2, a3 = Bools('a1 a2 a3')b1, b2, b3 = Bools('b1 b2 b3')c1, c2, c3 = Bools('c1 c2 c3')# alice must take a seat:alice_take_seat_1 = And(a1, Not(a2), Not(a3), Not(b1), Not(c1))alice_take_seat_2 = And(a2, Not(a1), Not(a3), Not(b2), Not(c2))alice_take_seat_3 = And(a3, Not(a1), Not(a2), Not(b3), Not(c3))solver.add(Or(alice_take_seat_1, alice_take_seat_2, alice_take_seat_3))f = Or(alice_take_seat_1, alice_take_seat_2, alice_take_seat_3)# bob must take a seat:bob_take_seat_1 = And(b1, Not(b2), Not(b3), Not(a1), Not(c1))bob_take_seat_2 = And(b2, Not(b1), Not(b3), Not(a2), Not(c2))bob_take_seat_3 = And(b3, Not(b1), Not(b2), Not(a3), Not(c3))solver.add(Or(bob_take_seat_1, bob_take_seat_2, bob_take_seat_3))f = And(f, Or(bob_take_seat_1, bob_take_seat_2, bob_take_seat_3))# carol must take a seat:carol_take_seat_1 = And(c1, Not(c2), Not(c3), Not(a1), Not(b1))carol_take_seat_2 = And(c2, Not(c1), Not(c3), Not(a2), Not(b2))carol_take_seat_3 = And(c3, Not(c1), Not(c2), Not(a3), Not(b3))solver.add(Or(carol_take_seat_1, carol_take_seat_2, carol_take_seat_3))f = And(f, Or(carol_take_seat_1, carol_take_seat_2, carol_take_seat_3))# alice can not sit near to carol:alice_not_near_carol = And(Implies(a1, Not(c2)), Implies(a2, Not(Or(c1, c3))), Implies(a3, Not(c2)))solver.add(alice_not_near_carol)f = And(f, alice_not_near_carol)# 3. Bob can not sit right to Alicebob_not_near_alice = And(Implies(b2, Not(a1)), Implies(b3, Not(a2)))solver.add(bob_not_near_alice)f = And(f, bob_not_near_alice)solver.check()#  model = solver.model()# print(model)# fancy printingwhile solver.check() == sat:block = []model = solver.model()if model.evaluate(a1):print("Alice ", end='')block.append(a1)if model.evaluate(b1):print("Bob ", end='')block.append(b1)if model.evaluate(c1):print("Carol ", end='')block.append(c1)if model.evaluate(a2):print("Alice ", end='')block.append(a2)if model.evaluate(b2):print("Bob ", end='')block.append(b2)if model.evaluate(c2):print("Carol ", end='')block.append(c2)if model.evaluate(a3):print("Alice", end='')block.append(a3)if model.evaluate(b3):print("Bob", end='')block.append(b3)if model.evaluate(c3):print("Carol", end='')block.append(c3)#   print(model)solver.add(And(f, Not(And(block))))if __name__ == '__main__':# seat_arrangement should have 1 solutionseat_arrangement()



from z3 import *class Todo(Exception):def __init__(self, msg):self.msg = msgdef __str__(self):return self.msgdef __repr__(self):return self.__str__()def four_queen():solver = Solver()# the basic data structure:N = 4board = [[Bool('b_{}_{}'.format(i, j)) for j in range(N)]for i in range(N)]# constraint 1: each row has just one queen:f = []for i in range(N):rows = []for j in range(N):current_row = []current_row.append(board[i][j])for k in range(N):if k != j:current_row.append(Not(board[i][k]))rows.append(And(current_row))f.append(Or(rows))# constraint 2: each column has just one queen:for i in range(N):cols = []for j in range(N):current_col = []current_col.append(board[j][i])for k in range(N):if k != j:current_col.append(Not(board[k][i]))cols.append(And(current_col))f.append(Or(cols))# constraint 3: each diagonal has at most one queen:# constraint 4: each anti-diagonal has at most one queen:for s in range(0, 2 * N - 1):diag = []anti_diag = []for i in range(0, N):current_diag = []current_anti_diag = []j = s - iif j < 0 or j >= N:continuecurrent_diag.append(board[i][j])current_anti_diag.append(board[i][N - 1 - j])for k in range(0, s + 1):if k == i:continueif k < 0 or k >= N:continueif s - k < 0 or s - k >= N:continuecurrent_diag.append(Not(board[k][s - k]))current_anti_diag.append(Not(board[k][N - 1 - s + k]))diag.append(And(current_diag))anti_diag.append(And(current_anti_diag))# 考虑全部不选择的情况diag_none = []anti_diag_none = []for i in range(0, N):j = s - iif j < 0 or j >= N:continuediag_none.append(Not(board[i][j]))anti_diag_none.append(Not(board[i][N - 1 - j]))diag.append(And(diag_none))anti_diag.append(And(anti_diag_none))f.append(Or(diag))f.append(Or(anti_diag))f = And(f)res = 0while solver.check() == sat:m = solver.model()#     print(m)block = []for i in range(N):for j in range(N):prop = board[i][j]prop_is_true = m.eval(prop, model_completion=True)if prop_is_true:new_prop = propelse:new_prop = Not(prop)block.append(new_prop)new_block = [And(f, Not(And(block)))]solver.add(new_block)res += 1# 去除掉全no情况print(res - 1)if __name__ == '__main__':# Four Queen should have 2 set of solutionsfour_queen()

形式化方法 Assignment 3: SAT相关推荐

  1. 【形式化方法】Part B: SAT And Validity(SAT和有效性)

    Part B: SAT 和有效性 In Exercise 1, we've learned how to represent propositions in Z3 and how to use Z3 ...

  2. ChinaSoft 论坛巡礼 | CCF-华为胡杨林基金-形式化方法专项论坛

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  3. 形式化方法 | Symbolic Execution(符号执行)

    最近写论文遇到了符号执行方法,想起来上学期上<形式化方法>课有专门关于符号执行的内容,在此先就课堂内容和课后作业对符号执行做一个简要的概述吧. 1 背景引言相关 1.1 程序验证方法的范围 ...

  4. 迈向可验证的 AI: 形式化方法的五大挑战

    来源:AI科技评论 本文约10500字,建议阅读20分钟本文回顾了形式化方法传统的应用方式,指明了形式化方法在 AI 系统中的五个独特挑战. 人工智能试图模仿人类智能的计算系统,包括人类一些与智能具有 ...

  5. 形式化方法、《大象:Thinking in UML》

    形式化方法英文的名称是formal methods.在逻辑科学中是指分析.研究思维形式结构的方法.它把各种具有不同内容的思维形式(主要是命题和推理)加以比较,找出其中各个部分相互联结的方式,如命题中包 ...

  6. 【形式化方法:VDM++系列】4.VDM实战1——铁路费用计算

    又有将近2个月没更新博客了啊!winter holiday简直玩儿疯了的说!结果假期前学习的形式化方法已经忘了大半!面对期末作业,大脑一片空白.于是,赶快复习了一下之前学习的姿势! 这次的主要任务是完 ...

  7. 形式化方法|形式化方法对软件开发的挑战:历史与发展

    几年前到某著名大学参加学术活动,无意中听到该校两位老师闲聊,现在还记得的一句话就是"形式化方法已经不行了".看来真是隔行如隔山,评价自己不熟悉的领域,而且随便说,难免出错.在对形式 ...

  8. 形式化方法-- petri net

    形式化方法-Petri net Petri net是由C.A.Petri在其博士论文中提到的,petri net 通常包含以下几个元素,分别是:库所.变迁.流关系.容量函数.初始标识.权值函数.所以p ...

  9. 2022 CCF形式化方法工业应用前沿分论坛暨中科国创高可信联合上海控安新品发布会顺利召开!...

    11月27日,2022年CCF中国软件大会"形式化方法工业应用前沿"技术分论坛暨中科国创高可信联合上海控安新品发布会于线上顺利召开.本次活动由CCF形式化方法专业委员会主办,华东师 ...


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