
  • Word Preparation
    • discount:折扣
    • at most:最多
    • barely:几乎不,勉强
    • How much are you charging for this? 这个你卖了多少钱?
    • I like everything about it but the price. 除了价格我都挺满意的。
    • You've got yourself a deal. 就按你说的办吧;一言为定。
  • Grammar
    • Bargaining with a seller. 跟卖家讨价还价

Word Preparation


How much discount would you intend to give us?

How much discount could you offer on an order of this size?

at most:最多

According to your estimation, how much turnover would you finish at most?

I can wait for you for ten minutes more at most.


I can barely make out his silhouette in the dark.

I barely keep my head above water for earning twenty dollars a week.

How much are you charging for this? 这个你卖了多少钱?

- How much are you charging for this dress? 这条裙子你卖多少钱?
- $20 20美元。

What a cool jacket! How much are you charging for this?

I like everything about it but the price. 除了价格我都挺满意的。

- So, what do you think about the dress? 那么你觉得这条裙子怎么样?
- Well, I like everything about it but the price. 我觉得都挺好的,就是价格有点不合适。

I like everything about it but the price. Is there any discount for this sofa?

You’ve got yourself a deal. 就按你说的办吧;一言为定。

I thought about your offer. You’ve got yourself a deal.

- How about I help you with your math test and you teach me Spanish? 我帮你准备你的数学考试,你教我说西班牙语怎么样?
- You’ve got yourself a deal. 就按你说的做吧。


Bargaining with a seller. 跟卖家讨价还价

除了I like everything about it but the price.,还可以说

  • The price is a little bit above my range.
  • It’s a little costly for me.
  • I can’t afford it at this price.
  • I’m not quite satisfied with the price.
  • Is there any discount for this desk? The price is a little bit above my range.
  • I think I’ll try some other place. It’s a little bit costly for me.
  • I can’t afford it at this price. I’ve only got $500 on me.
  • Well, the quality is good but I’m not quite satisfied with the price.

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