
PyCharm 是个很强大的 python IDE,PEP 8 的告警提示也很好用,但是函数名不能包含大写字母等少数几个规范真心觉得不好,如何取消呢?见下述步骤:

在 Ignored errors 中添加要忽略的告警ID。注意,要区分是属于 coding 还是 naming。


code sample message
N801 class names should use CapWords convention
N802 function name should be lowercase
N803 argument name should be lowercase
N804 first argument of a classmethod should be named ‘cls’
N805 first argument of a method should be named ‘self’
N806 variable in function should be lowercase
N807 function name should not start and end with ‘__’
N811 constant imported as non constant
N812 lowercase imported as non lowercase
N813 camelcase imported as lowercase
N814 camelcase imported as constant
N815 mixedCase variable in class scope
N816 mixedCase variable in global scope
N817 camelcase imported as acronym
code sample message
E1 Indentation
E101 indentation contains mixed spaces and tabs
E111 indentation is not a multiple of four
E112 expected an indented block
E113 unexpected indentation
E114 indentation is not a multiple of four (comment)
E115 expected an indented block (comment)
E116 unexpected indentation (comment)
E117 over-indented
E121 (*^) continuation line under-indented for hanging indent
E122 (^) continuation line missing indentation or outdented
E123 (*) closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket’s line
E124 (^) closing bracket does not match visual indentation
E125 (^) continuation line with same indent as next logical line
E126 (*^) continuation line over-indented for hanging indent
E127 (^) continuation line over-indented for visual indent
E128 (^) continuation line under-indented for visual indent
E129 (^) visually indented line with same indent as next logical line
E131 (^) continuation line unaligned for hanging indent
E133 (*) closing bracket is missing indentation
E2 Whitespace
E201 whitespace after ‘(‘
E202 whitespace before ‘)’
E203 whitespace before ‘:’
E211 whitespace before ‘(‘
E221 multiple spaces before operator
E222 multiple spaces after operator
E223 tab before operator
E224 tab after operator
E225 missing whitespace around operator
E226 (*) missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
E227 missing whitespace around bitwise or shift operator
E228 missing whitespace around modulo operator
E231 missing whitespace after ‘,’, ‘;’, or ‘:’
E241 (*) multiple spaces after ‘,’
E242 (*) tab after ‘,’
E251 unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals
E261 at least two spaces before inline comment
E262 inline comment should start with ‘# ‘
E265 block comment should start with ‘# ‘
E266 too many leading ‘#’ for block comment
E271 multiple spaces after keyword
E272 multiple spaces before keyword
E273 tab after keyword
E274 tab before keyword
E275 missing whitespace after keyword
E3 Blank line
E301 expected 1 blank line, found 0
E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 0
E303 too many blank lines (3)
E304 blank lines found after function decorator
E305 expected 2 blank lines after end of function or class
E306 expected 1 blank line before a nested definition
E4 Import
E401 multiple imports on one line
E402 module level import not at top of file
E5 Line length
E501 (^) line too long (82 > 79 characters)
E502 the backslash is redundant between brackets
E7 Statement
E701 multiple statements on one line (colon)
E702 multiple statements on one line (semicolon)
E703 statement ends with a semicolon
E704 (*) multiple statements on one line (def)
E711 (^) comparison to None should be ‘if cond is None:’
E712 (^) comparison to True should be ‘if cond is True:’ or ‘if cond:’
E713 test for membership should be ‘not in’
E714 test for object identity should be ‘is not’
E721 (^) do not compare types, use ‘isinstance()’
E722 do not use bare except, specify exception instead
E731 do not assign a lambda expression, use a def
E741 do not use variables named ‘l’, ‘O’, or ‘I’
E742 do not define classes named ‘l’, ‘O’, or ‘I’
E743 do not define functions named ‘l’, ‘O’, or ‘I’
E9 Runtime
E901 SyntaxError or IndentationError
E902 IOError
W1 Indentation warning
W191 indentation contains tabs
W2 Whitespace warning
W291 trailing whitespace
W292 no newline at end of file
W293 blank line contains whitespace
W3 Blank line warning
W391 blank line at end of file
W5 Line break warning
W503 (*) line break before binary operator
W504 (*) line break after binary operator
W505 (*^) doc line too long (82 > 79 characters)
W6 Deprecation warning
W601 .has_key() is deprecated, use ‘in’
W602 deprecated form of raising exception
W603 ‘<>’ is deprecated, use ‘!=’
W604 backticks are deprecated, use ‘repr()’
W605 invalid escape sequence ‘x’
W606 ‘async’ and ‘await’ are reserved keywords starting with Python 3.7


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