
outermost layer最外层


extreme, furthest, outermost, utmost, farthest








用作形容词(adj.)The outermost container is the root element.


He fired and hit the outermost ring of the target.


The outermost electron is shielded from the nucleus.



Ab initio effective core potentials for molecular calculations. Potentials for K to Au including the outermost core orbitalsDouble Electron Ejection Resulting from Photo-Ionization in the Outermost Shell of He, Ne, and Ar, and Its Relationship to Electron ...Film cassetteGaussian basis sets for use in correlated molecular calculations. I. The atoms boron through neon and hydrogenStrength and breaking mechanism of multiwalled carbon nanotubes under tensile loadpH-Dependent Thickness Behavior of Sequentially Adsorbed Layers of Weak PolyelectrolytesControlling Bilayer Composition and Surface Wettability of Sequentially Adsorbed Multilayers of Weak PolyelectrolytesAvoiding Energy Holes in Wireless Sensor Networks with Nonuniform Node DistributionChandra Temperature Profiles for a Sample of Nearby Relaxed Galaxy ClustersFemale preference for apparently symmetrical male sexual ornaments in the barn swallow Hirundo rustica

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