
Starting Note:


Editing and styling go hand in hand during the development of a web page or a website. While you are editing an element of your web page or website you must also style that element according to the changes made, this is necessary as to make the appearance of your web page or website neat besides the page or site becomes structured and responsive. Therefore, one must know some fundamental properties of styling as well as editing in CSS. A good developer tends to learn various properties regularly and that helps in building a much more better and responsive website or web pages.

在开发网页或网站的过程中,编辑和样式是齐头并进的。 当您编辑网页或网站的元素时,还必须根据所做的更改对该元素进行样式设置,这对于使网页或网站的外观整洁,不仅使页面或网站变得结构化且具有响应性,这是必需的。 因此,必须了解样式以及CSS的一些基本属性。 一个好的开发人员倾向于定期学习各种属性,这有助于构建更好,响应更快的网站或网页。



Since we are talking about styling and editing, let us have a look at the purpose of this article and try to understand how we can adjust spaces between two rows in a table by making use of CSS. This method is not at all tough all you need to do is edit some bits of code and surely you can achieve this easily without much of bran-wrecking work.

由于我们正在谈论样式和编辑,因此让我们看一下本文的目的,并尝试了解如何通过使用CSS调整表中两行之间的间距 。 这种方法根本不需要做的就是编辑一些代码,并且您肯定可以轻松地实现这一目标,而无需花费很多精力。

We have all dealt with tables or grids, they are also referred to as grids many times. It is considered a very good practice to include tables on your web page or website. Tables or grids can be used for many purposes, for example, they can be used to draw a comparison or differentiate between any two terms, or to provide some factual data and much more. Besides, including tables or grids also reduce your typing work. Therefore, if you think a table or grid would suffice without writing an entire paragraph for a certain piece of information, then you go ahead!

我们都处理过表格或网格,它们也多次被称为网格。 在您的网页或网站上包含表格被认为是一种很好的做法。 表格或网格可用于许多目的,例如,它们可用于进行比较或区分任意两个术语,或提供一些事实数据等等。 此外,包括表格或表格也可以减少您的打字工作。 因此,如果您认为表格或网格就足够了,而不必为某个信息编写整个段落,那么您就继续吧!



Now that we have talked about tables or grids let us look at the solution of the method that we seek to achieve.


The space between two rows can be adjusted using border-spacing and border-collapse property in CSS.

可以使用CSS中的 border-spacing和border-collapse属性来调整两行之间的间距。

Where border-spacing property is used to set the distance between the borders to its adjacent cells and border-collapse property is used to collapse adjacent cells and make a common border.

其中border-spacing属性用于设置边框与其相邻单元格之间的距离, border-collapse属性用于折叠相邻单元格并创建公共边框。






<!DOCTYPE html>
table {border-collapse: separate;
border-spacing: 0 15px;
th {background-color: #ccc;
color: black;
td {width: 160px;
border: 2px solid black;
padding: 4px;
<h3>Adjusting space between two rows in a table</h3>
<th>Roll No.</th>
<td class="td">1</td>
<td class="td">2</td>
<td class="td">3</td>



Therefore in the above example, you can see the spacing between the adjacent cells of the above table as there is a padding of 4px between every two rows.


Not that hard right? Thus, by making use of border-collapse and the border-spacing property you can adjust the space between two rows in a table using CSS.

不是那么难吗? 因此,通过使用border-collapse和border-spacing属性,您可以使用CSS调整表中两行之间的间隔

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/code-snippets/adjusting-space-between-two-rows-in-a-table-using-css.aspx



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