A model framework-based domain-specific composable modeling method for combat system effectiveness simulation
Modeling and simulation建模与仿真;
Composable modeling组合建模;
Domain-specific modeling特定领域建模;
Simulation model framework仿真模型框架;
System effectiveness simulation系统效能仿真.

Combat system effectiveness simulation (CoSES) plays an irreplaceable role in the effectiveness measurement of combat systems. According to decades of research and practice, composable modeling and multi-domain modeling are recognized as two major modeling requirements in CoSES. Current effectiveness simulation researches attempt to cope with the structural and behavioral complexity of CoSES based on a unified technological space, and they are limited to their existing modeling paradigms and fail to meet these two requirements. In this work,we propose amodel framework-based domain-specific composable modeling method to solve this problem. This method builds a common model framework using application invariant knowledge for CoSES, and designs domain-specific modeling infrastructures for subdomains as corresponding extension points of the framework to support the modeling of application variant knowledge. Therefore,this method supports domain-specific modeling in multiple subdomains and the composition of subsystem models across different subdomains based on the model framework. The case study shows that this method raises the modeling abstraction level, supports generative modeling, and promotes model reuse and composability.



To meet the composable modeling requirement and multi-domain modeling requirement in effectiveness simulation, this paper proposed a model framework-based domain-specific modeling method. This method is based on the comprehensive utilization of current research fruits, domain knowledge and M&S experiences on CoSES. On the one hand, this method provides DSMEs to model AVK for subject domains in CoSES; on the other hand, this method uses AIK to construct a unified model framework to support the composition of subsystemsmodels across different domains. Therefore, this method raises the modeling abstraction level, supports generative modeling and composable modeling, promotes model reuse and portability, and improves the development efficiency.The case study proved the applicability of themethod.Although thismethod is proposedmainly to address themodeling issues in CoSES, it can also be applicable for the M&S of other complex systems.
针对效能仿真中组合建模和多领域建模的要求,提出了一种基于模型框架的特定领域建模方法。该方法是在综合利用CoSES(作战系统效能仿真)现有研究成果、领域知识和M&S(modeling and simulation,建模与仿真)经验的基础上提出的。一方面,该方法为CoSES中的主题域AVK(application variable knowledge,应用变量知识)建模提供了DSMEs( domain-specific modeling environment,特定领域的建模环境);另一方面,该方法使用AIK构建一个统一的模型框架,以支持跨域子系统模型的组合。因此,该方法提高了建模抽象层次,支持生成式建模和组合建模,提高了模型的复用性和可移植性,提高了开发效率。实例分析证明了该方法的适用性。虽然该方法主要是为了解决CoSES中的建模问题,但它也适用于其他复杂系统的M&S(建模与仿真)。

Futrue work:
平台模型的状态可达性分析(state reachability analysis)、它的决策模型和附属设备模型。
(3)第三,为了促进提出的方法的工业应用,许多技术问题应该得到适当的处理,如代码生成效率和DSME( domain-specific modeling environment,特定领域的建模环境) 的图形外观。

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