使用Avro可实现如下几种方式的轻量级RPC, 每种方式都可用动态编码和静态编码来实现:
















1.  添加maven依赖包


2. 静态方法实现Netty RPC

2.1 下载 avro-tools-1.8.1.jar

2.2 编译mail.avpr, 生成java代码Message.java 和 Mail.java


{"namespace": "org.hdp.practice.rpc.netty","protocol": "Mail","types": [{"name": "Message", "type": "record","fields": [{"name": "to",   "type": "string"},{"name": "from", "type": "string"},{"name": "body", "type": "string"}]}],"messages": {"send": {"request": [{"name": "message", "type": "Message"}],"response": "string"}}

运行命令: java -jar avro-tools-1.8.1.jar compile protocol mail.avpr .

2.3 java代码

public class MyServer {public static class MailImpl implements Mail{@Overridepublic Utf8 send(Message message) {System.out.println("Sending message");return new Utf8("Sending message to " + message.getTo().toString()+ " from " + message.getFrom().toString()+ " with body " + message.getBody().toString());}}public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {System.out.println("Starting server");NettyServer server = new NettyServer(new SpecificResponder(Mail.class, new MailImpl()), new InetSocketAddress(65111));System.out.println("Server started");}
}public class MyClient {public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {if (args.length != 3) {System.out.println("Usage: <to> <from> <body>");System.exit(1);}NettyTransceiver client = new NettyTransceiver(new InetSocketAddress(65111));Mail proxy = (Mail) SpecificRequestor.getClient(Mail.class, client);System.out.println("Client built, got proxy");Message message = new Message();message.setTo(new Utf8(args[0]));message.setFrom(new Utf8(args[1]));message.setBody(new Utf8(args[2]));System.out.println("Calling proxy.send with message:  " + message.toString());System.out.println("Result: " + proxy.send(message));client.close();}

3. 动态方法实现HTTP RPC

3.1  message.avpr

{  "namespace": "cn.slimsmart.avro.demo",  "protocol": "messageProtocol",  "doc": "This is a message.",  "name": "Message",  "types": [  {"name":"message", "type":"record",  "fields":[  {"name":"name", "type":"string"},  {"name":"type", "type":"int"},  {"name":"price", "type":"double"},  {"name":"valid", "type":"boolean"},  {"name":"content", "type":"string"}  ]  }  ],  "messages":    {  "sendMessage":{  "doc" : "message test",  "request" :[{"name":"message","type":"message" }],  "response" :"message"  }           }

3.2 java 代码

public class Server extends GenericResponder {  private Protocol protocol = null;  private int port;  public Server(Protocol protocol, int port) {  super(protocol);  this.protocol = protocol;  this.port = port;  }  @Override  public Object respond(Message message, Object request) throws Exception {  GenericRecord req = (GenericRecord) request;  GenericRecord reMessage = null;  if (message.getName().equals("sendMessage")) {  GenericRecord msg = (GenericRecord)req.get("message");  System.out.print("接收到数据:");  System.out.println(msg);  //取得返回值的类型  reMessage =  new GenericData.Record(protocol.getType("message"));   //直接构造回复  reMessage.put("name", "苹果");  reMessage.put("type", 100);  reMessage.put("price", 4.6);  reMessage.put("valid", true);  reMessage.put("content", "最新上架货物");  }  return reMessage;  }  public void run() {  try {  HttpServer server = new HttpServer(this, port);  server.start();  server.join();  } catch (Exception e) {  e.printStackTrace();  }  }  public static void main(String[] args) {  new Server(Utils.getProtocol(), 9090).run();  }
}public class Client {  private Protocol protocol = null;  private String host = null;  private int port = 0;  private int count = 0;  public Client(Protocol protocol, String host, int port, int count) {  this.protocol = protocol;  this.host = host;  this.port = port;  this.count = count;  }  public long sendMessage() throws Exception {  GenericRecord requestData = new GenericData.Record(protocol.getType("message"));  requestData.put("name", "香梨");  requestData.put("type", 36);  requestData.put("price", 5.6);  requestData.put("valid", true);  requestData.put("content", "价钱便宜");  // 初始化请求数据  GenericRecord request = new GenericData.Record(protocol.getMessages().get("sendMessage").getRequest());  request.put("message", requestData);  Transceiver t = new HttpTransceiver(new URL("http://" + host + ":" + port));  GenericRequestor requestor = new GenericRequestor(protocol, t);  long start = System.currentTimeMillis();  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {  Object result = requestor.request("sendMessage", request);  if (result instanceof GenericData.Record) {  GenericData.Record record = (GenericData.Record) result;  System.out.println(record);  }  }  long end = System.currentTimeMillis();  System.out.println((end - start)+"ms");  return end - start;  }  public long run() {  long res = 0;  try {  res = sendMessage();  } catch (Exception e) {  e.printStackTrace();  }  return res;  }  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {  new Client(Utils.getProtocol(), "", 9090, 5).run();  }
}  public class Utils {public static Protocol getProtocol() {  Protocol protocol = null;  try {  String url = Utils.class.getResource("").getPath()+"message.avpr";protocol = Protocol.parse(new File(url));  } catch (IOException e) {  e.printStackTrace();  }  return protocol;  }





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