Multiplication operation is not always easy! For example, it is hard to calculate 27 × 20 using your mind, but it is easier to find the answer using the following methods: 30 × 20 - 3 × 20. It turns out that people can calculate the multiplication of two special numbers very easily.

A number is called special if it contains exactly one non-zero digit at the beginning (i.e. the most significant digit), followed by a non-negative number of zeros. For example, 30, 7, 5000 are special numbers, while 0, 11, 8070 are not.

In this problem, you are given two numbers a and b. Your task is to calculate the multiplication of a and b (a × b), by writing the multiplication expression as a summation or subtraction of multiplication of special numbers. Can you?


The first line contains an integer T (1 ≤ T ≤ 104) specifying the number of test cases.

Each test case consists of a single line containing two integers a and b ( - 109 ≤ a, b ≤ 109, a ≠ 0, b ≠ 0), as described in the problem statement above.


For each test case, print a single line containing the multiplication expression of a and b as a summation or subtraction of multiplication of special numbers. All special numbers must be between  - 109 and 109 (inclusive). If there are multiple solutions, print any of them. It is guaranteed that an answer always exists for the given input.

The multiplication expression must be printed in exactly one line. A single term must be printed as  in which z and w are both special numbers, # represents a single space, and x represents the multiplication operation. Two consecutive terms must be printed as  in which z and w are both special numbers, # represents a single space,  represents the multiplication operation, and  represents either the addition operation  +  or the subtraction operation  - . (Check the sample output for more clarification).



55 20
70 17


60 x 20 - 5 x 20
-3 x 70 + 70 x 20





import java.util.Scanner;public class Main {static int T,a,b;static int s1,s2,s3,s4;public static void main(String[] args) {// TODO Auto-generated method stubScanner sc=new Scanner(;T=sc.nextInt();while(T>0){a=sc.nextInt();b=sc.nextInt();s1=s2=s3=s4=0;if(a%10!=0){s1=(a/10+1)*10;//向上取后的值s2=10-a%10;//向上取后应减去的值}if(b%10!=0){s3=(b/10+1)*10;//向上取后的值s4=10-b%10;//向上取后应减去的值}if(s1==0&&s2==0&&s3==0&&s4==0){//如果都是特殊数直接输出System.out.println(a+" x "+b);}else if(s1==0&&s2==0){//第一个数是特殊的System.out.println(a+" x "+s3+" - "+a+" x "+s4);}else if(s3==0&&s4==0){//第二个数是特殊的System.out.println(s1+" x "+b+" - "+s2+" x "+b);}else{//都不是特殊的System.out.println(s1+" x "+s3+" + "+s2+" x "+s4+" - "+s1+" x "+s4+" - "+s2+" x "+s3);}T--;}}}

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