unit_4 Survival

Getting prepared - academic exploration 1

  • translation from Chinese into English

    1. approximately (adv. more or less than a number or amount 大约,大概)

      • According to a study funded by the National Science Foundation, it takes approximately 7,000 years for the Earth’s magnetic field to reverse polarity._ (美国)国家科学基金会资助的一项研究显示,地球地磁极性倒转大约需要7000年的时间。
    • Worldwide there are approximately 7,000 languages spoken today.
    • 目前世界上在使用中的语言约有7000种。
    1. linguistically(adv. in a way that relates to language, words, or linguistics 语言学方面)

      • Language learners who live in linguistically diverse contexts are more exposed to non-native languages and get more opportunities to learn and practice using other languages._ 生活在多元语言环境中的语言学习者更容易接触到非母语,并有更多的机会学习和练习其他语言。
    • For example, Papua New Guinea is one of the most linguistically diverse countries in the world, with over 800 languages.
    • 例如,巴布亚新几内亚是世界上语言最多样化的国家之一,有超过800种语言。
    1. discrimination(n. [U] the practice of treating one person or group differently from another in an unfair way 歧视)

      • Fighting discrimination against the disabled is integral to protection for the disabled and also an important element of the labor law._ 消除对残疾人的歧视是保护残疾人的重要一环,也是劳动法的重要内容。
    • Some languages faced discrimination and were even banned.
    • 有的语言受到歧视,甚至被禁用。
    1. enforce(vt. to make people obey a rule or law 执行,实施(法律))

      • Scientists and policymakers worked to develop and enforce regulations that protect the blue whales, with the intention to increase their numbers._ 科学家和决策者协力合作,完善蓝鲸保护法规,并确保其施行,以增加蓝鲸的数量。
    • Once a language achieves a superior position in society, because it is either enforced through law, or has a special status in education, it makes it hard for other languages to survive.
    • 一旦某种语言在社会上占据优势地位时——被法律强制要求,或在教育中拥有特殊地位——它就会导致其他语言难以生存。
    1. urbanization(n. [U] the process of creating cities or towns in country areas 城市化)

      • The way we plan and manage urbanization can exert a great influence on socio-economic transformation._ 我们规划和管理城市化的方式会对社会经济转型产生重大影响。
    • However, this process started along with urbanization as more people moved to cities in search of work and there became a need for common languages.
    • 然而,这一过程是伴随着城市化进程开始的:由于越来越多的人为了寻求工作机会而向城市迁徙,对通用语言的需要随之产生。
    1. dedicated(adj. 1. sb. who is dedicated works very hard at what they do because they care a lot about it 满腔热忱的,有奉献精神的;2. (only before noun) made for or used for only one particular purpose 专用的)

      • Working with a dedicated team of software developers, you will understand the specifics of the whole process of software development._ 在与一支敬业的软件开发团队共事的过程中,你会了解整个软件开发过程中的细节。
    • Education, from nursery to college, is available in Welsh. Dedicated Welsh TV channels are also broadcast."
    • 用威尔士语进行的教学贯穿幼儿园到大学,电视台也有专门的威尔士语频道。”
    1. dedicate(vt. 1 to give all your attention and effort to one particular thing 致力于,献身于;2 to use a place, time, money, etc. only for a particular purpose 把······专用于)

      • You should dedicate yourself to continuous learning and self-development, not only during your time at the university but throughout your career and life. 不论是大学阶段还是职业生涯和生活中,你都要全身心地持续学习,促进自我发展。
    • Education, from nursery to college, is available in Welsh. Dedicated Welsh TV channels are also broadcast."
    • 用威尔士语进行的教学贯穿幼儿园到大学,电视台也有专门的威尔士语频道。”
    1. reverse (vt. to change sth., such as a decision, judgment, or process so that it is the opposite of what it was before 推翻,彻底改变(决定、判决、过程等))

      • Scholars have addressed the critical need of reversing the present state of the mis-protection of cultural heritage that results in mass destruction._ 学者指出,对文化遗产保护失当造成大规模破坏的现状急需扭转。
    • Most importantly, the trend of decline has reversed and nearly 80% of the population now report being able to speak, read, and write in Welsh."
    • 最重要的是,这门语言衰退的趋势已被扭转,现在有近80%的人能够使用威尔士语进行会话、阅读和写作。”
  • words in use (fill the blank with appropriate words)

    1. If we can embrace cultural diversity when interacting with others, we will be able to build bridges to trust, respect, and understanding across cultures.
    2. No language is superior to another. All languages are equal no matter whether they are spoken by the majority or not.
    3. The world has experienced dramatic urbanization in recent decades as more and more people move to cities for better jobs and opportunities.
    4. Minority languages need to be protected in order to be able to survive in the process of globalization.
    5. The desire to engage in hands-on activities to solve problems innovatively is the hallmark (特征) of a passionate and dedicated scientist.
    6. The most effective way to protect a language is to grant it a special status.
    7. Commerce affects many decisions. The majority of businessmen are focused on economic success.
    8. The distribution of animals can be improved. Some endangered animals could be reintroduced to areas they once lived.
  • translation from English into Chinese

    1. Early childhood educators face huge challenges when they work with children and families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.有多元语言文化背景的儿童和家庭会给幼儿教育工作者带来巨大挑战。
    2. Strong government commitment and leadership are needed to enforce effective measures to protect cultural heritage from multiple threats. 要保证有效举措得以实施,需要政府的充分投入和强有力的领导,从而使文化遗产免受各种威胁。
    3. Linguists studied approximately 37,000 words across five different languages (English, Spanish, Dutch, German, and Polish) to figure out the connection between the sounds that were pronounced and the emotions that were expressed in all five languages.语言学家对五种语言(英语、西班牙语、荷兰语、德语和波兰语)中的约37000个单词进行了研究,以分析这些语言的发音和所表达的情感之间的联系。
    4. In a flipped (翻转的) class, the traditional teaching process is reversed with class time dedicated to discussion-based activities, whereas learners construct their own knowledge outside of the classroom.在翻转课堂中,传统的教学过程被翻转,课堂时间主要用来开展讨论活动,而构建知识体系的任务由学习者在课外完成。
    5. Experiences of discrimination can trigger negative emotions that can lead to altered physiological reactions, which can increase the risk of poor health. 受到歧视会引发负面情绪,这种情绪会导致生理反应发生变化,增加损害健康的风险。

Getting prepared - academic exploration 2

  • translation from Chinese into English

    1. extinction (n. [U] when a particular type of animal or plant stops existing 灭绝,绝种)

      • The natural causes of species extinction that has occurred in our geological history include comet strikes and volcanic eruptions._ 在我们的地质史上,导致物种灭绝的自然原因包括彗星撞击和火山爆发。
    • Since we have identified so few animals, it is difficult to determine the rate of extinction.
    • 由于已被识别的动物种类太少,因此很难确定物种的灭绝率。
    1. extinct (adj. an extinct type of animal or plant does not exist any more灭绝的,绝种的)

      • Endangered animals have an impact on the environment in almost the same way as extinct animals but to a lower extent._ 濒危动物对环境的影响几乎与已灭绝动物一样,但影响程度较低一些。
    • However, it is thought that between 0.01% and 0.1% of all species could become extinct every year.
    • 不过,有观点认为每年都有0.01%到0.1%的物种灭绝,这意味着每年有900到9000个物种灭绝。
    1. conservation (n. [U] the protection of natural things such as animals, plants, forests, etc., to prevent them from being spoiled or destroyed(动植物、森林等的)保护)

      • Ecotourism has brought about many positive impacts, including reducing the exploitation of conservation areas and raising awareness among tourists of the environmental consequences of their actions._ 生态旅游带来了许多积极的影响,包括减少对保护区的开发,提高游客对自身行动所产生的环境影响的认识。
    • Another example is the mountain gorilla, which without the conservation efforts of some individuals and charities would possibly already be extinct.
    • 再举一个山地大猩猩的例子,如果没有一些个人和慈善机构的奋力保护,山地大猩猩可能已经灭绝了。
    1. intrinsically (adv. in an essential or natural way 本质上)

      • Ageing is today a major societal concern that is intrinsically associated with the increase of life expectancy._ 老龄化是当今一个主要的社会问题,它本质上与预期寿命的延长有关。
    • The food chain is intrinsically linked to the ecosystem of an area.
    • 食物链与一个地区的生态系统有着内在的联系。。
    1. ecosystem (n. [C] all the animals and plants in a particular area, and the way in which they are related to each other and to their environment 生态系统)

      • Polar marine ecosystems are pretty sensitive to climate change, and slight differences in temperature can greatly affect the thickness of sea ice._ 极地海洋生态系统对气候变化非常敏感,温度的细微差异都会对海洋冰层的厚度产生很大的影响。
    • The food chain is intrinsically linked to the ecosystem of an area.
    • 食物链与一个地区的生态系统有着内在的联系。。
    1. exacerbate (vt. to make a bad situation worse 使恶化;使加重)

      • Massive urban expansion can magnify the risk of environmental hazards and exacerbate natural habitat loss and fragmentation._ 大规模的城市扩张可能会增加环境危害的风险,并使得自然栖息地的消失和破碎化现象加剧。
    • This not only endangered a species, but also caused a reduction in phytoplankton and possibly exacerbated the issue of climate change.
    • 这不仅危及鲸鱼物种,还导致浮游植物减少,并很可能加剧气候变化。
  • words in use (fill the blank with appropriate words)

    1. Human activities like the widespread destruction of trees and plants can disrupt the environment.
    2. Possible solutions to food shortages / shortage include enhancing agricultural technologies, reducing food waste, and improving land management.
    3. Some animals are able to survive and thrive after a catastrophe (灾难) because they have qualities that make them adaptable and competitive in tough conditions.
    4. Some people argue it is natural for animals to die out because they cannot survive the modern world. Do you agree?
    5. When one animal is over hunted, it will affect what the other animals eat because lots of different animals are linked together through the food chain.
    6. Which habitat is best for the wildlife in your country: mountain, desert, jungle, or something else?
    7. Some people breed dogs to perform specific tasks, such as hunting, herding, and guarding.
    8. Electronic waste has been regarded as one of the greatest threats to our planet.
  • translation from English into Chinese

    1. Ongoing urbanization has the potential to exacerbate bee declines, unless measures are taken to make sure appropriate floral (花卉的) resources are available.

      1. 持续的城市化有可能会加剧蜜蜂数量减少的问题,除非采取措施确保有可用的花卉资源。
    2. A research indicates about 100 to 2,500 bird species may go extinct due to climate change, depending on the severity of global warming and habitat loss, and on the ability of birds to find new homes as rising temperatures force them to higher elevations (海拔) where there is less or no habitat.
      1. 一项研究表明,气候变化可能会导致大约100到2500种鸟灭绝,其决定因素包括全球变暖和栖息地丧失的严重程度,以及随着气温上升,鸟类被迫迁往栖息地较少或没有栖息地的高海拔区域时,是否有重新安家的能力。
    3. Some species lack the traits needed to achieve dominance across a range of habitats at all which would make them intrinsically subordinate (从属的).
      1. 有些物种缺乏在一片栖息地中占据支配地位所需的特性,这使它们在本质上处于从属地位。
    4. Thanks to the Chinese government’s national conservation program for the giant panda and its habitat, the number of panda reserves has already drastically increased.
      1. 中国政府制定的国家大熊猫及其栖息地保护计划使大熊猫保护区的数量大幅增加。

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