
   我们在使用 PS 的时候,通常会添加 UART 控制器,用于打印信息和调试代码。除此之外, PS 在和外部设备通信时,也会经常使用串口进行通信。先从UART控制器开始讲起吧,从简单的测试再到工程实例。

UART 控制器介绍

   UART 控制器是一个全双工异步收发控制器, ZYNQ 内部包含两个 UART 控制器, UART0 和 UART1。每一个 UART 控制器支持可编程的波特率发生器、 64 字节的接收 FIFO 和发送 FIFO、产生中断、 RXD 和TXD 信号的环回模式设置以及可配置的数据位长度、停止位和校验方式等。UART 控制器系统框图如下图所示:

   由上图可知, UART 控制器和 IO 端口由参考时钟( UART REF_CLK)驱动,同时控制器也需要连接APB 总线时钟( CPU_1x clock), UART REF_CLK 和 CPU_1x clock 都是来自于 PS 时钟子系统。 UART 控制器的配置以及状态的获取由控制( Control)和状态寄存器( Status Registers)完成。另外, UART 控制器不仅可以连接至 MIO,也可以映射到 EMIO,从而使用 PL 的端口来实现串口通信的功能。当 UART 控制器连接到 MIO 时,只有 Tx(发送)和 Rx(接收)两个引脚;而当连接 EMIO 时,除 Tx 和 Rx 引脚外,可选的还有 CTSN、 DSDN、 DSRN 等引脚,这些引脚用于串口的流控制,即调制解调器的数据通讯中。UART 控制器采用独立的接收和发送数据路径,每个路径包含一个 64 字节的 FIFO,控制器对发送和接收 FIFO 中的数据进行串并转换操作。 FIFO 的中断标志支持轮询处理或中断驱动处理两种方式。 另外,控制器中还有一个模式开关,支持 RXD 和 TXD 信号的各种环回配置。 UART 控制器内部框图如下图所示:

   UART 控制器的寄存器通过 APB 从机接口和 PS AXI 总线互联,控制器的寄存器用于对 UART 控制器进行配置和获取状态。波特率发生器( Baud Rate Generator)为 UART 控制器的接收端和发送端提供位周期时钟;中断控制器( GIC)为串口的收发提供了中断服务的功能。APB 总线接口通过向 TxFIFO 寄存器写值,将数据加载到 TxFIFO 存储器中。当数据加载至 TxFIFO 后, TxFIFO 的空标志变成无效的状态,直到最后一个数据从 TxFIFO 中移出,加载至传输移位寄存器, TxFIFO恢复空的标志位。同时 TxFIFO 使用 TFULL(满中断状态)用于表示当前 TxFIFO 已经写满,并且会阻止数据继续写入。如果此时继续执行写操作,那么会触发溢出,数据不会加载到 TxFIFO 中。RxFIFO 存储器接收来自接收移位寄存器的数据,当接收完数据后, RxFIFO 空标志信号同样变成无效的状态,直到所有的数据通过 APB 总线发送出去。 RxFIFO 的满标志状态用于表示 RxFIFO 已经写满,并且会阻止更多的数据写入。










  1. 奇偶检验错误。每接收一个字符时,接收器根据UART计算接收数据位的奇偶校验值,将它与接收到的奇偶检验位进行比较。如果值不同,则奇偶校验错误标志位置1,并产生中断。
  2. 帧错误。当接收器在帧末没有接收到有效的停止位时,帧错误标志位置1,产生中断。
  3. 溢出错误。当接收到一个字符时,UART控制器检测RxFIFO是否有空间。如果有则将该字符写入RxFIFO;如果RxFIFO已满则等待;如果又检测到了下一个数据的起始位,且RxFIFO仍然是满的,那么等待的数据将丢失,同时溢出标志位置1,产生中断。
  4. 超时机制。接收器有一个10位的递减计数器,每当在RxD上收到一个新的起始位或者程序向专门的标志位写入1重置时,计数器都会重新加载并倒数。当计数器减到0时认定发生超时,相应标志位置1(此时程序中应重置计数器),产生中断。


   下图中的模式切换( Mode Switch)控制 RxD 和 TxD 的信号连接方式,总共分为四种模式,分别为:正常模式( Normal Mode)、自动回环模式( Automatic Echo Mode)、本地环回模式( Local LoopbackMode)和远程环回模式( Remote Loopback Mode)。

   从上图中可以清晰的看出 UART 不同模式下所实现的功能。正常模式是标准的 UART 操作模式;自动回环模式下, RxD 连接至 TxD,控制器可以接收数据,但是不能发送数据;本地环回模式没有连接 RxD 和TxD 的引脚,用于本地程序的环回测试;远程环回模式下, RxD 连接至 TxD,但是并没有和控制器连接,因此控制器在此模式下无法发送数据和接收数据。当然在实际应用中,最常用的就是 UART 的正常模式。在讲解完 UART 控制器之后,接下来我们向大家介绍程序中 UART 控制器的设计方法。如果我们只是用串口来打印信息的话,那么可以直接使用 print()或者 xil_printf()函数就可以了,无需在程序中对串口做配置。但是如果我们需要使用 UART 来完成某些特定功能的话,如串口接收中断,那么就要了解 UART 控制器初始化、 UART 中断初始化以及 UART 常用的 API 函数等相关内容了。

UART 的启动顺序

UART 的启动顺序如下:
1、 复位控制器(在 PS 系统复位时);
2、 配置 IO 引脚信号。 RxD 和 TxD 可以连接至 MIO 或者 EMIO,只有 EMIO 可以使用串口的流控制。
3、 配置 UART 参考时钟;
4、 配置控制器功能( UART 控制器初始化);
5、 配置中断,通过中断来管理 RxFIFO 和 TxFIFO;
6、 配置串口流控制(可选);
7、 管理发送和接收的数据,可以采用轮询或中断驱动处理两种方式。


   控制器功能主要配置字符帧、波特率、 FIFO 触发器等级、 Rx 超时机制,并启用控制器。重置控制器后必须要配置所有这些参数。步骤如下:
1、 配置 UART 数据帧格式。如: 数据位长度、停止位、校验方式、 IO 模式等;
2、 设置波特率;
3、 设置 RxFIFO 触发器等级,可以选择启用或禁用该功能;
4、 使能 UART 控制器;
5、 配置接收器的超时机制,可以选择启用或禁用该功能。


   我们可以使用轮询或者中断两种方式控制 TxFIFO 和 RxFIFO 的数据流。这两个 FIFO 大小均为 64 个字节,因此当 TxFIFO 的空标志有效时,我们可以直接向其写入 64 个字节,无需检查 TxFIFO 的状态。实际上当发送器处于活跃状态时,可写入的字节数要超过 64 个字节,因为控制器同时也在移出数据,将其串行化转移到 TxD 信号上。
1、 检查 TxFIFO 是否为空;
2、 向 TxFIFO 写入数据,可以写入 64 个字节;
3、 向 TxFIFO 中写入更多数据。我们可以等待 TxFIFO 为空之后再写入 64 个字节,即执行第 2 步;也可以检测 TxFIFO 是否写满,即不停的读取 TFUL 标志和写单个字节的数据。采用中断方法发送数据的顺序如下:
1、 禁用 TxFIFO 空中断;
2、 向 TxFIFO 写数据,可以写入 64 个字节的数据;
3、 检测 TxFIFO 是否为满状态,不停的读取 TFUL 标志和写单个字节的数据;
4、 重复步骤 2 和 3,直到 TxFIFO 已满;
5、 使能TxFIFO空中断
6、 等待,直到 TxFIFO 为空,然后从步骤 1 重新开始;


1、 等待,直到 RxFIFO 中的数据数量达到触发等级;
2、 从 RxFIFO 中读取数据;
3、 重复步骤 2 直到 FIFO 空;
4、 发生 Rx 超时中断时将其重置。
1、 使能中断;
2、 等待,直到 RxFIFO 中的数据数量达到触发等级或者发生超时;
3、 从 RxFIFO 中读取数据;
4、 重复步骤 2 和 3,直到 RxFIFO 为空;
5、 清除中断标志



#ifndef SRC_USER_UART_H_
#define SRC_USER_UART_H_#include "xparameters.h"
#include "xuartps.h"
#include "xil_printf.h"
#include "sleep.h"#define UART_DEVICE_ID                  XPAR_XUARTPS_0_DEVICE_IDint Uart_Send(XUartPs* Uart_Ps, u8 *sendbuf, int length);
int Uart_Init(XUartPs* Uart_Ps, u16 DeviceId);#endif /* SRC_USER_UART_H_ */


#include "user_uart.h"// UART格式
XUartPsFormat uart_format =
//                     UART初始化函数
int Uart_Init(XUartPs* Uart_Ps, u16 DeviceId)
{int Status;XUartPs_Config *Config;/*  初始化UART设备    */Config = XUartPs_LookupConfig(DeviceId);if (NULL == Config) {return XST_FAILURE;}Status = XUartPs_CfgInitialize(Uart_Ps, Config, Config->BaseAddress);if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {return XST_FAILURE;}/*  UART设备自检  */Status = XUartPs_SelfTest(Uart_Ps);if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {return XST_FAILURE;}/*  设置UART模式与参数   */XUartPs_SetOperMode(Uart_Ps, XUARTPS_OPER_MODE_NORMAL); //正常模式XUartPs_SetDataFormat(Uart_Ps, &uart_format);    //设置UART格式return XST_SUCCESS;
//                     UART数据发送函数
int Uart_Send(XUartPs* Uart_Ps, u8 *sendbuf, int length)
{int SentCount = 0;while (SentCount < length) {SentCount += XUartPs_Send(Uart_Ps, &sendbuf[SentCount], 1);}return SentCount;


#include "user_uart.h"XUartPs Uart_Ps;     /* The instance of the UART Driver */int main(void)
{int Status;u8 sendbuf[] = "Hello World!\r\n";/* 串口初始化 */Status = Uart_Init(&Uart_Ps, UART_DEVICE_ID);if (Status == XST_FAILURE) {xil_printf("Uartps Failed\r\n");return XST_FAILURE;}while (1){sleep(1);Uart_Send(&Uart_Ps, sendbuf, 14);}return Status;




s32 XUartPs_SelfTest(XUartPs *InstancePtr)



void XUartPs_SetOperMode(XUartPs *InstancePtr, u8 OperationMode)


宏定义 实际值 工作模式



s32 XUartPs_SetDataFormat(XUartPs *InstancePtr, XUartPsFormat * FormatPtr)


s32 XUartPs_SetBaudRate(XUartPs *InstancePtr, u32 BaudRate)


#define XUARTPS_MAX_BAUD_ERROR_RATE       3U /* max % error allowed */




typedef struct {u32 BaudRate;    /**< In bps, ie 1200 */u32 DataBits; /**< Number of data bits */u32 Parity;       /**< Parity */u8 StopBits;   /**< Number of stop bits */
} XUartPsFormat;




u32 XUartPs_Send(XUartPs *InstancePtr, u8 *BufferPtr, u32 NumBytes)




#ifndef SRC_USER_UART_H_
#define SRC_USER_UART_H_#include "xparameters.h"
#include "xuartps.h"
#include "xil_printf.h"
#include "sleep.h"
#include "xscugic.h"#define UART_DEVICE_ID     XPAR_PS7_UART_1_DEVICE_ID //设备ID
#define BUFFER_SIZE 8int Uart_Send(XUartPs* Uart_Ps, u8 *RecvBuffer, int length);
int Uart_Init(XUartPs* Uart_Ps, u16 DeviceId);
void Uart_Intr_System(XScuGic *Intc, XUartPs *Uart_Ps, u16 UartIntrId);
void Handler(void *CallBackRef);#endif /* SRC_USER_UART_H_ */


#include "user_uart.h"static u8 RecvBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
u8 *RecvBufferPtr;
volatile u32 TotalRecvCnt;XUartPsFormat uart_format =
//                     UART初始化函数
int Uart_Init(XUartPs* Uart_Ps, u16 DeviceId)
{int Status;XUartPs_Config *Config;/*  数据初始化  */RecvBufferPtr = RecvBuffer;TotalRecvCnt = 0;/*  初始化UART设备    */Config = XUartPs_LookupConfig(DeviceId);if (NULL == Config) {return XST_FAILURE;}Status = XUartPs_CfgInitialize(Uart_Ps, Config, Config->BaseAddress);if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {return XST_FAILURE;}/*  UART设备自检  */Status = XUartPs_SelfTest(Uart_Ps);if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {return XST_FAILURE;}/*  设置UART模式与参数   */XUartPs_SetOperMode(Uart_Ps, XUARTPS_OPER_MODE_NORMAL); //正常模式XUartPs_SetDataFormat(Uart_Ps, &uart_format);    //设置UART格式XUartPs_SetFifoThreshold(Uart_Ps, 8);  //设置RxFIFO的中断触发等级return XST_SUCCESS;
//                  UART中断系统初始化函数
void Uart_Intr_System(XScuGic *Intc, XUartPs *Uart_Ps, u16 UartIntrId)
{XScuGic_Connect(Intc, UartIntrId,(Xil_ExceptionHandler) Handler,(void *) Uart_Ps);XScuGic_Enable(Intc, UartIntrId);// 设置UART的中断触发方式XUartPs_SetInterruptMask(Uart_Ps, XUARTPS_IXR_RXOVR);
//                     UART中断处理函数
void Handler(void *CallBackRef)
{XUartPs *UartInstancePtr = (XUartPs *) CallBackRef ;u32 ReceivedCount = 0 ;u32 IsrStatus ;//读取中断ID寄存器,判断触发的是哪种中断IsrStatus = XUartPs_ReadReg(UartInstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress,XUARTPS_IMR_OFFSET);IsrStatus &= XUartPs_ReadReg(UartInstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress,XUARTPS_ISR_OFFSET);if (IsrStatus & (u32)XUARTPS_IXR_RXOVR)   /* 检查RxFIFO是否触发 */{ReceivedCount = XUartPs_Recv(UartInstancePtr, RecvBufferPtr, (BUFFER_SIZE-TotalRecvCnt)) ;TotalRecvCnt += ReceivedCount ;RecvBufferPtr += ReceivedCount ;/* 清除中断标志 */XUartPs_WriteReg(UartInstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, XUARTPS_ISR_OFFSET, XUARTPS_IXR_RXOVR) ;}xil_printf("Enter INTR\r\n");/* 数据处理 */if (TotalRecvCnt >= BUFFER_SIZE) {xil_printf("%s", RecvBuffer);xil_printf("\r\nI have received %d bytes.\r\n", TotalRecvCnt);RecvBufferPtr = RecvBuffer;TotalRecvCnt = 0;}


#include "sys_intr.h"
#include "user_uart.h"XScuGic Intc;       //GIC
XUartPs Uart_Ps;    //UARTvoid System_Init(void)
{Init_Intr_System(&Intc);Setup_Intr_Exception(&Intc);Uart_Intr_System(&Intc, &Uart_Ps, UART_INT_IRQ_ID);
}int main(void)
{int Status;/* 串口初始化 */Status = Uart_Init(&Uart_Ps, UART_DEVICE_ID);if (Status == XST_FAILURE) {xil_printf("Uartps Failed\r\n");return XST_FAILURE;}System_Init();   //中断初始化while (1){sleep(1);xil_printf("Hello World!\r\n");}return Status;




#define SRC_UART_DRIVER_H_#include "xparameters.h"
#include "xuartns550.h"
#include "xil_exception.h"#ifdef XPAR_INTC_0_DEVICE_ID
#include "xintc.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "xscugic.h"
#include "xil_printf.h"
#include "xbasic_types.h"
#include "lib_fifo.h"
#include "Uart_driver.h"
#endifXUartNs550 UartNs550;#define FIFO_SIZE    512FIFO Uart0FIFO; /* **参考万能的FIFO篇**,非常方便的帮助处理收到的大量数据;但是相应的也会牺牲部分效率在数据不是特别大串口不是特别多的时候建议使用,过多可能完全一样的复制10个串口就有一个莫名奇妙出bug */u8 RecvBuffer[12][FIFO_SIZE]; /* Buffer for Receiving Data */#ifndef TESTAPP_GEN
#endif /* XPAR_INTC_0_DEVICE_ID */
#endif /* TESTAPP_GEN *//***************** Type Definitions *********************/#ifdef XPAR_INTC_0_DEVICE_ID
#define INTC        XIntc
#define INTC_HANDLER    XIntc_InterruptHandler
#define INTC        XScuGic
#define INTC_HANDLER    XScuGic_InterruptHandler
#endif /* XPAR_INTC_0_DEVICE_ID */#ifndef TESTAPP_GENINTC IntcInstance0;        /* Instance of the Interrupt Controller */
XUartNs550 Uart0Ns550Instance;  /* Instance of the UART Device */
/** The following buffers are used in this example to send and receive data* with the UART.*/
u8 SendBuffer[FIFO_SIZE];   /* Buffer for Transmitting Data */
/** The following counters are used to determine when the entire buffer has* been sent and received.*/
#ifndef TESTAPP_GEN#endif
/***** Function Prototypes ************/int UartNs550Init(INTC *IntcInstancePtr,XUartNs550 *UartInstancePtr,u16 UartDeviceId,u16 UartIntrId);void Uart0Ns550IntrHandler(void *CallBackRef, u32 Event, unsigned int EventData);
static int UartNs550SetupIntrSystem(INTC *IntcInstancePtr,XUartNs550 *UartInstancePtr,u16 UartIntrId);static void UartNs550DisableIntrSystem(INTC *IntcInstancePtr, u16 UartIntrId);
/* 还需要多少复制粘贴吧 */
#endif /* SRC_UART_DRIVER_H_ */


#include "Uart_driver.h"u8 SendBuffer[FIFO_SIZE];  /* Buffer for Transmitting Data *//** The following counters are used to determine when the entire buffer has* been sent and received.*/
//static volatile int TotalReceivedCount;int TotalReceivedCount;
static volatile int TotalSentCount;
static volatile int TotalErrorCount;#ifndef TESTAPP_GEN#endif/*****************************************************************************/
* This function does a minimal test on the UartNs550 device and driver as a
* design example. The purpose of this function is to illustrate how to use the
* XUartNs550 component.
* This function transmits data and expects to receive the same data through the
* UART using the local loopback of the hardware.
* This function uses interrupt driver mode of the UART.
* @param   IntcInstancePtr is a pointer to the instance of the
*       Interrupt Controller.
* @param   UartInstancePtr is a pointer to the instance of the UART .
* @param   UartDeviceId is the device Id and is typically
*       XPAR_<UARTNS550_instance>_DEVICE_ID value from  xparameters.h.
* @param   UartIntrId is the interrupt Id and is typically
*       XPAR_<INTC_instance>_<UARTNS550_instance>_IP2INTC_IRPT_INTR
*       value from xparameters.h.
* @return  XST_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise XST_FAILURE.
* @note
* This function contains an infinite loop such that if interrupts are not
* working it may never return.
int UartNs550Init(INTC *IntcInstancePtr,XUartNs550 *UartInstancePtr,u16 UartDeviceId,u16 UartIntrId)
{int Status;u32 Index;u16 Options;u32 BadByteCount = 0;XUartNs550_Handler CB;/** Initialize the UART driver so that it's ready to use.*/Status = XUartNs550_Initialize(UartInstancePtr, UartDeviceId);if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {return XST_FAILURE;}/** Perform a self-test to ensure that the hardware was built correctly.*//*Status = XUartNs550_SelfTest(UartInstancePtr);if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {return XST_FAILURE;}*//** Connect the UART to the interrupt subsystem such that interrupts can* occur. This function is application specific.*/Status = UartNs550SetupIntrSystem(IntcInstancePtr,UartInstancePtr,UartIntrId);if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {return XST_FAILURE;}/** Setup the handlers for the UART that will be called from the* interrupt context when data has been sent and received, specify a* pointer to the UART driver instance as the callback reference so* the handlers are able to access the instance data.*/switch(UartDeviceId){case XPAR_UARTNS550_0_DEVICE_ID:CB = Uart0Ns550IntrHandler;break;default:break;}XUartNs550_SetHandler(UartInstancePtr, CB,UartInstancePtr);/** Enable the interrupt of the UART so interrupts will occur, setup* a local loopback so data that is sent will be received, and keep the* FIFOs enabled.*/Options = XUN_OPTION_DATA_INTR | //得把例程的回环屏蔽XUN_OPTION_LOOPBACK |XUN_OPTION_FIFOS_ENABLE;XUartNs550_SetOptions(UartInstancePtr, Options);/** Initialize the send buffer bytes with a pattern to send and the* the receive buffer bytes to zero to allow the receive data to be* verified.*/
//  for (Index = 0; Index < TEST_BUFFER_SIZE; Index++) {//      SendBuffer[Index] = Index + 'A';
//      RecvBuffer[Index] = 0;
//  }/** Start receiving data before sending it since there is a loopback,* ignoring the number of bytes received as the return value since we* know it will be zero and we are using interrupt mode.*/// XUartNs550_Recv(UartInstancePtr, RecvBuffer, TEST_BUFFER_SIZE);
//多好的现成的接收函数/** Send the buffer using the UART and ignore the number of bytes sent* as the return value since we are using it in interrupt mode.*/// XUartNs550_Send(UartInstancePtr, SendBuffer, TEST_BUFFER_SIZE);
//哟呵还有发送呢齐活了/** Wait for the entire buffer to be received, letting the interrupt* processing work in the background, this function may get locked* up in this loop if the interrupts are not working correctly.*/
//  while ((TotalReceivedCount != TEST_BUFFER_SIZE) ||
//      (TotalSentCount != TEST_BUFFER_SIZE)) {//  }
//  /*
//   * Verify the entire receive buffer was successfully received.
//   */
//  for (Index = 0; Index < TEST_BUFFER_SIZE; Index++) {//      if (RecvBuffer[Index] != SendBuffer[Index]) {//          BadByteCount++;
//      }
//  }/** Disable the UartNs550 interrupt.*///UartNs550DisableIntrSystem(IntcInstancePtr, UartIntrId);/** If any bytes were not correct, return an error.*/
//  if (BadByteCount != 0) {//      return XST_FAILURE;
//  }
//  /* Clear the counters */
//  TotalErrorCount = 0;
//  TotalReceivedCount = 0;
//  TotalSentCount = 0;
* This function is the handler which performs processing to handle data events
* from the UartNs550.  It is called from an interrupt context such that the
* amount of processing performed should be minimized.
* This handler provides an example of how to handle data for the UART and
* is application specific.
* @param   CallBackRef contains a callback reference from the driver,
*       in thiscase it is the instance pointer for the UART driver.
* @param   Event contains the specific kind of event that has occurred.
* @param   EventData contains the number of bytes sent or received for sent
*       and receive events.
* @return  None.
* @note        None.
void Uart0Ns550IntrHandler(void *CallBackRef, u32 Event, unsigned int EventData)
{u8 Errors;XUartNs550 *UartNs550Ptr = (XUartNs550 *)CallBackRef;u8 recData[256];/** All of the data has been sent.*/if (Event == XUN_EVENT_SENT_DATA) {TotalSentCount = EventData;}/** All of the data has been received.*/if (Event == XUN_EVENT_RECV_DATA){TotalReceivedCount = EventData;//xil_printf("d-\r\n");///XUartNs550_Recv(&Uart0Ns550Instance, recData, 10);//FifoWrite(&Uart0FIFO,recData,10);}/** Data was received, but not the expected number of bytes, a* timeout just indicates the data stopped for 4 character times.*/if (Event == XUN_EVENT_RECV_TIMEOUT) {TotalReceivedCount = EventData;//xil_printf("c-\r\n");}/** Data was received with an error, keep the data but determine* what kind of errors occurred.*/if (Event == XUN_EVENT_RECV_ERROR) {TotalReceivedCount = EventData;TotalErrorCount++;Errors = XUartNs550_GetLastErrors(UartNs550Ptr);//xil_printf("c1-\r\n");}//xil_printf("TotalReceivedCount=%d\r\n",TotalReceivedCount);//xil_printf("TotalErrorCount=%d\r\n",TotalErrorCount);}/*****************************************************************************/
* This function is the handler which performs processing to handle data events
* from the UartNs550.  It is called from an interrupt context such that the
* amount of processing performed should be minimized.
* This handler provides an example of how to handle data for the UART and
* is application specific.
* @param   CallBackRef contains a callback reference from the driver,
*       in thiscase it is the instance pointer for the UART driver.
* @param   Event contains the specific kind of event that has occurred.
* @param   EventData contains the number of bytes sent or received for sent
*       and receive events.
* @return  None.
* @note        None.
* This function setups the interrupt system such that interrupts can occur
* for the UART.  This function is application specific since the actual
* system may or may not have an interrupt controller.  The UART could be
* directly connected to a processor without an interrupt controller.  The
* user should modify this function to fit the application.
* @param   IntcInstancePtr is a pointer to the instance of the Interrupt
*       Controller.
* @param   UartInstancePtr is a pointer to the instance of the UART.
* @param   UartIntrId is the interrupt Id and is typically
*       XPAR_<INTC_instance>_<UARTNS550_instance>_VEC_ID value from
*       xparameters.h.
* @return  XST_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise XST_FAILURE.
* @note        None.
static int UartNs550SetupIntrSystem(INTC *IntcInstancePtr,XUartNs550 *UartInstancePtr,u16 UartIntrId)
{int Status;#else
#ifndef TESTAPP_GENXScuGic_Config *IntcConfig;/** Initialize the interrupt controller driver so that it is ready to* use.*/IntcConfig = XScuGic_LookupConfig(INTC_DEVICE_ID);if (NULL == IntcConfig) {return XST_FAILURE;}Status = XScuGic_CfgInitialize(IntcInstancePtr, IntcConfig,IntcConfig->CpuBaseAddress);if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {return XST_FAILURE;}
#endif /* TESTAPP_GEN */XScuGic_SetPriorityTriggerType(IntcInstancePtr, UartIntrId,0xA0, 0x3);/** Connect the interrupt handler that will be called when an* interrupt occurs for the device.*/Status = XScuGic_Connect(IntcInstancePtr, UartIntrId,(Xil_ExceptionHandler)XUartNs550_InterruptHandler,UartInstancePtr);if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {return Status;}/** Enable the interrupt for the Timer device.*/XScuGic_Enable(IntcInstancePtr, UartIntrId);
#endif /* XPAR_INTC_0_DEVICE_ID */#ifndef TESTAPP_GEN/** Initialize the exception table.*/Xil_ExceptionInit();/** Register the interrupt controller handler with the exception table.*/Xil_ExceptionRegisterHandler(XIL_EXCEPTION_ID_INT,(Xil_ExceptionHandler)INTC_HANDLER,IntcInstancePtr);/** Enable exceptions.*/Xil_ExceptionEnable();#endif /* TESTAPP_GEN */return XST_SUCCESS;
}static void UartNs550DisableIntrSystem(INTC *IntcInstancePtr, u16 UartIntrId)
{/** Disconnect and disable the interrupt for the UartNs550 device.*/
#ifdef XPAR_INTC_0_DEVICE_IDXIntc_Disconnect(IntcInstancePtr, UartIntrId);
#elseXScuGic_Disable(IntcInstancePtr, UartIntrId);XScuGic_Disconnect(IntcInstancePtr, UartIntrId);#endif}


void Uart_demo()
{int i,Status;u8 sendbuf[] = "HelloWorld";u8 recvbuf[FIFO_SIZE] = {};
//多余的自己复制粘贴吧    FifoInit(&Uart0FIFO,&RecvBuffer[0],FIFO_SIZE);
//多余的自己复制粘贴吧        /** Run the UartNs550 Interrupt example.*/Status = UartNs550Init(&IntcInstance0,&Uart0Ns550Instance,XPAR_UARTNS550_0_DEVICE_ID,XPAR_FABRIC_AXI_UART16550_0_IP2INTC_IRPT_INTR);XUartNs550_SetBaudRate(&Uart0Ns550Instance,115200); //多余的自己复制粘贴吧,这可是个好东西,可以单独设置波特率,不然就是默认的了,默认的也可以直接填if (Status != XST_SUCCESS){xil_printf("Uartns550 0 interrupt Example Failed\r\n");return XST_FAILURE;}//多余的自己复制粘贴吧   //XUartNs550_Send(&UartNs550Instance, sendbuf, 14);//XUartNs550_Recv(&UartNs550Instance, recvbuf, TEST_BUFFER_SIZE);//XUartNs550_Recv(&UartNs550Instance, recvbuf, 8);//XUartNs550_Recv(&Uart0Ns550Instance, recvbuf, 1);XUartNs550_Recv(&Uart0Ns550Instance, recvbuf, 256);//多余的自己复制粘贴吧    while(1){sleep(1);//FifoRead(&Uart0FIFO,recvbuf,40);
//因为不知名bug原因暂时屏蔽掉,多余的自己复制粘贴吧         //XUartNs550_ReadReg(XPAR_UARTNS550_0_BASEADDR,0x1000);XUartNs550_Send(&Uart0Ns550Instance, sendbuf, 10);//多余的自己复制粘贴吧   if(TotalReceivedCount > 0){XUartNs550_Recv(&Uart0Ns550Instance, recvbuf, 256);//多余的自己复制粘贴吧               //FifoWrite(&Uart0FIFO,recvbuf,256);TotalReceivedCount = 0;}for(int i=0; i < 20; i++){xil_printf("%c ",recvbuf[i]);}xil_printf("\r\n");//多余的自己复制粘贴吧  xil_printf("\n\r");for(int i=0; i < 20; i++)
//          {xil_printf("%c ",recvbuf11[i]);}
//              xil_printf("\n\r");memset(recvbuf,0,256);
//多余的自己复制粘贴吧        }}

参考:芯片手册 原子开发手册 CSDN Xilinx社区等网络资源


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