记事本 删除换行和回车符

By default, each Notepad document has the name of the document in the header and the page number in the footer when you print a text file. However, you can customize the header and footer with special commands or custom text, or leave one or both blank.

默认情况下,当您打印文本文件时,每个记事本文档的页眉均具有文档名称,页脚具有页码。 但是,您可以使用特殊命令或自定义文本来自定义页眉和页脚,或者将其中一个或两个都留空。

The header and footer in Notepad are only visible on a printed text file, not in the Notepad program itself. To customize the header and footer in Notepad, select “Page Setup” from the “File” menu.

记事本中的页眉和页脚仅在打印的文本文件上可见,而在记事本程序本身中则不可见。 要在记事本中自定义页眉和页脚,请从“文件”菜单中选择“页面设置”。

On the Page Setup dialog box, enter the text you want in the header and footer in their respective boxes. You can also use the following strings to insert specific data:

在“页面设置”对话框的相应框中,在页眉和页脚中输入所需的文本。 您还可以使用以下字符串插入特定数据:

  • &f : Print the name of the document

    &f :打印文档名称

  • &d : Print the current date

    &d :打印当前日期

  • &t : Print the current time

    &t :打印当前时间

There are also commands that allow you to specify how the text is aligned in the header and footer.


  • &l : Left align the characters that follow (that’s a lowercase “L” after the ampersand)

    &l :左对齐后跟的字符(在“&”号后的小写字母“ L”)

  • &c : Center the characters that follow

    &c :将后面的字符居中

  • &r : Right align the characters that follow

    &r :右对齐后面的字符

For example, I entered the following line in the Header box.


&l&f&rLori Kaufman - &d

This will left align the name of the document and right align my name, a dash, and the date. I kept the default footer containing the page number.

这将使文档名称左对齐,并使我的名字,破折号和日期右对齐。 我保留了包含页码的默认页脚。

If you don’t want any text in the header or footer, delete all the text in the Header and Footer edit boxes (or one or the other if you want only one blank). For example, maybe you want page numbers on the bottom of each page, but don’t need anything at the top of the page. In that case, delete all the text in the Header edit box to leave the header blank.

如果您不希望在页眉或页脚中添加任何文本,请删除“页眉”和“页脚”编辑框中的所有文本(如果只需要一个空白,则删除一个或另一个)。 例如,也许您希望在每个页面的底部放置页码,但在页面的顶部不需要任何内容​​。 在这种情况下,请删除“标题”编辑框中的所有文本,将标题保留为空白。

NOTE: Unlike headers and footers in Microsoft Word, you cannot have different headers and footers in the same Notepad document.

注意:与Microsoft Word中的页眉和页脚不同,同一记事本文档中不能有不同的页眉和页脚。

Click “OK” once you’ve set up your header and footer.


Here’s what my example header looks like:


If you don’t specify an alignment command, the text is automatically centered. For example, if I entered the following text into the Header box, some of the text will overlap, as shown below.

如果未指定对齐命令,则文本将自动居中。 例如,如果我在“标题”框中输入以下文本,则某些文本将重叠,如下所示。

&f&rLori Kaufman - &d

I didn’t tell Notepad to left align the document name.


Once you set the header and footer, it is saved and applied to any document you open in Notepad from then on. The text you assign to the header and footer is saved in the registry once you close Notepad. This makes it quick and easy to reset the header and footer to their default values. You can reset the header and footer manually by entering the following default values into the edit boxes on the Page Setup dialog box.

一旦设置了页眉和页脚,就将其保存并应用于以后在记事本中打开的任何文档。 关闭记事本后,分配给页眉和页脚的文本将保存在注册表中。 这样可以轻松快捷地将页眉和页脚重置为其默认值。 您可以通过在“页面设置”对话框的编辑框中输入以下默认值来手动重置页眉和页脚。

  • Header: &f

    标头: &f

  • Footer: Page &p

    页脚: Page &p

However, we’ll show you how to reset the header and footer in Notepad to the default settings using the Registry Editor and also provide downloadable registry hacks to make it really easy to do.


Standard warning: The Registry Editor is a powerful tool and misusing it can render your system unstable or even inoperable. This is a pretty simple hack and as long as you stick to the instructions, you shouldn’t have any problems. That said, if you’ve never worked with it before, consider reading about how to use the Registry Editor before you get started. And definitely back up the Registry (and your computer!) before making changes.

标准警告:注册表编辑器是一个功能强大的工具,滥用它会使您的系统不稳定甚至无法运行。 这是一个非常简单的技巧,只要您按照说明进行操作,就不会有任何问题。 也就是说,如果您以前从未使用过它,请在开始之前考虑阅读有关如何使用注册表编辑器的信息。 并在进行更改之前一定要备份注册表(和您的计算机!)。

Open the Registry Editor by hitting Start and typing “regedit.” Press Enter to open Registry Editor and give it permission to make changes to your PC.

通过单击开始并键入“ regedit”来打开注册表编辑器。 按Enter键打开注册表编辑器,并授予其对PC进行更改的权限。

In the Registry Editor, use the left sidebar to navigate to the following key:



In the right pane, there are two values that store the values for the header and footer in Notepad: szHeader and szTrailer , respectively. Click on the value you want to delete and press the “Delete” key.

在右窗格中,有两个值将szHeaderszTrailer分别存储在记事本中的页眉和页脚的值。 单击要删除的值,然后按“删除”键。

The Confirm Value Delete dialog box displays asking if you’re sure you want to permanently delete this value. Click “Yes”. To delete the other value, select it, press “Delete”, and then click “Yes” on the confirmation dialog box.

显示“确认值删除”对话框,询问您是否确定要永久删除该值。 点击“是”。 要删除其他值,请选择它,按“删除”,然后在确认对话框上单击“是”。

You can also reset all the settings in Notepad back to default settings, including the header and footer.


If you’re not comfortable editing the Registry yourself, we’ve created a downloadable registry hack you can use to delete the “szHeader” and “szTrailer” values under the Notepad key. We’ve included three .reg files: one for deleting both values, one for deleting just the value for the header (szHeader), and one for deleting just the value for the footer (szTrailer). Extract the .zip file, double-click the appropriate .reg file for what you want to reset, and click through the prompts.

如果您不满意自己编辑注册表,我们创建了一个可下载的注册表黑客,您可以使用它删除记事本键下的“ szHeader”和“ szTrailer”值。 我们包含了三个.reg文件:一个用于删除两个值,一个用于仅删除页眉(szHeader)的值,以及一个仅删除页脚(szTrailer)的值的文件。 提取.zip文件,双击要重置的相应.reg文件,然后在提示中单击。

Registry hacks for resetting Notepad’s header and footer


if you enjoy working with the Registry, it’s worth taking the time to learn how to make your own Registry hacks.

如果您喜欢与Registry一起工作,那么值得花时间学习如何制作自己的Registry hack 。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/256870/how-to-customize-or-remove-the-headers-and-footers-of-a-notepad-text-file/

记事本 删除换行和回车符

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