This project is for 464xlat support for android. It is useful for ipv4 applications running on an IPv6-only network using NAT64/DNS64 to provide IPv4 access.

当应用不支持64位DNS,通过CLAT 处理从IPV4到IPV6的转换。 CLAT是IPV4在GSM网络使用NAT64转换到IPV6 的入口. Android CLAT 实现了android平台的CLAT。

Below, you can see how CLAT fits in to the other pieces of 464xlat (RFC6877)

Android 4.3 jellybean 和之后的版本都已经存在。

How can I test that 464xlat is operating properly?

While on the IPv6 APN, visit this helpful ipv6 test page

Can I use clat/464xlat with a wifi connection?

Android does not (yet) support IPv6-only wifi connections, and this software was not designed to offer CLAT services via a wifi connection. It can be made to work by giving CLAT an IP to use in the config file, along with answering ND for that IP on the handset (set the proxy_ndp sysctl and use ip -6 neighbor add proxy ...). Please note that running this CLAT implementation requires IPv6 forwarding turned on, so if you're relying on RA autoconfiguration (SLAAC) you'll need to configure a static IPv6 global address on the wifi interface. Also note that multiple handsets running 464xlat on the same wifi network will result in IPv6 address conflicts if you don't make sure each one has a unique hostid for its clat function.

Can I use the same IPv6 IP for my handset's global traffic and CLAT traffic?

Not for this implementation. It relies on the routing table of the handset to separate traffic to the handset and traffic to the CLAT process. You will need one global IPv6 address for the handset and one for the CLAT process.

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