
_times = 0
def hannuota(nlist,mfrom,mpass,mto):global _timesn=len(nlist)#n=nlist._length_if n==1:_times+=1print('%-2d'%_times,nlist[0],':',mfrom,'------>',mto)else:hannuota(nlist[:n-1],mfrom,mto,mpass)hannuota(nlist[-1],mfrom,mpass,mto)hannuota(nlist[:n-1],mpass,mfrom,mto)if __name__=='__main__':print('the process is as following:\n')print('step   num:from------>to')hannuota([0,1,2],'A','B','C')


the process is as following:step   num:from------>to
('1 ', 0, ':', 'A', '------>', 'C')
Traceback (most recent call last):File "hannuota.py", line 18, in <module>hannuota([0,1,2],'A','B','C')File "hannuota.py", line 10, in hannuotahannuota(nlist[:n-1],mfrom,mto,mpass)File "hannuota.py", line 11, in hannuotahannuota(nlist[-1],mfrom,mpass,mto)File "hannuota.py", line 4, in hannuotan=len(nlist)
TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len()



_times = 0
def hannuota(nlist,mfrom,mpass,mto):global _timesn=len(nlist)#n=nlist._length_if n==1:_times+=1print('%-2d'%_times,nlist[0],':',mfrom,'------>',mto)else:hannuota(nlist[:n-1],mfrom,mto,mpass)hannuota([nlist[-1]],mfrom,mpass,mto)hannuota(nlist[:n-1],mpass,mfrom,mto)if __name__=='__main__':print('the process is as following:\n')print('step   num:from------>to')hannuota([0,1,2],'A','B','C')


the process is as following:step   num:from------>to
('1 ', 0, ':', 'A', '------>', 'C')
('2 ', 1, ':', 'A', '------>', 'B')
('3 ', 0, ':', 'C', '------>', 'B')
('4 ', 2, ':', 'A', '------>', 'C')
('5 ', 0, ':', 'B', '------>', 'A')
('6 ', 1, ':', 'B', '------>', 'C')
('7 ', 0, ':', 'A', '------>', 'C')

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