大家先在chorme上看一下DEMO吧,在线DEMO地址 http://codepen.io/arfeizhang/full/liIHa 








 1 <div id="faceoff">
 2     <div id="person1" class="pic_wrap">
 3         <div class="pic">
 4          <div class="desc">
 5           <div class="content">
 6             Raised in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, by his parents George and Lenore Romney, Mitt Romney spent two and a half years in France as a Mormon missionary starting in 1966. In 1969 he married Ann Davies, with whom he has had five sons. By 1971, Romney had participated in the political campaigns of both of his parents. He earned a Bachelor of Arts at Brigham Young and in 1975.
 7         </div>
 8           <div class="title">Mitt Romney</div>
 9         </div>
10       </div>
11     </div>
12 <div id="faceoffIcon">FACEOFF</div>
13     <div id="person2" class="pic_wrap">
14      <div class="pic">
15         <div class="desc">
16           <div class="title">Barack Obama</div>
17           <div class="content">
18                    Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he served as president of the Harvard Law Review. He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He worked as a civil rights attorney and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004.
19                </div>
20         </div>
21       </div>
22     </div>
23 </div>





PS.还可以用webkit clip来实现非常规形状,大家可以查下它的用法。


做好了形状,接着来完成文字部分,这种非常规排版方式,adobe有过提议(CSS Shape),但目前CSS Shape只能在Webkit Nightly和Chrome Canary浏览器中实现,等以后等普及后,我们可以做出类似于这种效果。








1 //依据角的邻边算对边长度
2 function getWidth(height) {
3   return Math.tan(deg * Math.PI / 180) * height;
4 }
5 // 依据行数得到角的邻边长度,进而算得对边长度
6 function getWidthByLineIndex(i) {
7   return getWidth(i * lineHeight);
8 }


文本内容完成了,接下来做遮罩。使鼠标在图片上面时,介绍内容滑下来。这个一般是用改变dom的属性实现的,但不是本文的重点,我就偷个懒直接用css3 动画来做了。


 1 #person1>.pic:hover>.desc {
 2     -webkit-animation: left-show 0.8s 0s normal forwards;
 3     -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in;
 4 }
 5 #person1>.pic>.desc {
 6     -webkit-animation: left-hide 0.8s 0s normal forwards;
 7     -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-out;
 8 }
 9 #person2>.pic:hover>.desc {
10     -webkit-animation: right-show 0.8s 0s normal forwards;
11     -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in;
12 }
13 #person2>.pic>.desc {
14     -webkit-animation: right-hide 0.8s 0s normal forwards;
15     -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-out;
16 }
17 @-webkit-keyframes left-show {
18     from {
19         margin-top: -440px;
20     }
21     to {
22         margin-top: 0px;
23     }
24 }
25 @-webkit-keyframes left-hide {
26     from {
27         margin-top: 0px;
28     }
29     to {
30         margin-top: -440px;
31     }
32 }
33 @-webkit-keyframes right-show {
34     from {
35         margin-top: 440px;
36     }
37     to {
38         margin-top: 0px;
39     }
40 }
41 @-webkit-keyframes right-hide {
42     from {
43         margin-top: 0px;
44     }
45     to {
46         margin-top: 440px;
47     }
48 }


 恩,上下滑动功能正常,鼠标响应区域和文本内容也是直角梯形。好了,我们把它完成了!!!活动下手~~~~~~~ 等等,有个问题,被我们旋转的左右部分div,斜边出现了锯齿,还是比较明显的。



好,收摊。现在各位感觉到了,实现这个UI其实也不难,要用点巧即可。实现方法不止一种,我感觉我虽然实现了这个需求,但我相信还有别的更优雅的办法。此文仅做抛砖引玉,大家如果有别的实现方法,和我分享下哟。 :)


  2 <html manifest="" lang="en-US">
  3 <head>
  4     <meta charset="UTF-8">
  5         <title>Faceoff</title>
  6         <style type="text/css">
  7 div#faceoff {  8     overflow: hidden;
  9     width: 710px;
 10 }
 11 .pic>.desc { 12     background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
 13     color: white;
 14 }
 15 .pic>.desc>.content { 16     font-size: 22px;
 17     line-height: 26px;
 18     word-break: break-all;
 19 }
 20 .pic>.desc>.title { 21     font-size: 30px;
 22     margin-bottom: 20px;
 23 }
 24 .pic_wrap { 25     -webkit-transform: skewX(-13deg) translateZ(0);
 26     overflow: hidden;
 27     width: 353px;
 28     height: 480px;
 29     position: relative;
 30 }
 31 #person1 { 32     left: -87px;
 33     float: left;
 34 }
 35 #person1>.pic { 36     width: 461px;
 37     height: 480px;
 38     background: url("resources/1.jpg") no-repeat;
 39     background-position: -51px 0px;
 40     background-size: 620px 480px;
 41     -webkit-transform: skewX(13deg);
 42 }
 43 #person1>.pic>.desc { 44     width: 312px;
 45     float: left;
 46     margin-left: 90px;
 47     margin-top: -440px;
 48 }
 49 #person1>.pic>.desc>.title { 50     text-align: left;
 51     padding-left: 5px;
 52 }
 53 #person1>.pic>.desc>.content { 54     padding: 2px;
 55     height: 440px;
 56 }
 57 #person2 { 58     left: -57px;
 59 }
 60 #person2>.pic { 61     width: 361px;
 62     height: 480px;
 63     background: url("resources/2.jpg") no-repeat;
 64     background-position: 20px -25px;
 65     background-size: 376px 540px;
 66     -webkit-transform: skewX(13deg);
 67     margin-left: -100px;
 68 }
 69 #person2>.pic>.desc { 70     width: 320px;
 71     float: right;
 72 }
 73 #person2>.pic>.desc>.title { 74     text-align: right;
 75     padding-right: 5px;
 76 }
 77 #person2>.pic>.desc>.content { 78     padding-right: 2px;
 79     height: 440px;
 80 }
 81 .space { 82     /* border: 1px solid red;*/
 83     height: 22px;
 84 }
 85 .space.left { 86     float: left;
 87     clear: left;
 88 }
 89 .space.right { 90     float: right;
 91     clear: right;
 92 }
 93 #faceoffIcon { 94     width: 80px;
 95     height: 80px;
 96     position: absolute;
 97     background-color: red;
 98     border: 3px solid white;
 99     border-radius: 40px;
100     top: 194px;
101     left: 247px;
102     z-index: 2;
103     color: white;
104     line-height: 80px;
105     text-align: center;
106     font-weight: bold;
107 }
108 #faceoff:hover>#faceoffIcon {109     display: none;
110 }
111 #person1>.pic:hover>.desc {112     -webkit-animation: left-show 0.8s 0s normal forwards;
113     -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in;
114 }
115 #person1>.pic>.desc {116     -webkit-animation: left-hide 0.8s 0s normal forwards;
117     -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-out;
118 }
119 #person2>.pic:hover>.desc {120     -webkit-animation: right-show 0.8s 0s normal forwards;
121     -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in;
122 }
123 #person2>.pic>.desc {124     -webkit-animation: right-hide 0.8s 0s normal forwards;
125     -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-out;
126 }
127 @-webkit-keyframes left-show {128     from {
129         margin-top: -440px;
130     }
131     to {132         margin-top: 0px;
133     }
134 }
135 @-webkit-keyframes left-hide {136     from {
137         margin-top: 0px;
138     }
139     to {140         margin-top: -440px;
141     }
142 }
143 @-webkit-keyframes right-show {144     from {
145         margin-top: 440px;
146     }
147     to {148         margin-top: 0px;
149     }
150 }
151 @-webkit-keyframes right-hide {152     from {
153         margin-top: 0px;
154     }
155     to {156         margin-top: 440px;
157     }
158 }
160     </style>
161 </head>
162 <body>
163   <div id="faceoff">
164     <div id="person1" class="pic_wrap">
165         <div class="pic">
166          <div class="desc">
167           <div class="content">
168             Raised in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, by his parents George and Lenore Romney, Mitt Romney spent two and a half years in France as a Mormon missionary starting in 1966. In 1969 he married Ann Davies, with whom he has had five sons. By 1971, Romney had participated in the political campaigns of both of his parents. He earned a Bachelor of Arts at Brigham Young and in 1975.
169         </div>
170           <div class="title">Mitt Romney</div>
171         </div>
172       </div>
173     </div>
174 <div id="faceoffIcon">FACEOFF</div>
175     <div id="person2" class="pic_wrap">
176      <div class="pic">
177         <div class="desc">
178           <div class="title">Barack Obama</div>
179           <div class="content">
180                    Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he served as president of the Harvard Law Review. He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He worked as a civil rights attorney and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004.
181                </div>
182         </div>
183       </div>
184     </div>
185 </div>
187 <script type="text/javascript">
188 //角度为13度
189 var deg = 13,
190   //占位元素的高
191   lineHeight = 22,
192   //元素高
193   contentHeight = 460,
194   //占位元素个数(行数)
195   lineCount = Math.ceil(contentHeight / lineHeight),
196   //相邻两个占位元素的宽度偏移量
197   lineOffset = getWidth(lineHeight),
198   //最大占位容器宽度,右侧的占位容器从大到小递减,左侧的占位元素从小到大递增
199   lineMaxWidth = getWidth(contentHeight);
201 //用占位容器来填充形状
202 function SetShape(isRight) {
203   var oFrag = document.createDocumentFragment();
204   if (isRight) {
205     for (var i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
206       var op = document.createElement("span");
207       op.classList.add("space");
208       op.classList.add("left");
209       // 右侧的占位容器从大到小递减
210       op.style.width = (lineMaxWidth - i * lineOffset) + "px";
211       oFrag.appendChild(op);
212     }
213     document.querySelector("#person2 .desc").insertBefore(oFrag, document.querySelector("#person2 .content"));
214   } else {
215     for (var i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
216       var op = document.createElement("span");
217       op.classList.add("space");
218       op.classList.add("right");
219       // 左侧的占位元素从小到大递增
220       op.style.width = (i * lineOffset) + "px";
221       oFrag.appendChild(op);
222     }
223     document.querySelector("#person1 .desc").insertBefore(oFrag, document.querySelector("#person1 .content"));
224   }
226 }
227 //依据角的邻边算对边长度
228 function getWidth(height) {
229   return Math.tan(deg * Math.PI / 180) * height;
230 }
231 // 依据行数得到角的邻边长度,进而算得对边长度
232 function getWidthByLineIndex(i) {
233   return getWidth(i * lineHeight);
234 }
235 SetShape(false);
236 SetShape(true);
237 </script>
239     </body>
240     </html>



本文是博主Arfei Zhang原创,欢迎转载。转载请注明转自博客园,并附上本文链接http://www.cnblogs.com/arfeizhang/p/faceoffdemo.html,谢谢!


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