
CV_8U is unsigned 8bit/pixel - ie a pixel can have values 0-255, this is the normal range for most image and video formats.

CV_32F is float - the pixel can have any value between 0-1.0, this is useful for some sets of calculations on data - but it has to be converted into 8bits to save or display by multiplying each pixel by 255.

CV_32S is a signed 32bit integer value for each pixel - again useful of you are doing integer maths on the pixels, but again needs converting into 8bits to save or display. This is trickier since you need to decide how to convert the much larger range of possible values (+/- 2billion!) into 0-255

CV_8U CV_32F, and CV_32S相关推荐

  1. error: (-215:Assertion failed) npoints = 0 (depth == CV_32F || depth == CV_32F || depth ==CV_32S

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  2. 【报错】npoints >= 0 (depth == CV_32F || depth == CV_32S) in function ‘cv::contourArea‘

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  3. cv::convertTo

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  6. C++版本OpenCv教程(四十二)霍夫变换原理及直线检测

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  7. Python OpenCV——函数 cv2.findContours 运行错误【in function ‘cv::pointSetBoundingRect‘】解决方案

    问题描述 cv2.error: OpenCV(4.5.1) C:\Users\appveyor\AppData\Local\Temp\1\pip-req-build-r2ue8w6k\opencv\m ...

  8. OpenCV3.0或OpenCV3.1的SVM操作

    OpenCV2.0 SVM代码及其分析 OpenCV 在很久以前就集成了SVM的功能,现在OpenCV升级到了3.0和3.1了,很多人都不习惯了怎么调用OpenCV中的SVM功能了.在之前OpenCV ...

  9. python中area是什么意思_python – 与openCV 3中的contourArea的兼容性问题

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