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As long as you have Bluetooth and Wi-Fi enabled, your Apple Watch should stay in sync with your iPhone. But there are times when Apple Watch just won’t sync health, activity, or other data. Here’s how you can force your Apple Watch to sync with your iPhone.

只要您启用了蓝牙和Wi-Fi,Apple Watch就应该与iPhone保持同步。 但是有时候Apple Watch不会同步健康,活动或其他数据。 这是强制苹果手表与iPhone同步的方法。

To force Apple Watch to sync with your iPhone, you have to reset sync data. But before you get there, see if all connections between the Apple Watch and iPhone are enabled.

要强制Apple Watch与iPhone同步,必须重置同步数据。 但是在到达那里之前,请查看是否已启用Apple Watch和iPhone之间的所有连接。

Open the Control Center on your iPhone by swiping down from the top-right corner of the screen. If you have an older iPhone with a Home button, swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

从屏幕的右上角向下滑动以在iPhone上打开控制中心 。 如果您的iPhone带有“主页”按钮,则从屏幕底部向上滑动。

Here, in the “Toggles” menu, make sure the “Bluetooth” and “Wi-Fi” toggles are enabled.

在此,请确保在“切换”菜单中启用了“蓝牙”和“ Wi-Fi”切换。

If your Apple Watch still isn’t syncing, you can use the force sync method.

如果Apple Watch仍未同步,则可以使用强制同步方法。

Open the “Watch” app on your iPhone. Use Apple’s built-in Spotlight Search if you can’t find the app on your smartphone. Next, from the “My Watch” tab, select the “General” option.

在iPhone上打开“观看”应用。 如果您无法在智能手机上找到应用程序,请使用Apple内置的Spotlight搜索 。 接下来,从“我的手表”选项卡中,选择“常规”选项。

From here, swipe down to the bottom of the page and tap on the “Reset” option.


In the new menu, tap on the “Reset Sync Data” button.


Your iPhone will now erase all contacts and calendar data on your Apple Watch, along with sync settings. Once the process is complete, it will start the sync process over, this time syncing all the data from the Apple Watch to your iPhone (and vice-versa). This should fix your health and activity data sync issues in addition to any problem you might be having with third-party apps.

iPhone现在将删除Apple Watch上的所有联系人和日历数据以及同步设置。 该过程完成后,它将重新开始同步过程,这次将所有数据从Apple Watch同步到您的iPhone(反之亦然)。 除了可以解决第三方应用程序的任何问题外,这还可以解决您的健康状况和活动数据同步问题。

If you’re still facing sync issues, the last resort is to unpair and repair the Apple Watch.

如果您仍然遇到同步问题,那么最后的方法就是取消配对并修复 Apple Watch。

From the “Reset” menu itself, select the “Erase Apple Watch Content and Settings” option.

从“重置”菜单本身,选择“擦除Apple Watch的内容和设置”选项。

From the popup, tap on the “Erase All Content and Settings” button to confirm.


Once the process is complete, pair your Apple Watch to your iPhone using the Watch app.

该过程完成后,使用Watch应用程序将Apple Watch与iPhone配对。

If you’re new to the Apple Watch, take a look at our Apple Watch tips article to learn about the hidden features in watchOS.

如果您不熟悉Apple Watch,请查看我们的Apple Watch技巧文章,以了解watchOS中的隐藏功能。


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