
Kevin Parrish

Sharing contacts between your iPhone and a Mac is easy, given that both devices synchronize in Apple’s cloud. But did you know you can share your iPhone contacts with a Windows 10 PC, too? We’ll walk you through it!

鉴于两种设备都可以在Apple的云中同步,因此在iPhone和Mac之间共享联系人非常容易。 但是您是否知道也可以与Windows 10 PC共享iPhone联系人? 我们将引导您完成整个过程!

For this guide, we didn’t use third-party tools developed specifically to export contacts. Instead, we’ll show two methods that are readily available on your iPhone and Windows 10. The first method involves Apple’s iCloud service, which is the better option if you need to export more than one contact.

对于本指南,我们没有使用专门为导出联系人而开发的第三方工具。 取而代之的是,我们将显示两种可在iPhone和Windows 10上方便使用的方法。第一种方法涉及Apple的iCloud服务,如果您需要导出多个联系人,这是更好的选择。

The second method relies on email. You don’t need a specific email client—Gmail, Yahoo, iCloud, Outlook, and so on, all work just fine. We’ll show you how to retrieve and download contacts via the Windows 10 Mail app.

第二种方法依靠电子邮件。 您不需要特定的电子邮件客户端-Gmail,Yahoo,iCloud,Outlook等,都可以正常工作。 我们将向您展示如何通过Windows 10 Mail应用程序检索和下载联系人。

通过iCloud导出联系人 (Export Contacts via iCloud)

To use this method, your contacts must be synced with iCloud. It’s the best way to export contacts in bulk.

要使用此方法,您的联系人必须与iCloud同步。 这是批量导出联系人的最佳方法。

To get started, open the “Settings” app on your iPhone. Its location on your phone might be different than what’s shown below; use the Spotlight Search if you can’t locate it.

要开始使用,请在iPhone上打开“设置”应用。 它在手机上的位置可能与以下显示的位置不同; 如果找不到它,请使用Spotlight搜索 。

In the “Settings” app, tap your name at the top of the screen, and then tap “iCloud” on the following screen.

在“设置”应用程序中,点击屏幕顶部的名称,然后在以下屏幕上点击“ iCloud”。

Verify that “Contacts” is toggled-On (green) and syncing to the cloud. If not, tap the toggle to enable it and sync your contacts.

确认“联系人”已打开(绿色)并已同步到云。 如果没有,请点击切换开关以启用它并同步您的联系人。

Next, open a browser on your Windows 10 PC and log in to the iCloud website with your Apple ID. Click “Contacts.”

接下来,在Windows 10 PC上打开浏览器,并使用Apple ID登录到iCloud网站 。 点击“联系人”。

Select a contact on the following screen. If you only want to export one contact, click the gear icon in the bottom-left corner, and then select “Export vCard” in the pop-up menu.

在以下屏幕上选择一个联系人。 如果只想导出一个联系人,请单击左下角的齿轮图标,然后在弹出菜单中选择“导出vCard”。

If you want to export multiple contacts, click a single name first. Then, place your mouse cursor over the final contact you want to export, press and hold the Shift key, and then click the last contact. Click the gear icon, and then select “Export vCard” in the pop-up menu.

如果要导出多个联系人,请首先单击一个名称。 然后,将鼠标光标放在要导出的最终联系人上,按住Shift键,然后单击最后一个联系人。 单击齿轮图标,然后在弹出菜单中选择“导出vCard”。

By default, the VCF file downloads to the “Downloads” folder on your PC. Right-click the file and select “Open” in the pop-up menu.

默认情况下,VCF文件下载到PC上的“下载”文件夹中。 右键单击该文件,然后在弹出菜单中选择“打开”。

Next, select where you want to install your contacts. Your choices include Outlook, the People app, and Windows Contacts. After you make your selection, click “OK” to import your contacts.

接下来,选择要在其中安装联系人的位置。 您的选择包括Outlook,People app和Windows Contacts。 选择后,单击“确定”导入您的联系人。

通过通讯录应用导出 (Export via the Contacts App)

This method sends your contacts to your Windows 10 PC via email. The major drawback, though, is you can only export one contact at a time.

此方法通过电子邮件将联系人发送到Windows 10 PC。 但是,主要缺点是一次只能导出一个联系人。

Tap “Contacts” on your iPhone to open the “Contacts” app (it might be in a different location on your phone than what’s shown below).


Next, tap the contact you want to export. After the details load, tap “Share Contact.”

接下来,点击您要导出的联系人。 加载详细信息后,点击“共享联系人”。

Tap an email app in the pop-up menu that appears to send the contact to your Windows 10 PC. Fill in the email details, and then send it to yourself.

在出现的弹出菜单中点击电子邮件应用,以将联系人发送到Windows 10 PC。 填写电子邮件详细信息,然后将其发送给自己。

When you receive the email on your Windows 10 PC, right-click the VCF attachment, and then click “Open” on the pop-up menu. Again, your choices are Outlook, the People app, and Windows Contacts.

在Windows 10 PC上收到电子邮件时,右键单击VCF附件,然后在弹出菜单上单击“打开”。 同样,您可以选择Outlook,People app和Windows Contacts。

Repeat these steps for each additional contact you want to import into Windows 10.

对要导入Windows 10的每个其他联系人重复这些步骤。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/448829/how-to-export-apple-icloud-and-iphone-contacts-to-windows-10/


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