
Despite the rather complicated times that we are all going through, I am happy to announce that a new CAELinux version is ready for you to download. CAELinux 2020 is based on Xubuntu 18.04 and as usual it is customized to offer many open source simulation tools for stress analysis, thermal or fluid flow simulation and other physics but it also contain a full range of mathematical modeling, graphic, design, CAD / CAM, prototyping software which makes it ideal for running a Fablab or a MakerSpace using purely open-source tools.

CAELinux 2018 had many issues mostly related to the installer and LiveDVD creation or boot. The causes were related to the large size of the ISO image which could not be handled properly by most boot codes. As many software that we include become also much larger, we had to find a solution to keep proposing a full CAE workstation despite the usual 4GB constrain on ISO images. We have now found a way to go past the 4Gb barrier and still produce a valid ISO image. However, this also means that from now CAELinux will only be able to boot from a USB flash disk. Booting a >4Gb ISO is not trivial so please read the instructions provided in the Getting Started guide available on the Sourceforge release page.

For downloads: caelinux.sourceforge.net


  • LiveDVD distribution based on Xubuntu 18.04 LTS 64 bit with XFCE lightweight desktop
  • Available as an installable ISO image for USB flash drive;
  • Runs directly from USB key without any installation
  • For best performance: installation to hard disk with the simple Ubuntu installer
  • Offers a complete platform for open source engineering development: Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) and simulation (CAE, FEA / CFD), electronics design, scientific computing, programming and mathematical modelling
  • CAD/CAM & 3D printing: Salome, Freecad, OpenSCAD, LibreCad, Pycam, Camotics, dxf2gcode & Cura
  • FEA, CFD & multiphysic simulation: Salome-Meca 2019 / Code-Aster, SalomeCFD/Code-Saturne, HelyxOs/OpenFOAM v7, Elmer FEM, Calculix with Launcher & CAE GUI
  • Meshing, pre-post, & visualization: Salome, Paraview, Helyx-OS, Elmer GUI, VoxelMesher
  • Electronic design and prototyping: KiCad, Arduino, Flatcam, dxf2gcode / cadpy for PCB isolation milling.
  • Scientific & development tools: Python 3 with Spyder, GNU Octave, R, wxMaxima, OpenModelica, Qt Creator, gcc, gfortran, java, g++, perl, tcl/tk


This release is built on an updated Xubuntu 18.04 LTS 64 bit base and provides updated CAE software with a focus on usability. As usual, CAELinux 2020 covers the full cycle of a engineering and product development, from mathematical modeling, to CAD & CAE, to prototyping by 3D printing, CAM / g-code generation and even through electronic PCB design, software & micro controller programming.

CAELinux 2020 contains updated versions of the Salome_Meca 2019 with Code-Aster 14.4 FEA suite, OpenFOAM v7 integrated with Helyx-OS GUI for settings up your CFD simulations , SalomeCFD with Code-Saturne 5.3 MPI with an integrated GUI , Calculix integrated in FreeCAD, Calculix Launcher and CAE gui ,ElmerFEM with its GUI, OpenModelica () for dynamic system simulation, Freecad 0.18.4 parametric CAD modeler, PyCAM 0.6.4 & Flatcam for 3D milling g-code generation with Camotics for milling simulation, Cura for easy and fast 3D printing () g-code generation, Kicad electric design suites with many tools for PCB isolation milling and finally the famous Arduino microcontroller development environment(*), as well as wxMaxima (symbolic math),Python / Spyder 3,Octave, R, and C/C++/Fortran development environments.

(only in full version, removed from lite version to save space)

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