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1:Introduction Chatbot Description (first example)

简介聊天机器人 第一个例子

Basically a chatterbot is a computer program that when you provide it with some inputs in Natural Language (English, French ...) responds with something meaningful in that same language. Which means that the strength of a chatterbot could be directly measured by the quality of the output selected by the Bot in response to the user. By the previous description, we could deduce that a very basic chatterbot can be written in a few lines of code in a given specific programming language. Lets make our first chatterbot (notice that all the codes that will be used in this tutorial will be written in C++. Also, it is assumed that the reader is familiar with the STL library) This tutorial is also available in the following languages:Java,Visual Basic,C#,Pascal,PrologandLisp



让我们编写第一个聊天机器人吧(注意:本教程的所有代码全部用C++,并且假定读者已经熟悉STL)。这个教程也可用如下语言编写 :

java vb c# pascal(DELPHI) and Lisp

1 //

2 //Program Name: chatterbot13 //Description: this is a very basic example of a chatterbot program4 //

5 //Author: Gonzales Cenelia6 //7

8 #include

9 #include

10 #include


12 intmain()13 {14 std::string Response[] ={15 "I HEARD YOU!",16 "SO, YOU ARE TALKING TO ME.",17 "CONTINUE, I’M LISTENING.",18 "VERY INTERESTING CONVERSATION.",19 "TELL ME MORE..."

20 };21

22 srand((unsigned) time(NULL));23

24 std::string sInput = "";25 std::string sResponse = "";26

27 while(1) {28 std::cout << ">";29 std::getline(std::cin, sInput);30 int nSelection = rand() % 5;31 sResponse =Response[nSelection];32 std::cout << sResponse <<:endl>

35 return 0;36 }

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As you can see, it doesn't take a lot of code to write a very basic program that can interact with a user but it would probably be very difficult to write a program that would really be capable of trulyinterpreting(说明)what the user is actually saying and after that would also gene

rate an appropriate response to it. These have been a long term goal since the beginning and even before the very first computers were created. In 1951,the British mathematician(数学家)Alan Turing has came up with the questionCan machines thinkand he has also propose a test which is now known as theTuring Test.In this test, a computer program and also a real person is set to speak to a third person (the judge) and he has to decide which of them is the real person. Nowadays, there is a competition that was named the Loebner Prize and in this competition bots that has successfully fool most of the judge for at list 5 minutes would win a prize of 100.000$. So far no computer program was able to pass this test successfully. One of the major reasons for this is that computer programs written to compute in such contest have naturally the tendency(倾向) of committing a lot oftypo(排印错误) (they are often out of the context of the conversation). Which means that generally, it isn't that difficult for a judge to decide whether he is speaking to a "computer program" or a real person. Also, the direct ancestor of all those program that tries to mimic(模仿) a conversation between real human beings is Eliza,the first version of this program was written in 1966 by Joseph Weizenbaum a professor of MIT.



在1951年,英国数学家 阿兰 图灵提出一个问题 “机器人可以思考”并且提出了一个测试,现在被称为“图灵测试”,

在这个测试中 一个电脑程序和是一个真人,将和第三个人对话。第三个人要分辨出哪个是真人。





Chatbots in general are considered to belong to the weak a.i field (weak artificial intelligence) as opposed to strong a.i who's goal is to create programs that are as intelligent as humans or more intelligent.

But it doesn't mean that chatbots do not have any true potential. Being able to create a program that could communicate the same way humans do would be a great advance for the a.i field.

Chatbot is this part of artificial intelligence which is more accessible to hobbyist (it only take some average programming skill to be a chatbot programmer). So, programmers out there who wanted to create true a.i or some kind of artificial intelligence, writing intelligent chatbots is a great place to start!

聊天机器人一般被认为是属于弱AI场(弱人工智能),而不是强大的AI ,他的目标是创造人类一样聪明或更智能的程序。





1 Interact v. 互相作用; 互动; 互相影响2 probably adv. 大概, 或许3 capable adj. 有能力的, 能干的, 能的4 truly adv 真实的 不假的5 interpretive adj. 作为说明的; 解释的6 actually adv. 实际上, 真的; 竟然7 generate v. 产生, 导致, 发生8 appropriate v. 拨出; 挪用, 盗用; 占用9 adj. 适当的, 恰当的, 相称的10 term goal 长期目标11 propose v. 计划, 建议, 打算; 打算, 求婚12 judge n. 法官, 推事, 审判官13 v. 审理; 判断; 鉴定; 下判断; 作评价14 major n. 主修, 陆军少校, 成年人; 大调15 v. 主修16 adj. 主要的, 大部份的, 较多的; 主修的, 大调的, 成年的17 reason n. 理由, 动机, 原因; 判断力, 推理; 理性, 理智; 道理, 情理18 v. 推论, 思考, 劝说; 说服, 辩论, 推论19 compute v. 计算; 推断; 估算20 contest n. 竞赛, 争论21 v. 竞赛, 争辩, 争取; 争夺22 tendency n. 趋向, 倾向23 conversation n. 会话, 交谈, 说话24 generally adv. 通常, 普遍地, 逐渐地; 一般来说25 direct v. 指示, 命令, 指挥; 指导; 指挥26 adj. 直接的, 坦白的27 adv. 直接地28 ancestor n. 祖宗, 祖先; 先驱; 原型; 被继承人29 tries n. 试验者, 审问者, 试验物30 mimic n. 效颦者; 小丑; 模仿者31 v. 模仿; 摹拟32 adj. 模仿的; 拟态的; 假装的33 conversation n. 会话, 交谈, 说话34 considered adj. 考虑过的; 被尊重的35 belong v. 属于, 住; 合适; 适宜36 weak adj. 不牢固的, 虚弱的, 弱的37 field n. 领域, 范围, 领地; 场地, 田地; 被指定为记录里信息项目的空间 (计算机用语); 表面; 用于运动的场地; 游戏者的作品; 层次; 打仗的场地, 战场; 战斗38 v. 使上场; 担任场外队员39 adj. 田间的; 野外的; 野生的40 artificial adj. 人工的, 人造的; 矫揉造作的, 不自然的; 假的; 人为的41 intelligence n. 智力; 智能; 聪明42 opposed adj. 反对的, 对抗的, 敌对的43 potential n. 潜在性, 可能性44 adj. 有潜力的, 潜在的, 可能的45 communicate vt. 传达,表达;显示:清晰地揭示;表明;传染:扩散;46 vi. 通讯;交际;相连;相通;47 advance n. 前进; 增长; 发展; 增高48 v. 使向前移动; 将...提前; 推进, 促进; 预付; 前进; 进展; 向前移动; 进步49 adj. 先行的; 预先的, 事先的50 accessible adj. 易受影响的, 易接近的, 可进入的51 hobbyist n.沉溺于某种癖好者, 业余爱好者

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