
terms to note

1 loose sentence

2 periodic sentence圆周句、掉尾句

writing concise sentence

how to write concise entences

1 meaningless expletive construction无实际意义

2 unnecessary clause

write varied entences

how to built longer and coherent sentences

too ward/monotonous/simply/messy


terms to note

1loose sentence/2periodic sentence/3balanced sentence 重要的放句子前面

1 loose sentence


like a bunch of grapes with short stem and a lot of fruit

the major point at the beginning

it may seem strange that in this modern electronic time,the physicists are still a very long way from understanding the ultimate structure of matter or sentence.

2 periodic sentence圆周句、掉尾句

writing concise sentence

all colleage students should vote.

despite diverse responses,most of men would endorse the view that contemporary lifestyle is much better than in the past in terms of both material and mental satisfication.在物质和精神满足方面

how to write concise entences

1 meaningless expletive construction无实际意义

  • it be
  • here be
  • there be

there is an easy way to determine the external temperature.

the external temperature is easy to determine

it was the setting sun that made it hard to see the ball

the setting sun made the ball hard to see

2 unnecessary clause

reduce 修饰主语并在定语从句中做主语 whom 在定语从句中做宾语

the man who works at costco lives in seattle.

--the man working at costco lives in seattle.

reduce adverb clause


way to solute

eliminate redundancies/avoid unneccessary repetition of words

avoid there be and it be

write varied entences

vary the length of sentences长短结合

adj/adv提前happy and sad/obviously


how to built longer and coherent sentences

chased by honda, the elegant man,  my beloved professor, is running desperately along the iron-hard,icy road to seek a way out,his heartbeats ponding in his ears and his sweat pouring into his eyes.


simple sentence to complex相关推荐

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