
Do you often misplace your iPhone? If you have an Apple Watch, it’s easy to find your phone using the ping feature, saving you the embarrassment or hassle of asking a friend or family member to call your phone to help you find it.

您经常放错iPhone吗? 如果您有Apple Watch,可以使用ping功能轻松找到您的手机,省去了要求朋友或家人打电话给您以帮助您查找手机的麻烦或麻烦。

Your Apple Watch must be connected to your iPhone via either Bluetooth or the same Wi-Fi network to be able to use the ping feature on your watch to find your phone.

您的Apple Watch必须通过蓝牙或相同的Wi-Fi网络连接到iPhone,才能使用手表上的ping功能查找手机。

To ping your iPhone, make sure the clock face is showing on your watch. If it’s not, press the digital crown until the clock face displays. Swipe up from the bottom of the watch screen to open the Glances.

要ping iPhone,请确保表盘显示在您的手表上。 如果不是,请按数字表冠直到表盘显示出来。 从手表屏幕底部向上滑动以打开Glances。

Swipe right until you see the Settings glance, which is the leftmost glance screen. Tap the pinging phone button.

向右滑动,直到看到“设置”一览表,这是最左侧的一览表屏幕。 点击ping通电话按钮。

Your iPhone will emit a short, pinging sound to help you find it, even if it’s in silent mode. A message saying “Pinging iPhone” displays briefly on your watch’s screen as well.

即使处于静音模式,您的iPhone也会发出一声短促的砰砰声,以帮助您找到它。 手表的屏幕上也会短暂显示一条消息“ Ping iPhone”。

If your iPhone is not in range of your watch, you can use iCloud.com to find your phone. In a browser, go to iCloud.com and log in using your Apple ID and password.

如果您的iPhone不在您的手表范围内,则可以使用iCloud.com查找您的手机。 在浏览器中,转到iCloud.com并使用您的Apple ID和密码登录。

NOTE: When using the “Find iPhone” feature on iCloud.com on a Windows PC, it only works in Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge, or in an Incognito browsing window in Chrome. It will not work in a standard Chrome window or Firefox.

注意:在Windows PC上的iCloud.com上使用“查找iPhone”功能时,它仅在Internet Explorer 11,Microsoft Edge或Chrome的隐身浏览窗口中可用。 它不能在标准的Chrome窗口或Firefox中运行。

Click on the “Find iPhone” icon on the main iCloud page.


A page displays indicating that “Find iPhone” is “Locating…” your device.


A point on a map indicates where your device is currently located.


You can access more options for dealing with a lost iOS device by clicking “All Devices” at the top of the map in the browser window. Click on the device you located.

通过单击浏览器窗口地图顶部的“所有设备”,您可以访问更多选项来处理丢失的iOS设备。 单击您找到的设备。

A popup dialog box displays showing you how long ago your device was found and even the battery level displays in the upper-right corner of the dialog box. To play a sound on your phone, click “Play Sound”. This can be useful if you discover your phone is not far away, but the connection between your phone and watch has been lost.

将显示一个弹出对话框,显示您找到设备多久了,甚至电池电量也显示在对话框的右上角。 要在手机上播放声音,请单击“播放声音”。 如果您发现手机不远,但手机与手表之间的连接已断开,则此功能很有用。

When you select your device from the “All Devices” menu, a popup also displays above the location of your phone on the map.


If you left your phone (or other iOS device) somewhere or someone stole it, use “Lost Mode” on iCloud. “Lost Mode” locks your device with a passcode so that others can’t access your personal information. For more information about “Lost Mode”, see Apple’s support article. You can also erase your iPhone remotely using iCloud.

如果您将手机(或其他iOS设备)留在某处或有人偷了它,请在iCloud上使用“丢失模式”。 “丢失模式”使用密码锁定您的设备,以便其他人无法访问您的个人信息。 有关“丢失模式”的更多信息,请参阅Apple的支持文章 。 您也可以使用iCloud远程擦除iPhone。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/236370/how-to-find-your-iphone-using-your-apple-watch-or-icloud/


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