Shell 从入门到精通

  • 相关文章
  • 一.Shell背景
    • 1.1 GNU计划
    • 1.2 Shell
    • 1.3 Bash
  • 二. Shell脚本基本语法
    • 2.1 Getting Start
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Setting up Workspace
      • 3. Hello World
      • 4. Motivation Example
    • 2.2 Variable
    • 2.3 Data Type
    • 2.4 String
    • 2.5 Array
    • 2.6 Conditional Statements
      • 1. if else
      • 2. switch case
    • 2.7 Looping
      • 1. while
      • 2. for
      • 3. 无限循环
    • 2.8 基本运算
    • 2.9 Function
    • 2.10 Import
  • 三.Shell脚本实践
    • 3.1 备忘录
    • 3.2 导航
  • 个人简介


  • 【Linux】深入理解Awk
  • 【Linux】深入理解Sed
  • 【Linux】深入理解Vim


1.1 GNU计划

The GNU Project is a free software, mass collaboration project that Richard Stallman announced on September 27, 1983. Its goal is to give computer users freedom and control in their use of their computers and computing devices by collaboratively developing and publishing software that gives everyone the rights to freely run the software, copy and distribute it, study it, and modify it. GNU software grants these rights in its license.

1984年,史托曼开始GNU计划, 这个计划的目的是:创建一个自由、开放的Unix操作系统 (Free Unix)。

GNU’s not Unix!
GNU并不是 Unix啊!那么GNU又是什么呢? 就是GNU’s Not Unix嘛!..可是无穷循环啊!忙碌~

本章所说的Bash Shell就是来源于GNU,还有一些比较著名的软件来源于GNU:

  • Emacs
  • GNU C (GCC)
  • GNU C Library (glibc)
  • Bash shell

In 1991, the Linux kernel appeared, developed outside the GNU project by Linus Torvalds, and in December 1992 it was made available under version 2 of the GNU General Public License. Combined with the operating system utilities already developed by the GNU project, it allowed for the first operating system that was free software, commonly known as Linux.

1.2 Shell

我们必须要通过“ Shell ”将我们输入的指令与 Kernel 沟通, 好让 Kernel 可以控制硬件来正确无误的工作。

我们可以发现应用程序其实是在最外层,如同鸡蛋外壳一样,因此就被称呼为壳程序 (shell) 啰!


  • 狭义:命令行方面的软件,bash 等。
  • 广义:图形接口的软件!因为图形接口其实也能够操作各种应用程序来调用核心工作啊!

Shell有很多版本例如常听到的Bourne SHell (sh) 、在 Sun 里头默认的 C SHell,还有 TCSH,zsh 等等,每一种 Shell 都各有其特点。Bash Shell是Bourne Shell 的增强版本,也是基准于 GNU 的架构下发展出来的!


MacBook-Pro-3:~ sunquan$ cat -n /etc/shells1 # List of acceptable shells for chpass(1).2 # Ftpd will not allow users to connect who are not using3   # one of these shells.4 5   /bin/bash6  /bin/csh7   /bin/dash8  /bin/ksh9   /bin/sh10   /bin/tcsh11 /bin/zsh
MacBook-Pro-3:~ sunquan$

1.3 Bash

而当下日常大多数默认使用的是Bash Shell。我们可以在电脑中man bash一下

MacBook-Pro-3:~ sunquan$ man bash
BASH(1)                                                                BASH(1)NAMEbash - GNU Bourne-Again SHellSYNOPSISbash [options] [file]COPYRIGHTBash is Copyright (C) 1989-2005 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.DESCRIPTIONBash  is  an  sh-compatible  command language interpreter that executescommands read from the standard input or from a file.  Bash also incor-porates useful features from the Korn and C shells (ksh and csh).Bash  is  intended  to  be a conformant implementation of the Shell andUtilities portion  of  the  IEEE  POSIX  specification  (IEEE  Standard1003.1).  Bash can be configured to be POSIX-conformant by default.

Bash is a Unix shell and command language written by Brian Fox for the GNU Project as a free software replacement for the Bourne shell. First released in 1989, it has been used as the default login shell for most Linux distributions.



MacBook-Pro-3:~ sunquan$ tail -n 10 ~/.bash_history
vim awkDemo2
diff awkDemo awkDemo2
eixt (0) | echo $?
eixt (0) ; echo $?
eixt 0 ; echo $?
eixt 0;echo $?
var = sq ; echo var
var = sq ; echo $var
var=sq;echo $var
exit 0;echo $var


3.alase 别名设置

MacBook-Pro-3:~ sunquan$ ls -l
total 32
drwx------@  6 sunquan  staff   192  5 27  2020 Applications
MacBook-Pro-3:~ sunquan$ alias ll='ls -l'
MacBook-Pro-3:~ sunquan$ ll
total 32
drwx------@  6 sunquan  staff   192  5 27  2020 Applications
MacBook-Pro-3:~ sunquan$

4.程序化脚本: (shell scripts)

二. Shell脚本基本语法

2.1 Getting Start

1. Introduction

shell script 是利用shell的功能所写的一个“程序 (program)”,这个程序是使用纯文本文件。也可被看成批处理文件或一个程序语言,且由于都是利用 shell 与相关工具指令,所以不需要编译即可执行。

2. Setting up Workspace

MacBook-Pro-3:~ sunquan$ vim ~/.bash_profile
export HISTFILESIZE=1024 #设置history记录bash命令的大小
export PATH=${PATH}:/Users/sunquan/Library/shell #shell工作空间
export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/bin
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/sunquan/Library/Android/android-ndk-r18b/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/local/bin/python3
source /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin/
# Setting PATH for Python 3.7
# The original version is saved in .bash_profile.pysave
export PATH
MacBook-Pro-3:~ sunquan$ source ~/.bash_profile


3. Hello World

#! /bin/bash
# author: scott sun
# #!是一个约定的标记,告诉脚本用什么shell环境来执行
# a program to show "hello world" in your screen
# how to run : switch the dir
# chmod +x helloworld
# ./helloworld; if your add the scripts'dir in your PATH  variable, you can run helloworld directly
echo "Hello World"
exit 0

1. 第一行#!/bin/bash宣告这个script使用的shell名称,必须要包含。当这个程序运行的以后,就能够载入bash的相关环境配置文件
2.一个指令的执行结果可以使用$?这个变量来观察。因此exit 0 代表离开script后回传一个0给系统。随后如果下达echo $?则可得到0的值

4. Motivation Example

 #!/bin/bash#author : scott sun#function: use to count how much commands in your computer.IFS=":"count=0; nonex=0for directory in $PATH ; doif [ -d "$directory" ]thenfor command in "$directory"/* ; doif [ -x "$command" ]thencount=$[count + 1]elsenonex=$[nonex + 1]fidonefidoneecho "$count commands, and $nonex that weren't executable"exit 0MacBook-Pro-3:shell sunquan$ countShellCommands
2438 commands, and 14 that weren't executable
MacBook-Pro-3:shell sunquan$

2.2 Variable



1. 变量名不能有空格


echo $myname
echo ${myname}
echo "my name is ${myname}"

2.3 Data Type

#!/bin/bashvint=1vint2=2vfloat=1.1vString="sq"echo "int add int is $[ vint + vint2 ]"echo "int add float is $[ vint + vfloat ]"echo "int add string $[ vint + vString ]"MacBook-Pro-3:shell sunquan$ variableDemo
int add int is 3
/Users/sunquan/Library/shell/variableDemo: line 8: 1.1: syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is ".1")
int add string 1
MacBook-Pro-3:shell sunquan$

1. shell没有明确的关键字定义数据类型

2.4 String

#!/bin/bashmyname="scott.sun"echo "hello my name is $myname"echo 'hello, my name is $myname'echo "the length of $myname is ${#myname}"echo "substring(1,3) is ${myname:1:3}"echo "the first name is "; eval "echo $myname | cut -c1-5"

1. 单引号原样输出,双引号可显示变量
2. ${#string}输出字符串长度
3. ${string:start:end}截取字符串

2.5 Array

#!/bin/basharray=(12345)echo $arrayecho ${array[0]}echo ${array[5]}echo "the length of arr is ${#array[*]}"echo "the content of array is ${array[*]}"echo "the content of array is ${array[@]}"MacBook-Pro-3:shell sunquan$ arrayDemo
1the length of arr is 5
the content of array is 1 2 3 4 5
the content of array is 1 2 3 4 5

1. array定义如上
2. $array输出第一个元素,通过arr[index]获取数值,操作不输出
3. ${array[*]}, ${array[@]}功能雷同

2.6 Conditional Statements

1. if else

if [ -x "/path/filename" ]
thenecho "this file can execute"
elseecho "this file can't execute"

2. switch case

echo "input the num between 1-4"
read num
case $num in1) echo "the num is 1";;2) echo "the num is 2";;3) echo "the num is 3";;4) echo "the num is 4";;*) echo "the num is out of 1-4";;

2.7 Looping

1. while

while(( $cnt<=5 ))
doecho $cntlet "cnt++"

1. let 用于执行一个或者多个表达式不需要$符号

2. for

for loop in 1 2 3 4 5
do echo "The value is $loop"

3. 无限循环

for (( ; ; ))

2.8 基本运算

#    +  -   *   /   %
#   ==    != -eq -ne -gt -lt -ge -le
#   !   -o -a (非或与)
#   -z 字符串长度是否为0
#   -n 字符串长度是否部位0
#   $ 字符串是否为空
echo $[ 1 + 2 ]
# -r -w -f -d -x -e
# 可读, 可写 普通文件    是否目录    是否可执行   是否存在
if [ -r $file ]
thenecho "文件可读"
elseecho "文件不可读"

2.9 Function

 #!/bin/bashfun1(){echo "the name of command is $0"echo "the first params is $1"echo "the num of params is $#"echo "the str of params is $*"}fun1 1 2 3 4 strexit 0MacBook-Pro-3:shell sunquan$ funcDemo
the name of command is /Users/sunquan/Library/shell/funcDemo
the first params is 1
the num of params is 5
the str of params is 1 2 3 4 str

2.10 Import

# this is first script
. secondScriptName


3.1 备忘录

# file name: remember
# func : remember the note
if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; thenecho "Enter note, end with ^D"cat - >> $rememberfile
else echo "$@" >> $rememberfile
exit 0
# remind note
if [ ! -f $rememberfile ]
thenecho "$0: .remember not exist." >$2exit 1
fiif [ $# -eq 0 ]
then more $rememberfile
else grep -i "$@" $rememberfile | more
exit 0

3.2 导航

if [ $# -le 0 ] ; then open
elif [ $1 == 'mail' ] ; thenopen

Shell还有很多用法,就如同 4.Motivation Example中,电脑里至少有上千个可执行命令,就如同乐高,用这些命令堆出你想像中的积木。你可以和Git,awk,sed,ffmpeg,adb,gradle等等开发环境和命令结合来打造你的完美开发环境。


职业:阿里巴巴 - 无线开发专家
添加请注明CSDN + 原因,


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