Z. Yan, L. Han, X. Li, X. Dong, Q. Li and Z. Ren, “Event-Triggered Time-Varying Formation Control for Discrete-Time Multi-Agent Systems with Communication Delays,” 2020 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), 2020, pp. 6707-6711, doi: 10.1109/CAC51589.2020.9326758.


  • I. Introduction
  • II. Preliminaries
    • A. Graph theory and notations
    • B. Problem description
  • III. Main results
    • A. Event-triggered control protocol
    • B. Stability analysis
  • IV. Simulation
  • V. Conclusion

I. Introduction

II. Preliminaries

A. Graph theory and notations

W=[wij]∈RN×NW = [w_{ij}] \in \R^{N \times N}W=[wij​]∈RN×N is adjacency matrix.

SSS is in-degree matrix.

Laplacian L=S−WL = S - WL=S−W

B. Problem description

xi(k+1)=xi(k)+vi(k)Tvi(k+1)=vi(k)+ui(k)T(1)\begin{aligned} x_i(k+1) &= x_i(k) + v_i(k) T \\ v_i(k+1) &= v_i(k) + u_i(k) T \\ \tag{1} \end{aligned}xi​(k+1)vi​(k+1)​=xi​(k)+vi​(k)T=vi​(k)+ui​(k)T​(1)

III. Main results

A. Event-triggered control protocol

ui(k)=K2∑j∈Niwij[Ak−kmi(Ψi(kmi−τ)−hi(kmi−τ))−Ak−kmi(Ψj(kmj−τ)−hj(kmj−τ))]+[hiv(k+1)−hiv(k)]/T+K1(Ψi(k)−hi(k))(7)\begin{aligned} u_i(k) &= K_2 \sum_{j\in N_i} w_{ij} [A^{k - k_m^i} (\varPsi_i(k_m^i - \tau) - h_i(k_m^i - \tau)) - A^{k - k_m^i} (\varPsi_j(k_m^j - \tau) - h_j(k_m^j - \tau))] \\ &+ [h_{iv} (k+1) - h_{iv}(k)] / T \\ &+ K_1 (\varPsi_i(k) - h_i(k)) \tag{7} \end{aligned}ui​(k)​=K2​j∈Ni​∑​wij​[Ak−kmi​(Ψi​(kmi​−τ)−hi​(kmi​−τ))−Ak−kmi​(Ψj​(kmj​−τ)−hj​(kmj​−τ))]+[hiv​(k+1)−hiv​(k)]/T+K1​(Ψi​(k)−hi​(k))​(7)

ui(k)=K2∑j∈Niwij[A(Ψi−hi)−A(Ψj−hj)]+[hiv(k+1)−hiv(k)]/T+K1(Ψi(k)−hi(k))(7)\begin{aligned} u_i(k) &= K_2 \sum_{j\in N_i} w_{ij} [A (\varPsi_i - h_i) - A (\varPsi_j - h_j)] \\ &+ [h_{iv} (k+1) - h_{iv}(k)] / T \\ &+ K_1 (\varPsi_i(k) - h_i(k)) \tag{7} \end{aligned}ui​(k)​=K2​j∈Ni​∑​wij​[A(Ψi​−hi​)−A(Ψj​−hj​)]+[hiv​(k+1)−hiv​(k)]/T+K1​(Ψi​(k)−hi​(k))​(7)




fi(k,ei(k))=∥ei(k)∥−cαk(8)f_i(k, e_i(k)) = \| e_i(k) \| - c \alpha^k \tag{8}fi​(k,ei​(k))=∥ei​(k)∥−cαk(8)

ei(k)=Ak−kmi(Ψi(kmi−τ)−hi(kmi−τ))−(Ψi(k)−hi(k))e_i(k) = A^{k - k_m^i} (\varPsi_i(k_m^i - \tau) - h_i(k_m^i - \tau)) - (\varPsi_i(k) - h_i(k))ei​(k)=Ak−kmi​(Ψi​(kmi​−τ)−hi​(kmi​−τ))−(Ψi​(k)−hi​(k))

B. Stability analysis

IV. Simulation

t = 30s 时的仿真效果

t = 50s 时的仿真效果

V. Conclusion

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