YouTube’s Creator Studio can be a bit hard to navigate, but there are a lot of features hidden in menus and tabs that you might find useful as a content creator.

YouTube的Creator Studio可能很难导航,但菜单和标签中隐藏了许多功能,它们对于内容创作者可能很有用。

频道总览页面 (The Channel Overview Page)

On the Videos page, you’ll find an overview of all of your uploads. From here, you can check out view counts, see which videos have been demonetized (a common occurence on YouTube nowadays), and have quick access to the edit tabs for each video. You can achieve much the same thing just from your channel’s page, but to edit a particular video from there, you’d have to click on the video and then click “Edit.” Doing it from the Videos page saves you a click.

在“视频”页面上,您会找到所有上传内容的概述。 在这里,您可以查看观看次数,查看哪些视频已被取消货币化(如今在YouTube上很常见),并且可以快速访问每个视频的编辑标签。 您可以仅在频道页面上实现相同的目的,但是要在该页面上编辑特定视频,您必须先单击该视频,然后单击“编辑”。 在“视频”页面上执行此操作可以节省您的点击时间。

On the drop-down menu for each video, you get quick access to all the edit features YouTube has to offer.


From there, you can edit your video’s annotations, cards, and end screen, as well as download the video from YouTube or even delete it.


Clicking “Info and Settings” (or just “Edit”) brings you to the video’s main settings page.


From here, you can do a lot. The most useful features outside of editing the title and description are in the “Advanced Settings” tab. You can turn off or change the sorting on comments, change your video’s category and subcategory (if you make gaming videos, you should be putting the title of the game here), and disable embedding on other sites.

在这里,您可以做很多事情。 编辑标题和描述之外,最有用的功能是在“高级设置”选项卡中。 您可以关闭或更改评论的排序,更改视频的类别和子类别(如果要制作游戏视频,则应在此处放置游戏标题),并禁止在其他网站上嵌入。

You can also change the thumbnail with the example thumbnails at the top, or upload your own. YouTube thumbnails are 1280×720, or 720p.

您也可以使用顶部的示例缩略图来更改缩略图,或者上传自己的缩略图。 YouTube缩略图为1280×720或720p。


If you want, you can put some info up in the top right corner, such as a link to another video, channel, or link. These cards are useful for when you mention something in a video and need to provide a link.

如果需要,可以在右上角放置一些信息,例如指向另一个视频,频道或链接的链接。 当您在视频中提及某些内容并需要提供链接时,这些卡非常有用。

结束屏幕注释 (End Screen Annotations)

A lot of people forget that they can create end screen annotations. You can customize the videos that show at the end of yours, which helps people to keep watching your content after they’re done with one video.

许多人忘记了他们可以创建最终屏幕注释。 您可以自定义显示在视频末尾的视频,这有助于人们在完成一部视频后继续观看您的内容。

You can add elements manually, or import them from another video.


You can add a subscribe button to the middle of the screen, show off your most recent upload, a specific video or playlist, or just let YouTube pick from your channel. Whatever you do, it’s better than leaving it blank.

您可以在屏幕中间添加一个订阅按钮,显示最新上传的内容,特定的视频或播放列表,或者只是让YouTube从您的频道中选择。 无论您做什么,总比不做任何事情要好。

Since this screen shows up in the last few seconds of your actual video, most YouTubers integrate this into their outro. Once you’ve got a template you like, you can design your outro around it to make some cool looking end screens.

由于此屏幕会在您实际视频的最后几秒钟出现,因此大多数YouTube用户都将其集成到他们的节目中。 有了喜欢的模板后,您可以围绕它设计外观,以制作一些看起来很酷的终端屏幕。

Image Credit: PixieMe/Shutterstock

图片来源: PixieMe / Shutterstock



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