




function h = cbarrow(options)
%% cbarrow documentation
% The cbarrow function places triangle-shaped endmembers on colorbars to
% indicate that data values exist beyond the extents of the values shown in
% the colorbar.
% This function works by creating a set of axes atop the current figure and
% placing patch objects on the new axes.  Thus, editing a figure after
% calling cbarrow may cause some glitches.  Therefore, it is recommended to call
% cbarrow last when creating plots.
%% Syntax
%  cbarrow
%  cbarrow(Direction)
%  cbarrow('delete')
%  h = cbarrow(...)
%% Description
% cbarrow places triangle-shaped endmembers on both ends of the current
% colorbar.
% cbarrow(Direction) specifies a single direction to place a colorbar end
% arrow.  Direction can be 'up', 'down', 'right', or 'left'.
% cbarrow('delete') deletes previously-created cbarrow objects.
% h = cbarrow(...) returns a handle of the axes on which cbarrow
% objects are created.
%% Example 1: Both directions
% surf(peaks)
% axis tight
% colorbar
% caxis([0 3])
% cbarrow
%% Example 2: One direction
% surf(peaks)
% axis tight
% colorbar('southoutside')
% colormap(brewermap(256,'*RdBu'))
% caxis([-7 7])
% cbarrow('right')
%% Known issues
% This function only works once per figure.  If you have multiple subplots,
% you can only use it once, and you'll have to call cbarrow last.  Also,
% editing plots after calling cbarrow can sometimes be a bit glitchy.
%% Author Info
% The newcolorbar function was written by Chad A. Greene of the
% University of Texas at Austin's Institute for Geophysics (UTIG), August 2015.
% Updated June 2016 to fix a bug in cbarrow('down'), thanks to Aodat for pointing this out.
% http://www.chadagreene.com.
% See also caxis and colorbar.
%% Error checks:
assert(verLessThan('matlab','8.4.0')==0,'Sorry, the cbarrow function requires Matlab R2014b or later.')
%% Guess which arrows to create based on current colorbar orientation:
% Find handles of all colorbars in current figure:
hcb = findobj(gcf,'Type','Colorbar');
% If no colorbars exist in current figure, create a new one:
if isempty(hcb)cb = colorbar;
else% Otherwise, use the most recent colorbar in the list: cb = hcb(1);
endcbpos = cb.Position;
ax1 = gca;
ax1pos = get(ax1,'OuterPosition');
% If the colorbar is wider than it is tall, make left and right arrows:
if cbpos(4)<cbpos(3)makerightarrow = true; makeleftarrow = true; makeuparrow = false; makedownarrow = false;
else% Otherwise make up and down arrows: makerightarrow = false; makeleftarrow = false; makeuparrow = true; makedownarrow = true;
%% Override automatic arrow selection if user requested a specific arrow:
if nargin>0 switch lower(options)case {'del','delete'}tryh_cbarrow = findobj(gcf,'tag','cbarrow'); delete(h_cbarrow); endreturncase {'r','right'}makerightarrow = true; makeleftarrow = false; case {'l','left'}makeleftarrow = true; makerightarrow = false; case {'u','up'} makeuparrow = true; makedownarrow = false; case {'d','down'} makedownarrow = true; makeuparrow = false; otherwiseerror('Invalid input in cbarrow. Must be ''up'',''down'', ''left'', ''right'', ''delete'', or no inputs at all for automatic cbarrowing.') end
%% Shrink position of the colorbar to allow room for arrows:
if makerightarrowcbpos = cbpos + [0 0 -cbpos(4)*sqrt(2)/2 0];cb.Position = cbpos;
if makeleftarrowcbpos = cbpos + [cbpos(4)*sqrt(2)/2 0 -cbpos(4)*sqrt(2)/2 0];cb.Position = cbpos;
if makeuparrow cbpos = cbpos + [0 0 0 -cbpos(3)*sqrt(2)/2];cb.Position = cbpos;
if makedownarrow cbpos = cbpos + [0 cbpos(3)*sqrt(2)/2 0 -cbpos(3)*sqrt(2)/2];cb.Position = cbpos;
%% Create triangle arrows as patch objects in new axes:
% Get colormap so we know what color to make the triangles:
cm = colormap;
% Create background axes on which to plot patch objects:
h = axes('position',[0 0 1 1],'tag','cbarrow');
hold on
% Plot arrows:
if makerightarrow rightarrowx = (cbpos(1)+cbpos(3)) + [0 cbpos(4)*sqrt(2)/2 0 0]; rightarrowy = cbpos(2) + [0 cbpos(4)/2 cbpos(4) 0]; hr = patch(rightarrowx,rightarrowy,cm(end,:),'EdgeColor',cm(end,:));
if makeleftarrowleftarrowx = cbpos(1) + [0 -cbpos(4)*sqrt(2)/2 0 0]; leftarrowy = cbpos(2) + [0 cbpos(4)/2 cbpos(4) 0]; hl = patch(leftarrowx,leftarrowy,cm(1,:),'EdgeColor',cm(1,:));
if makeuparrowuparrowx = cbpos(1) + [0 cbpos(3) cbpos(3)/2 0]; uparrowy = cbpos(2)+cbpos(4) + [0 0 cbpos(3)*sqrt(2)/2 0]; hu = patch(uparrowx,uparrowy,cm(end,:),'EdgeColor',cm(end,:));
if makedownarrowdownarrowx = cbpos(1) + [0 cbpos(3) cbpos(3)/2 0]; downarrowy = cbpos(2) + [0 0 -cbpos(3)*sqrt(2)/2 0]; hd = patch(downarrowx,downarrowy,cm(1,:),'EdgeColor',cm(1,:));
%% Change edge colors:
if strcmpi(cb.Box,'on')% Get starting color and linewidth of colorbar box: linecolor = cb.Color; linewidth = cb.LineWidth; % Turn off colorbar box and we'll create a new one: cb.Box = 'off'; % Edge line for left and right arrows: if all([makerightarrow makeleftarrow])line(cbpos(1) +[0 cbpos(3) cbpos(3)+cbpos(4)*sqrt(2)/2 cbpos(3) 0 -cbpos(4)*sqrt(2)/2 0],...cbpos(2) + [0 0 cbpos(4)/2 cbpos(4) cbpos(4) cbpos(4)/2 0],...'color',linecolor,'LineWidth',linewidth)end% Edge line for right only: if all([makerightarrow ~makeleftarrow])line(cbpos(1) +[0 cbpos(3) cbpos(3)+cbpos(4)*sqrt(2)/2 cbpos(3) 0 0],...cbpos(2) + [0 0 cbpos(4)/2 cbpos(4) cbpos(4) 0],...'color',linecolor,'LineWidth',linewidth)end% Edge line for left arrow only: if all([~makerightarrow makeleftarrow])line(cbpos(1) +[0 cbpos(3) cbpos(3) 0 -cbpos(4)*sqrt(2)/2 0],...cbpos(2) + [0 0 cbpos(4) cbpos(4) cbpos(4)/2 0],...'color',linecolor,'LineWidth',linewidth)end% Edge line for up and down arrows: if all([makeuparrow makedownarrow])line(cbpos(1) +[0 0 cbpos(3)/2 cbpos(3) cbpos(3) cbpos(3)/2 0],...cbpos(2) + [0 cbpos(4) cbpos(4)+cbpos(3)*sqrt(2)/2 cbpos(4) 0 -cbpos(3)*sqrt(2)/2 0],...'color',linecolor,'LineWidth',linewidth)end% Edge line for up arrow only: if all([makeuparrow ~makedownarrow])line(cbpos(1) +[0 0 cbpos(3)/2 cbpos(3) cbpos(3) 0],...cbpos(2) + [0 cbpos(4) cbpos(4)+cbpos(3)*sqrt(2)/2 cbpos(4) 0 0],...'color',linecolor,'LineWidth',linewidth)end% Edge line for down arrow only: if all([~makeuparrow makedownarrow])line(cbpos(1) +[0 0 cbpos(3) cbpos(3) cbpos(3)/2 0],...cbpos(2) + [0 cbpos(4) cbpos(4) 0 -cbpos(3)*sqrt(2)/2 0],...'color',linecolor,'LineWidth',linewidth)end
%% Clean up:
axis off
axis([0 1 0 1])
% If original current axes were resized, unresize them:
switch lower(cb.Location) case {'south','east','north','west'} % Bring our arrow patch object axes to the front if the colorbar is inside the current axes: axes(h)otherwise% Bring user's data axes to the front: axes(ax1)
% Delete output if user did not request it:
if nargout==0clear h


axis tight
caxis([0 3])





[CS,CH]=m_contourf(m_lon,m_lat,m_sps,[0.1:0.1:0.5 1:0.5:1.5],'edgecolor','none');m_coast('color',[0 0 0], 'linewidth', 1.2);
m_grid('tickdir','out','linewi',2);ax = m_contfbar([.3 .7],.05,CS,CH);% 如果bar是竖直的,这里是ytick和yticklabel
ax.XTick = [0.1 0.5 1:0.5:1.5];
ax.XTickLabel = [0.1 0.5 1:0.5:1.5];
% close all;

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