
There’s a neat tool buried deep in your Mac’s Utilities folder that you may have never heard of, but it will allow you to find the color value (RGB, hexadecimal, or percentage) of anything on your screen.


The utilities in the Utilities folder rarely get enough coverage, probably because they’re so specialized that they’re rarely used on a daily basis. That said, you know there’s always that time when you need to do something really specific and you’ve probably downloaded something to do it.

“实用程序”文件夹中的实用程序很少获得足够的覆盖率,这可能是因为它们是如此专业,以致于很少每天使用。 就是说,您知道总是需要做一些特定的事情,并且可能已经下载了一些东西来做。

Often, if you want to find out the color value of something, you might use a photo imaging program such as Photoshop or Gimp, but with the Digital Color Meter in OS X, you can do it right in the system without the need for any additional software.

通常,如果您想找出某物的颜色值,则可以使用诸如Photoshop或Gimp之类的照片成像程序,但是使用OS X中的数字色度计,就可以在系统中直接完成它,而无需任何操作。附加软件。

The Digital Color Meter is very simple to use. Load it up and then hover the mouse pointer over an area on the screen and you will see the color values displayed initially as red, green, and blue (RGB). You can change the aperture size, meaning you can get the color value of a small to larger area.

数字色度计的使用非常简单。 加载它,然后将鼠标指针悬停在屏幕上的某个区域上,您会看到颜色值最初显示为红色,绿色和蓝色(RGB)。 您可以更改光圈大小,这意味着您可以获取小到大区域的颜色值。

Use the “View” menu to access a number of powerful options. For example, if you want to lock the position of specific area on the screen, you can use the keyboard combination “Cmd + L”. That way, when you move the pointer again, the Digital Color Meter will remain fixed where you locked it allowing you to perform other tasks without losing your color value.

使用“查看”菜单可以访问许多强大的选项。 例如,如果您想锁定屏幕上特定区域的位置,则可以使用键盘组合“ Cmd + L”。 这样,当您再次移动指针时,数字色度计将保持锁定的位置,从而使您能够执行其他任务而不会丢失色值。

The “Lock Position” option is especially useful if you don’t want to lose the color value when you move your pointer.

The other item you definitely want to take note of is the ability to change your color’s display values. As we mentioned earlier, you can find the color values as RGB, hexadecimal, or percentage. You will be able to do this using the “View” menu and then choosing from the “Display Values” sub-menu.

您肯定要注意的另一项是更改颜色显示值的功能。 如前所述,您可以找到RGB,十六进制或百分比的颜色值。 您可以使用“查看”菜单,然后从“显示值”子菜单中进行选择。

Use the “Display Values” sub-menu to change how Digital Color Meter displays color values.

Moving over to the the “Color” menu, you can see you have the option to copy your color values as text “Shift + Cmd + C” or as an image “Option + Cmd + C”.

移至“颜色”菜单,您可以选择将颜色值复制为文本“ Shift + Cmd + C”或图像“ Option + Cmd + C”。

When you copy the color value as an image, it will be copied to the clipboard as a small swatch, which you can then paste elsewhere.


A simple demonstration of copying a color as an image.

In this case, we’ve found the RGB value of the blue in the How-To Geek banner, but, of course, we could obviously find the color value of literally anything else on the screen.

在这种情况下,我们在“ How-To Geek”横幅中找到了蓝色的RGB值,但是,当然,我们显然可以在屏幕上找到几乎所有其他颜色的颜色值。

We can quickly measure the color value of How-To Geek’s blue.
我们可以快速测量How-To Geek的蓝色的颜色值。

So, the next time you want to know exactly what color something is for that website you’re building, or you’re simply curious, you can open the “Utilities” folder and load up the Digital Color Meter and you’ll have that color value immediately. The Digital Color Meter is incredibly simple to use and we feel it has lasting value especially for someone planning on doing any kind of graphic design work.

因此,下次您想确切了解正在构建的网站的颜色是什么,或者只是好奇时,可以打开“实用程序”文件夹并加载数字色度计,颜色值立即。 数字色度计的使用非常简单,我们认为它具有持久的价值,特别是对于计划进行任何图形设计工作的人员而言。

We hope you found this article helpful, if you have any questions or comments you would like to contribute, we welcome your feedback in our discussion forum.





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