mac 字体微软雅黑字体

The humble font isn’t as humble as you might think, especially on a Mac. Fonts are more like plug-ins than you’d imagine, and because they’re loaded by macOS and the apps that run on it, a bad font can have some unexpected consequences.

谦虚的字体没有您想像的那么谦虚,尤其是在Mac上。 字体比您想像的更像插件,并且由于它们是由macOS及其上运行的应用程序加载的,所以不良字体可能会带来一些意想不到的后果。

Those consequences can range from the relatively benign, like some characters being displayed incorrectly, to something more annoying, like apps refusing to load or functions not working quite as they used to. Faulty fonts are rarely the cause of macOS system problems, but if you’re experiencing issues that don’t make a great deal of sense, checking out your fonts is a great first troubleshooting step to take.

这些后果的范围从相对温和的(例如某些字符显示不正确)到更烦人的(例如应用程序拒绝加载或功能无法正常使用)。 有问题的字体很少是导致macOS系统问题的原因,但是如果遇到的问题不是很有意义,那么检查字体是进行故障排除的第一步。

Thankfully, Apple includes a tool for installing, validating and generally troubleshooting fonts with each Mac. The next time your Mac is misbehaving, and you’re out of ideas, validating your fonts is a good troubleshooting step.

值得庆幸的是,Apple提供了一个用于在每台Mac上安装,验证字体以及对字体进行一般性故障排除的工具。 下次您的Mac出现异常情况,并且您没主意时,验证字体是一个很好的故障排除步骤。

如何在Mac上验证字体 (How to Validate Fonts on a Mac)

To begin, open the Font Book app. You’ll find it in your Applications folder. (Open Finder and click Go > Applications to open the folder.) Once open, select all of your fonts by clicking one and pressing Cmd+A.

首先,打开“字体书”应用。 您可以在“应用程序”文件夹中找到它。 (打开Finder,然后单击“ Go”>“ Applications”以打开该文件夹。)打开后,通过单击一种并按Cmd + A选择所有字体。

Right-click one of the fonts and click “Validate Fonts.”


Once the validation is complete, a new window will appear confirming whether any of your faults are damaged. A green icon indicates they’re fine, a yellow icon indicates there are warnings about the font, and a red icon indicates validation failed.

验证完成后,将出现一个新窗口,确认您的任何故障是否已损坏。 绿色图标表示效果很好,黄色图标表示存在有关字体的警告,红色图标表示验证失败。

如何删除损坏或重复的字体 (How to Remove Damaged or Duplicate Fonts)

If any of your fonts are indeed damaged, tick the checkboxes next to them and then click the “Remove Ticked” button.


The selected fonts will be removed from your system. If this is indeed required, restart your Mac once the fonts have been removed.

所选字体将从系统中删除。 如果确实需要这样做,请在删除字体后重新启动Mac。


mac 字体微软雅黑字体

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