
Have you ever been listening to MP3 music files that were really quiet while others were really loud? It can be quite an annoying problem and here’s how to fix it.

您是否曾经听过非常安静的MP3音乐文件,而其他人却很大声? 这可能是一个很烦人的问题,下面是解决方法。



MP3Gain is a free utility that analyzes mp3 files and determines how they will sound to the human ear. It will then adjust the files so they have about the same loudness, without affecting the quality of the recording. You can use it in two ways, which are Track or Album Mode.

MP3Gain是免费的实用程序,可以分析mp3文件并确定它们在人耳中的声音。 然后它将调整文件,使它们具有相同的响度,而不会影响录制质量。 您可以通过两种方式使用它,即“曲目”或“专辑模式”。

Track mode corrects the mix of unrelated songs to the level you select. While Album Mode corrects the entire album by relating them to the other songs on the album.

曲目模式将无关歌曲的混音校正到您选择的级别。 专辑模式通过将整个专辑与专辑中的其他歌曲相关联来校正整个专辑。

Installation and Use


Installation of MP3Gain is easy following the install wizard. If you need multilingual support, make sure to include the language files.

使用安装向导即可轻松安装MP3Gain。 如果需要多语言支持,请确保包括语言文件。

Using MP3Gain is a fairly simple process and can normalize your files in batches. First click on Add File(s) or Add Folder and browse to the files you want to normalize. Or you can simply drag and drop the files you want into the app.

使用MP3Gain是一个相当简单的过程,可以批量标准化您的文件。 首先单击“添加文件”或“添加文件夹”,然后浏览到要规范化的文件。 或者,您可以简单地将所需文件拖放到应用程序中。

Now decide the Target Volume level. The default is 89dB, but you can increase or decrease the level based on your preferences. Then click on Album Analysis to analyze the volume of each file. This step isn’t necessary, but you might be interested in checking out the differences in track volume levels. In this example we’re going to go ahead and analyze the files.

现在确定目标音量水平。 默认值为89dB,但是您可以根据自己的喜好增加或降低音量。 然后单击“专辑分析”以分析每个文件的容量。 此步骤不是必需的,但是您可能有兴趣检查轨道音量级别的差异。 在此示例中,我们将继续分析文件。

Now wait while MP3Gain completes the process of analyzing the volume levels.


Now you can look through the analysis results.


Now it’s time to normalize the volume of the files by clicking on the Album Gain button and wait while the files are normalized.


The process completes and you’ll see what adjustments were made.


Now you can listen to your favorite music without having to worry about one track being really loud and annoying or too quiet and adjusting the volume constantly.


Note: If your tunes sound too loud or quiet, just go back and adjust the Target Volume Setting and click on Track Gain again.

注意: 如果您的音乐听起来太大声或太安静,请返回并调整“目标音量”设置,然后再次单击“音轨增益”。

If none of the settings seem to be working for your music and you just want to revert to the original volumes, on the toolbar click Modify Gain then Undo Gain changes.


This is a great utility to normalize the volume of your MP3 collection and home recordings as well. Although the GUI seems dated, and there are other commercial programs out there which have more features…in our tests MP3Gain did a good job and it’s free.

这是一个很棒的实用程序,可以正常化MP3集合和家庭录音的音量。 尽管GUI似乎已经过时,但还有其他具有更多功能的商业程序……在我们的测试中,MP3Gain做得很好,而且是免费的。

We tested it on Windows 7 x64 but it should work in previous versions too.

我们已经在Windows 7 x64上对其进行了测试,但是它也应该在以前的版本中也可以使用。

Download MP3Gain for Windows


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/20700/how-to-adjust-the-volume-of-your-mp3-files/



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